Monarch Theatre => Nolan's Bat => The Dark Knight Rises (2012) => Topic started by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 19:48

Title: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 19:48
A lot of people were expecting the diehard Nolan fanatics to respond abusively to negative reviews, but apparently it's gotten so bad that the server crashed on the website where the first negative review was posted. Rotten Tomatoes has had to disable comments and remove links to the sites where the negative reviews are. Editor-in-chief Matt Atchity also wrote this statement:

The fact these morons haven't even seen the damn film makes their behaviour all the more reprehensible. For people who claim to be mature intellectual film buffs, they've got a lot of growing up to do.

Anyway, the RT rating is currently at 86%. I'm predicting it will stabilize somewhere between 85% and 95%. Though it could go either way. Usually the earliest reviews for blockbuster films are positive, since studios tend to grant advanced screenings to critics they know will look favourably towards the genre. That's why the ratings for superhero movies start out strong, but usually decline as the more objective reviews are taken into consideration later on.

With that in mind, I'm surprised TDKR is already in the 80-90% zone. I thought it would stay around the 90% mark for at least the opening week. And while I've avoided reading the reviews to avoid spoliers, I have glanced at some of the quotes. And it seems like even the positive reviews are acknowledging the film has flaws. For some critics, those flaws will make or break the picture. And if that's their opinion, they're entitled to it. Sending them death threats by email won't alter that fact or encourage RT to disqualify their opinion from the aggregator.

I'm sure no one on this site would be so obnoxiously petulant anyway. But unfortunately the people who do this sort of thing are giving us Batman fans a bad name. So let's all of us try and promote tolerance for other people's opinions, even if we don't agree with them.
Title: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Paul (ral) on Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 20:35
Same sh*t...different movie I guess!
Title: Re: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Gotham Knight on Tue, 17 Jul 2012, 21:55
We live in the era of entertainment where hype overwhelms all else. Thanks TDK.  ::)
Title: Re: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Azrael on Wed, 18 Jul 2012, 19:56
(hope it's the right thread for reviews)

I never once in my life sent a bad comment because I didn't agree with a review (well, except a blog-reviewer who insulted B89 so bad you wouldn't believe), but...


Witness a wonderful excerpt, I wasn't able to read it to the end

Quote"Get with the program!" scolds another letter from a brainwashed fan of the Batman-as-seen-through-the-pretentiousness-of-the-Christopher-Nolan trilogy, "You are a dinosaur!" He's probably right, and I probably would—if I could only make one lick of sense out of what this nonsense is all about. Silly pop-culture comic book cinema about grown men in rubber masks and Styrofoam jock straps is bad enough, but incomprehensible gibberish to boot is just plain unacceptable. Halfheartedly, I give The Dark Knight Rises—the third and final Batflick in the Nolan trilogy—one star for eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in blinding Imax, but talk about stretching things. That's all most immature audiences require for their hard-earned money these days. The rest of it should not be reviewed by anyone over the age of 12.

As caped crusaders go, I prefer Superman, Spider Man and, above all, Captain Marvel, who has been criminally ignored by the movies so far. (Can't you just see Michael Fassbender staring into the camera hissing "Shazam!"?) And as Batman goes, I had a lot more fun when he was fighting off Catwoman and The Joker at the Saturday afternoon double features of my youth in his campy bat cave with his jailbait roommate Robin.

This isn't just a bad review, it's a prejudiced review, designed to get a reaction.
Title: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 18 Jul 2012, 22:42
Yeah, unfairly harsh and as you say...just to get a reaction.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Gotham Knight on Thu, 19 Jul 2012, 15:18
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Wed, 18 Jul  2012, 19:56
(hope it's the right thread for reviews)

I never once in my life sent a bad comment because I didn't agree with a review (well, except a blog-reviewer who insulted B89 so bad you wouldn't believe), but...


Witness a wonderful excerpt, I wasn't able to read it to the end

Quote"Get with the program!" scolds another letter from a brainwashed fan of the Batman-as-seen-through-the-pretentiousness-of-the-Christopher-Nolan trilogy, "You are a dinosaur!" He's probably right, and I probably would—if I could only make one lick of sense out of what this nonsense is all about. Silly pop-culture comic book cinema about grown men in rubber masks and Styrofoam jock straps is bad enough, but incomprehensible gibberish to boot is just plain unacceptable. Halfheartedly, I give The Dark Knight Rises—the third and final Batflick in the Nolan trilogy—one star for eardrum-busting sound effects and glaucoma-inducing computerized images in blinding Imax, but talk about stretching things. That's all most immature audiences require for their hard-earned money these days. The rest of it should not be reviewed by anyone over the age of 12.

As caped crusaders go, I prefer Superman, Spider Man and, above all, Captain Marvel, who has been criminally ignored by the movies so far. (Can't you just see Michael Fassbender staring into the camera hissing "Shazam!"?) And as Batman goes, I had a lot more fun when he was fighting off Catwoman and The Joker at the Saturday afternoon double features of my youth in his campy bat cave with his jailbait roommate Robin.

This isn't just a bad review, it's a prejudiced review, designed to get a reaction.

No one has it coming. If it's done to get a reaction....don't react. If you give in and fall into the trap, that's your fault

Secondly, if someone (prejudiced) or otherwise says that a movie sucks, that's not a call to threaten to slash their throats.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Azrael on Wed, 25 Jul 2012, 15:56
This is priceless

QuoteThe most impressive thing about Bane is his thick-as-a-brick wall body. (Like Nolan's previous Batman outings, there's more than a hint of the homoerotic swirling about the proceedings)

Wait... what? I guess some people see what they want to see.
Title: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 25 Jul 2012, 16:12
Can't say I caught a hint of that!
Title: Re: The Dark Knight Rises on Rotten Tomatoes (no spoilers)
Post by: The Joker on Wed, 25 Jul 2012, 20:00
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 18 Jul  2012, 22:42
Yeah, unfairly harsh and as you say...just to get a reaction.

Silly attention whores.