Live action Justice League movie...
Option 1: No! Leave them in solo films
votes: 5
Option 2: Start with Batman vs. Superman and see how it goes
votes: 6
Option 3: Yes! DC should do their version of the avengers!
votes: 17
So since the avengers the big question is whether DC should bring their heroes together.
One advantage DC has is that their movie rights are basically all under WB whereas Marvel's movie rights are scattered among Disney, Sony, and Marvel themselves. The disadvantage though is that only 3 of their characters have had films, only 2 have had more than one live action and only 1 has had a successful one in the last 30 years.
It's also tough due to the difficulty bringing them together. As fun as their bickering is in the comics, how do you bring the space oriented Green Lantern into the same world as the grounded Batman?
Ideally i'd like to see what the Marvel films started out doing; each film (other than Captain America) featured more references than the last up to the Avengers. If it stops working they can abandon it. I'd prefer to see Batman vs. Superman first as those 2 are the most popular and best fit into the same universe.
Something like this has already been said, but it's worth repeating.
One thing Marvel did was establish the characters with succesful solo films, or at least 3 of them (excluding Hulk). DC didn't.
DC only had Nolan's Batman, which won't be part of a larger "DC film universe". Green Lantern wasn't very well received and Superman comes out in 2013. Introducing Wonder Woman and the Flash and re-introducing new versions of Green Lantern and Batman, with Superman as the sole anchor point (assuming the 2013 film is a success) is a huge risk, not to mention it could hurt the chances of Batman solo films.
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Thu, 2 Aug 2012, 13:21
Something like this has already been said, but it's worth repeating.
One thing Marvel did was establish the characters with succesful solo films, or at least 3 of them (excluding Hulk). DC didn't.
DC only had Nolan's Batman, which won't be part of a larger "DC film universe". Green Lantern wasn't very well received and Superman comes out in 2013. Introducing Wonder Woman and the Flash and re-introducing new versions of Green Lantern and Batman, with Superman as the sole anchor point (assuming the 2013 film is a success) is a huge risk, not to mention it could hurt the chances of Batman solo films.
The Incredible Hulk had a solo movie in 2008. He also had one in 2003 that isn't considered part of the universe. Another thing they did which seemed to work is include their lesser characters as supporting characters in the other films; Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Hawkeye all appeared in one or more of the 5 films leading up to the avengers. Though it's difficult to do so with the prominent DC characters. It seems Aquaman, Green Arrow and Wonder Woman would be lesser box office draws, the only one i could see this working with is the green arrow film.
Superman vs Batman had a lot of steam from 1995-2005 (basically put aside once Nolan and Bale nixed it in 2006), there were different interpretations of the script and most seemed to be pegged as 'solo' shots not necissarily as sequels to the previous films. Batman and superman are well established that you could basically put them in a film without a backstory and they'd work.
The green lantern film was flawed but most people believe it could have been great if the flaws were fixed (seems in the similar vain as daredevil; if you catch the directors cut it blows the film out of the water).
yes. i'll be hawkgirl.
I have very little interest in the Justice League set-up.
Still hoping this will have the fate of Burton's Superman or Petersen's Batman vs. Superman.
Honestly, I'm all for it. The Avengers weren't the first team-up of individual superheroes in comic history. DC did it years beforehand.
And not to turn this into Marvel vs. DC, but I find the JLA stories far more interesting than any of the Avengers ones, in terms of playing off different personalities and exploring themes of power and responsibility, whether it's the animated series or the animated movies or Tower of Babel or even Kingdom Come.
They tried to do this years ago with director George Miller with a script written by Kieran and Michele Mulroney. Due to the writers strike and tax issues with Australia, it didn't go through.
But the script itself was solid. Not perfect, it still had cheesy moments and could've used a dialogue polish. But the characterizations were dead-on. The plot itself was an adaptation of Tower of Babel and The OMAC Project, with elements of Kingdom Come. The action was intense. The ending was completely risky, but I dug it. In terms of "big superhero team-up" scripts of recent years, I thought it was stronger than both X-Men: First Class and The Avengers. Hell, compared to the scripts of this year's superhero movies (Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises), it was better written than all of them, in my opinion. I hope that Will Beall's script captures the same elements and ideas.
I also feel like establishing a DC film universe would allow for an onscreen Batman universe that's closer to the comics, that could bring in the more fantastical villains and elements that Nolan didn't think would work in his world (Clayface, Man-Bat, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, need I go on?). The animated series was able to do this well and tie in their established Batman with the JLA setting, so it's not impossible.
Still, I have a bit of skepticism myself that this will work out like The Avengers did with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. WB has had the rights to these DC characters longer than Marvel Studios has been around and could've easily done its own film universe years ago. Superman's already getting rebooted and Batman probably will, too, now that Nolan's done. Who knows what will happen to Green Lantern, after the reception it got last year. They still haven't gotten a Wonder Woman or a Flash movie off the ground. They couldn't even get a good Wonder Woman TV show on the air.
So while I'd love to see a JLA film come out that's on par or above the level of the animated series or the Mulroneys' script, I don't have a ton of faith yet that it'll happen.
Yes. They should do it. The sooner, the better.
