Let's do this!
Awesome Idea!
I'm really looking forward to this, what time will this event take place?
We need to decide a time. Since most people are in US / UK it needs to suit both.
How about making it a evening chat like at 6 p.m.?
Oh yeah, would have to be suit most people.
6pm EST?
What time is that in the UK? About 11pm?
I'm in Ireland but I could definitely do 11 PM at night...
So do we just watch the movie and comment on the message boards?
You're in Ireland? Me too!
Derry/Londonderry... :)
I'm from Down.
Were you at 2D a few weeks back?
This years was actually the first one I've missed since it started. I was visting a friend in Liverpool over the weekend.
But I heard this years was a good one!
I only got to spend 2 hours at it sadly. But I did get a drawing by Jock plus some comics signed by him and Cam Kennedy...which was very cool.
The folks that run 2D are the nicest you could find...such a great ethos about the whole thing
So is this 11pm tonight UK time?
Does that suit?
Sure. I guess we'll be done by about 1am. Time for bed. ;)
6 est is 5 central. I'll be there. Just needs me some linkage
I'll get the tech stuff sorted (in time i hope!)
Anyone want to set up the BlogTalkRadio and arrange to get a few on to talk?
Does the site still have BTR? If So, I'll do it.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 20:14
Does the site still have BTR? If So, I'll do it.
I tried on my old personal btr. I'm allowed only 30 minutes without paying...
Yeah, they really screwed us over with that. >:(
Quote from: Kamdan on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 20:25
Yeah, they really screwed us over with that. >:(
UPDATE! If we can sort out this BTR thing, and if not in time for the film, We could do a post show call in.
Could set up a couple of 30min shows. We can throw out the link during the text chat for each new show
Use the BMOnline account - GK has the login details
Sounds like fun.
Ral, will you be keeping a transcript of tonight's Batman Returns' chat?
I can't wait to get started.
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 20:52
Ral, will you be keeping a transcript of tonight's Batman Returns' chat?
Wait... so we just go on that website and hear each other talk?
Isn't there an easier way?
The audio bit is just a bonus - it is a text chatroom that everyone is invited to
Ah I see... I never did the Batman 89 chat.
Guest Call-in
(347) 215-7999
Show starts at 5 pm central time!!!
Will this be after the text commentary?
I can't call in btw - the webserver im using for the chat is right beside the kids bedroom and he's sleeping :-[
So I'm guessing we have to register on the site...
I feel like an idiot. :)
no registering necessary,just call. The first 30 min show starts as the film starts
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 21:52
no registering necessary,just call. The first 30 min show starts as the film starts
I won't be able to take part in the radio show. Will there be a recording for others, like myself, to listen to afterwards?
And what if your content with text chat? Just stick to the message boards?
yes gobbs and yes pfeiffer pfan
Awesome. I look forward to listening to it.
Same here...
I'll comment as much as I can but I'll probably just get caught up in the film. ;D
Ral, were do we need to go to get started?
yeah, isn't it go time?
I'm ready and waiting.
What's going on?
follow the link (pop-up might need allowing) - sign in with your name (password not needed)
Link to radio show:
Gutted I couldn't take part last night. Hope all went to plan?
There was a delay to the start (getting ready took me longer than I thought plus my keyboard batteries started to die) but we got there in the end.
Just wanted to say thanks again AND that we should revisit the BTR thing. I say its time drop it in favor of Skype or something. Really didn't expect BTR to drop the ball like that.
I want to get another live chat event going for Returns very soon.
Same as the last time but at the weekend to suit everyone.
Suggestions for dates? Possible live voice chat to run simultaneously?
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 13 Sep 2012, 22:12
Suggestions for dates? Possible live voice chat to run simultaneously?
Whenever you'd like Paul. I'd like to do one soon, but can I also suggest that some of us get together just before Christmas to record a special commentary for the film.
Yes! We need to organise a test to see how it might sound before we commit.
This sounds great. I sadly missed it the first time around
A few did due to it being mid week.
count me in if you do it again. I can get any day i want off pretty much, the only exceptions being monday evening and preferably not sunday (as I need my NFL)
Are we not doing another commentary before Christmas?
Yep. Need to nail this down soon. Choices are 16th or 23rd.
I like the idea of 23rd. But we should poll it.
Many people do the live stream with the chat going on the side.
My vote is for the 23rd. ;)
OK - Dec 23rd 8pm EST! The perfect festive time!
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 17 Dec 2012, 02:51
OK - Dec 23rd 8pm EST! The perfect festive time!
Awesome. I look forward to it. Spread the word! :)
This is my very first message on the web-site!! I just wanted to know the precise time to connect!! I've read this "8pm EST and 7pm Central (1pm UK time)" and it's a bit confusing, because 1 p.m. in UK does not correspond to 8 pm in the USA!! And how do I connect to the chat??
Thanks for the info :)
Sorry! 1am UK time!
A link to the chat room will appear an hour before it starts
Chat room opens in 3 hours.
A link will open on the main page in less than 2 hours
A link will open on the main page in 20 mins for our Batman Returns watch n' webchat
The chatroom is open for our Batman Returns watch n' webchat! visit our sites main page to log in (open to everyone - regardless of membership)
We're 1hr 26 mins into the chat!