Gotham Plaza => Iceberg Lounge => Comic Film & TV => Topic started by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 18 Mar 2012, 15:55

Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 18 Mar 2012, 15:55
I was looking forward to Turtles 5 after TMNT (2007) came out  :)
Then I heard they were abandoning another sequel in favour of a Michael Bay reboot  :-X
Now Bay's announced the new Turtles are going to be aliens  >:(" target="_blank">Michael Bay talks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles</a> <i>by <a href="

How does this man sleep at night?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 19 Mar 2012, 14:55

Not crazy about the alien bit.

AT ALL.   >:(
Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Paul (ral) on Tue, 20 Mar 2012, 01:07
Michael Bay doesn't get it.

He doesn't get the Transformers and he won't get the Turtles.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Tue, 20 Mar 2012, 14:42

Michelangelo Voice Actor Says Michael Bay Is "Sodomizing" The TMNT Legacy (

QuoteThe guy who voiced Michaelangelo in the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movies is FURIOUS with Michael Bay ... claiming the director is "sodomizing" the franchise by changing "turtle" history in an upcoming flick.

The outrage stems from a comment Bay made about his upcoming live-action flick at a recent media event .... in which he said, "These turtles are from an alien race, and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely loveable."

Of course, TMNT fans are FLIPPING OUT ... since everyone knows the turtles mutated during a brush with radioactive ooze after falling through a sewer ... duh.

One of those pissed off fans is voice-actor Robbie Rist ... who recently posted a letter to Bay stating, "You probably don't know me but I did some voice work on the first set of movies that you are starting to talk about sodomizing."

Rist added, "I know believing in mutated talking turtles is kinda silly to begin with but am I supposed to be led to believe there are ninjas from another planet? The rape of our childhood memories continues ... "

Still, Rist tells TMZ ... "Everything I have said here could be off base and wrong ... He has made WAY more money at this than I have."

Here is an UPDATE from Bay himself which was posted on his Shoot For The Edit message boards..

Quote"Fans need to take a breath, and chill. They have not read the script. Our team is working closely with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles to help expand and give a more complex back story. Relax, we are including everything that made you become fans in the first place. We are just building a richer world."
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: gordonblu on Tue, 20 Mar 2012, 19:52
Aliens makes things "richer"? Is he going to reboot X-Men and turn them into aliens as well?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 00:21
Good on Robbie Rist! Now we just need Corey Feldman to speak up. He's not someone you'd want for an enemy  >:( No sirree.

QuoteMichael Bay doesn't get it.

He doesn't get the Transformers and he won't get the Turtles.

That's the problem with all these movies based on kids' shows from the 80s and 90s. Films like Transformers and GI Joe. They're trying to capitalise on the nostalgia of a certain generation, but it's not that generation that's making the films. The kids who grew up watching these shows in the 80s and 90s are now aged in their 20s and 30s - too young to be directing multimillion dollar film franchises. So instead we get people like Michael Bay, who really don't understand the appeal of these things to begin with, trying to twist them into something they're not.

We don't want a realistic reboot with a "richer world". We want awesome animatronic Turtle suits, well-choreographed fight scenes, embarrassingly bad jokes, and lots of late 80s/early 90s surfer lingo. We want Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, the Technodrome and Dimension X. We want pizza, sewers, April O'Neil in a yellow jumpsuit, and a talking rat dispensing Miyagi-esque words of wisdom. We want dollops of ninja action, with a side serving of Vanilla Ice. In short, we want it to be cheesy and nostalgic. Or at least that's what i want.

What we don't want is Michael Bay, shaky cam, fake-looking CGI Turtles, Shia Labeouf, or a subplot about a teenager trying to get laid. And we certainly don't want the Turtles' origin story rewritten so they're aliens from the planet Turtletron.

Hopefully, a few years from now, we'll start getting more accurate movies based on these old franchises, made by people who grew up loving them. Until then, let's just hope Michael Bay doesn't get his mitts on Thundercats, Defenders of the Earth or Masters of the Universe.
Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 02:31
I wonder what model will be playing April?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 07:21

"Teenage MUTANT Ninja Turtles, you say?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Bay, caused by green goo, or "ooze" as some would put it."