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Fri, 10 Aug 2012, 13:57
Still hoping this will have the fate of Burton's Superman or Petersen's Batman vs. Superman.
Did someone say the magical words of 'Burton's Superman' ???
Sorry , I made all these myself because I think Burton's Superman would have been interesting even if it sucked... I guess 'entertaining' would probably be the word I'm looking for. Think sci fi burton popcorn movie... and YES , I made these artworks of Superman Lives myself (lol).
I think 70% of people would prefered Burton's whacky take on Superman over the god awful boring Superman Lives by Bryan Singer where Superman DIDN'T EVEN THROW ONE PUNCH in a 2.5 hour movie!!!
I think I would have preferred a Burton misfire over Superman Returns, but that's an entirely personal bias I have against the Singer film.
QuoteAnd not to turn this into Marvel vs. DC, but I find the JLA stories far more interesting than any of the Avengers ones, in terms of playing off different personalities and exploring themes of power and responsibility, whether it's the animated series or the animated movies or Tower of Babel or even Kingdom Come.
They tried to do this years ago with director George Miller with a script written by Kieran and Michele Mulroney. Due to the writers strike and tax issues with Australia, it didn't go through.
But the script itself was solid. Not perfect, it still had cheesy moments and could've used a dialogue polish. But the characterizations were dead-on. The plot itself was an adaptation of Tower of Babel and The OMAC Project, with elements of Kingdom Come. The action was intense. The ending was completely risky, but I dug it. In terms of "big superhero team-up" scripts of recent years, I thought it was stronger than both X-Men: First Class and The Avengers. Hell, compared to the scripts of this year's superhero movies (Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises), it was better written than all of them, in my opinion. I hope that Will Beall's script captures the same elements and ideas.
I also feel like establishing a DC film universe would allow for an onscreen Batman universe that's closer to the comics, that could bring in the more fantastical villains and elements that Nolan didn't think would work in his world (Clayface, Man-Bat, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, need I go on?). The animated series was able to do this well and tie in their established Batman with the JLA setting, so it's not impossible.
Yes. I think a JL film would work quite well, and I honestly can't decide on solo films (though I've read some compelling articles articulating this notion) or if JL should launch a series.
Also, when I saw this:
it more or less showed in a fan made trailer/sizzle reel how one could be done. :) (I know, I know, it will be different actors, new dialogue, etc., but this is more or less what I'd hope for)
I have to admit, I'm a little apprehensive about this movie. However - if they hire the right people and get a good script together, I can be won over. Something a lot more fantastical can't be too bad. Something like the Tower of Babel would be fantastic, although I think that plot line is perhaps too overused.
I doubt we'll ever get confirmation of this but you could almost say the Avengers movie could have easily lifted ideas from the justice league comics; i'm speaking mainly about the personalities and how they clash
-Captain America's Role could be interchanged with the Flash; both have tragedy in their past (though so do every superheroes). Both got their powers completely by accident in a manner which could happen with anyone.
-green arrow and hawkeye, this ones obvious.
-wonder woman and black widow.
-batman/green lantern and the hulk/iron man. I know this one seems odd but 3 of the 4 are very intelligent. Batman and the hulk characters are the most disrespected in the eyes of the public in their respective universes as they are deemed dangerous and unintelligent. Bruce Wayne and Tony stark are of course millionaires. All 4 of these characters are without fathers. Green Lantern and Iron man are deemed by their fellow heroes to bee too reckless and seem to be accused of having too much fun being heroes. Iron Man's weapons are similar to Gren Lanterns constructs. Hal Jordan does become villanous to the other DC heroes in the comics similar to what happens with the Hulk (caused by corruption).
- Superman and Thor: neither are from earth but both enjoy it, they have flight capability and strength. They are likely the noblest with the clearest intentions in their universes.
-DC has plenty of villains who could rival Loki including general zod, or just about any green lantern enemies.
Remember the huge argument among the egos in the avengers film? Plenty of those in the JLA universe.
By the way on the previous point, I'm in agreement that seems the JLA teamup is better than the avengers ones. Marvel has more great characters than DC but that can be a bad thing when it comes to team ups because there are stories involving teamups of Spider-man, Ant Man, Wasp, Phantom, Spider-woman, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Ms Marvel PLUS the 7 heroes, we got in the avengers. That's over 15 heroes and over 25 if you include the fantastic four and Xmen (all marvel heroes do exist in the same universe) and so the threat needs to be catastrophic to have a decent story involving them.
DC on the other hand has a strong base of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman, You could squeeze the black canary, deadpool, aquaman, and the side kicks in but such is not required. But even the biggest DC teamups are around 10 heroes MAX and generally closer to 5.
As much as I loved the avengers, part of me thinks it was too soon. Aside from sidekicks (Batman/Robin, Iron Man/War Machine) and teams which always work together (X-men and the fantastic 4), we hadn't had 2 heroes fighting together on screen and then we got 57 (depending on whether you count Nick Fury since he doesn't fight or Black Widow since she was already an iron man sub character).Not sure if marvel could have done a 2 man team up but I wish DC got their feet wet with the Batman vs. Superman which was rumoured from 1999-2004. That would have been perfect timing in hindsight with the previous batman films only having loose continuity, 15 years since the last superman fim (and us still 30 years since the last good one).