Monarch Theatre => Batman Returns (1992) => Burton's Bat => 20 years of Batman Returns => Topic started by: Batman333 on Thu, 6 Sep 2012, 05:59

Title: One thing interesting about Batman Returns no one ever thinks of...
Post by: Batman333 on Thu, 6 Sep 2012, 05:59
The main character does not get the girl at the end of the movie like every other film...

Like I said - BR was ahead of its time!
Title: Re: One thing interesting about Batman Returns no one ever thinks of...
Post by: riddler on Sun, 16 Sep 2012, 04:23
some things that set returns apart from the other 3 films in it's continuity;
-as mentioned the only one where Bruce ends the film 'single'
-the only one where the opening scene does not feature batman. Also the only one where we see Bruce out of uniform prior to seeing him as Batman
-the only one where Batman is not in the final shot of the film.