"Make them aliens"

"Aliens? But Sir, they're Mut-"

"Look. All I know is that the Transformers are aliens. Transformers makes me money. Ergo Aliens make me money. It's what the public wants....obviously"

"So...should we change the title?"

"Change the title? Why the hell would we do that? We wouldn't want to alienate the fans now would we?"

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Azrael on Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 21:44
What Uwe Boll is to movies based on games, Michael Bay tends to become for movies based on 80s shows. Their only difference is budget and financial success. I wonder if he even knows that the Turtles started as a comic book.
Title: TMNT movie news UPDATE
Post by: The Joker on Fri, 23 Mar 2012, 16:04

TMNT Co-Creator Peter Laird Addresses New Alien Origin (

Quote"I would actually encourage TMNT fans to swallow the 'chill pill' Mr. Bay recently suggested they take, and wait and see what might come out of this seemingly ill-conceived plan," TMNT co-creator Peter Laird wrote on his blog. "It's possible that with enough truly creative brainpower applied to this idea, it might actually work. I'm not saying it's probable, or even somewhat likely... but it IS possible."

Kevin Eastman's Rather Different Take On Michael Bay's Mutant Alien Turtle Plans (

QuoteHey Guys, Sorry to have been away for so long–completely swamped with work–but it is some pretty exciting stuff. I had been invited to check out the TMNT film development by my friend Scott Mednick over the years, and a while back had a full look behind the curtian at what writers Appelbaum and Nemec, director Liebesman, and producer Bay are doing–and trust me–it IS AWESOME. I'm officially on board, and will share more as I'm allowed... thanks all!

Peter Laird clarifies his opinion on Turtles/Alien Race (

Quote"Did you really get out of what I wrote that I in any way, shape or form LIKE the idea of a planet of Turtles? If so, I guess I have to re-think how I express myself."

"Just so it's absolutely clear -- I think a planet of turtles is not, in and of itself, a bad idea for some kind of science fiction/fantasy story. But as a way to explain any aspect of the backstory of TMNT, I think it is awful and unnecessary."

"Of course, we have no idea at this point if the plan is to have a planet of Turtles. It's probably a good idea to wait and see."

"I don't think anyone outside of Michael Bay and the people working on this premise know exactly what he meant when he said "these Turtles are from an alien race"... and until we DO know exactly what that means, it is hard to get behind a specific argument against it."

"Also, I have to take issue, gently, with the notion that you and others have expressed, a notion summed up in your quote."

"He may have made "Transformers" movies which are not to your taste, but he hasn't turned the properties themselves into "utter crap". I have no particular interest in "Transformers", but it seems to me that -- like TMNT -- it will be around for a long time, well after Michael Bay's involvement with it is done." -- PL

And on the rumor of Krang being the villain in the upcoming film ....


Quote"Almost anything can be made to "work" in a movie... the more important question is whether it can be made to work WELL. I have a pre-exisitng antipathy toward the character of "Krang" -- I felt he was overused in the original cartoon -- so I am probably not the best person to ask this question of... because even if "Krang" could be made to work well in a new movie, I wouldn't really want to see him." -- PL
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 23 Mar 2012, 17:03
I always got the impression Eastman and Laird weren't keen on the original cartoon show. I remember reading somewhere that the producers of TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze wanted Bebop and Rocksteady to appear, but Eastman and Laird vetoed it. So instead we got Tokka and Rahzar.

I don't think they'll use Krang in the new film. And if they do they'll change him beyond recognition. Which is a shame, because the original Krang had one of the funniest voices ever.

As far as special effects go, they could always depict a live-action Krang using puppetry, with his body looking something like Goro from the first Mortal Kombat film.

Or they could just hire this guy...
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sat, 24 Mar 2012, 00:11
Quote from: gordonblu on Tue, 20 Mar  2012, 19:52
Aliens makes things "richer"? Is he going to reboot X-Men and turn them into aliens as well?
Exactly. It's a very simplistic concept that can be applied to anything.

If a director is to take on a franchise, do your own thing - but work within the guidelines of the brand.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Sat, 24 Mar 2012, 19:46
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 23 Mar  2012, 17:03
I always got the impression Eastman and Laird weren't keen on the original cartoon show. I remember reading somewhere that the producers of TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze wanted Bebop and Rocksteady to appear, but Eastman and Laird vetoed it. So instead we got Tokka and Rahzar.


Laird has also done interviews regarding the '87 toon, and it definately wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Especially with the Fred Wolf company, where a multi-million dollar lawsuit eventually took place. I think Eastman is more on the fence as far as characters like Bebop, Rocksteady, and Krang are concerned (considering his participation with the IDW comics which definately incorporates elements from the '87 series), but there assuredly seems to be some bitterness on Laird's part when it comes to material originated in that series. Possibly why we never saw those characters, except for really quick cameos as nods to fans, in the 2003 animated series.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 25 Mar 2012, 19:58
I haven't read any of the IDW comics, but I'm intrigued to hear they implemented elements from the original cartoon show. I do remember reading some Turtles comics back in the early 90s. And a few years ago I finally got around to reading some of the original Mirage comics from the 80s. I was surprised by just how closely the first movie stuck to those early stories. If we ever start producing movie-to-comic comparisons for other superhero films (I've been thinking about doing that for the Chris Reeve Superman movies, if anyone's interested) then the first Turtles film would be pretty easy to analyse.

The latest news on the movie backlash: Leonardo voice, Brian Tochi, and the first live-action April, Judith Hoag, have both voiced support for the film.

IGN has also published an article defending the new film. It's nice to see so many remarks from old-school Turtle fans in the comments section.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: gordonblu on Mon, 9 Jul 2012, 20:25
Take this with the required dosage of sodium... (

If these character ARE in the film, that could be somewhat interesting, but I'm not holding my breath.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Tue, 10 Jul 2012, 15:20
With all this stuff about an alien origin and such, going with Krang as the main villain works. We've never seen him fully realized in any of the live action movies, so that would be interesting to see.

Not sure about the idea of adding Bebop and Rocksteady. Always thought of those two more as the Shredder's goons than that of Krang. Stick with the rock soldiers. Krang's got a whole army to shell out.   ::)
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 10 Jul 2012, 19:45
Evidently the Turtlegate outcry has not gone unheard. The release date has been knocked back from late 2013 to May 2014, with production delayed due to script problems. Some sites are claiming production has halted indefinitely. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Needless to say, I would love to see Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady in the finished picture. I just hope they don't get "reimagined" to the extent we can't recognise them.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Fri, 13 Jul 2012, 03:59
I guess the one silver lining if they do become aliens is that it sets up Krang to be a villain better but still does he not realize that aliens are not MUTANTS?

Laird did not like the TV series hence and it was stated that is why there were no characters from the cartoon added to the films. I wish we got a dark crime film like the first film again. Like the batman series the soccer moms moaned about the violence and ruined that series as well leading to a third film (TMNT 3) which rivals Batman and Robin on the silly scale. You'll notice in the second film the turtles never use their weapons to fight bad guys even once.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Fri, 13 Jul 2012, 14:35
Quote from: riddler on Fri, 13 Jul  2012, 03:59
I guess the one silver lining if they do become aliens is that it sets up Krang to be a villain better but still does he not realize that aliens are not MUTANTS?

I'm sure he does since he's got Co-Creator Kevin Eastman on board, but apparently Bay and company are taking the 'New Universe, New Rules' approach to this. It's Michael Bay. Go Figure.

QuoteLaird did not like the TV series hence and it was stated that is why there were no characters from the cartoon added to the films.

I always considered that a mistake on his part. Not sure if Eastman was just as big of a proponent of excluding characters originated in the Fred Wolf series into the live action films, but it's been revealed Laird had a falling out with the people affiliated with the '87 toon, and it more than likely had a influence on his staunch stance in essentially ignoring them for years until the very entertaining Turtles Forever special a few years back.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Fri, 13 Jul 2012, 16:03
Quote from: The Joker on Fri, 13 Jul  2012, 14:35
Quote from: riddler on Fri, 13 Jul  2012, 03:59
I guess the one silver lining if they do become aliens is that it sets up Krang to be a villain better but still does he not realize that aliens are not MUTANTS?

I'm sure he does since he's got Co-Creator Kevin Eastman on board, but apparently Bay and company are taking the 'New Universe, New Rules' approach to this. It's Michael Bay. Go Figure.

QuoteLaird did not like the TV series hence and it was stated that is why there were no characters from the cartoon added to the films.

I always considered that a mistake on his part. Not sure if Eastman was just as big of a proponent of excluding characters originated in the Fred Wolf series into the live action films, but it's been revealed Laird had a falling out with the people affiliated with the '87 toon, and it more than likely had a influence on his staunch stance in essentially ignoring them for years until the very entertaining Turtles Forever special a few years back.

There's actually some interesting parallels between TMNT and Batman
-both had TV shows which were generally disliked by the existing comic fans but were extremely popular and attracted many other fans. Now the difference being Bob Kane acknowledged the importance of the Adam west show while Eastman disliked the cartoon.
-the subsequent film made an attempt to be UNLIKE the show
-the soccer moms complained about the violence with the films and both series got two 'kiddy' movies. The difference being Batman got two dark movies before it being dumbed down while TMNT only got one
-both of the final movies in the 90's had sequels planned but both were nixed due to poor reception of TMNT III and Batman and Robin.

I'm hoping saner heads prevail over Michael Bay telling him he can't change the origin but then again somehow the Ang Lee 2003 Hulk disaster squeaked through basically spitting on the source material.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 28 Feb 2013, 22:54
Megan Fox is playing April O'Neil.

It's like Transformers all over again.  :(
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 1 Mar 2013, 00:02
Ugh. They could have picked anyone and they chose her. Look, there's Megan Fox. Not a fan.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Fri, 1 Mar 2013, 03:38
I try not to get personal about celebrities (ie, total strangers to me) unless they get personal first. And she has. So she can go piss up a rope as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Batman88 on Sat, 2 Mar 2013, 13:35
I grew up on the Ninja Turtles cartoon and the movies. Now , they're f***in the legacy up.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Azrael on Sun, 3 Mar 2013, 22:23
Yes... and you can't choose to ignore his movies because they print money. At least Uwe Boll's are DTV fare and largely based on IPs from the 00s.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Thu, 7 Mar 2013, 07:34

Looks like it's shaping up for the 1990 film to assuredly still remain the definitive TMNT movie for some time to come.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Thu, 7 Mar 2013, 16:29
The 1990 film will ALWAYS be the definitive Turtles movie. When I heard their still going to be using CGI to animate the Turtles I quickly lost interest in my whole excitement. I'll take actors in suits any day. CGI is never believable. There's something that remains so exciting to me to this day, and it's so stupid, of seeing real "flesh n blood" Turtles brought to life by a Jim Henson workshop than any cartoon or visual effects house. I imagine it would be so for newer fans today but unfortunately their denied that magic we had in the nineties by having Pixar related visuals that we've all seen to death.

And then I heard this news....oh dear. The original actress for April O' Neil was fine. Not completely like the cartoon but close enough. Megan Fox on the other hand is a sheer contrast in every sense of the phrase. I wish directors would experiment more with new collegues and not just rely on tried and tested people from their previous movies.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 7 Mar 2013, 23:54
Judith Hoag was my favourite April. And the practical effects work on the Turtles themselves was some of the best I've ever seen. It still holds up today. All in all, the 1990 movie was one of the defining movie experiences of my childhood.

I'm actually working on a comic-to-movie analysis of it right now, in case anyone's interested. I'll try and get it posted sometime in the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 00:28
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 23:54Judith Hoag was my favourite April.
Ditto, good sir.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 23:54And the practical effects work on the Turtles themselves was some of the best I've ever seen. It still holds up today. All in all, the 1990 movie was one of the defining movie experiences of my childhood.
In general, I think it would be fair to say that the 1990 movie straddled the tone of the cartoon show and the story of the comics. And maybe that's my beef with it. I loved it as a kid and have fond memories of it but it hasn't held up well for me. The dancing, the jokes, the occasional slap-sticky fight choreography, it just detracts from what the movie could've been. I liked that the movie was a little darker than the cartoon (which abandoned the relative seriousness it had going after, what, five or six episodes?) but now it just bothers me. The chuck-off between Mike and the Foot soldier is amusing but the nonstop jokes during what was supposed to be a life or death battle... ugh, it just grates on me now. If you guys all dig on it, more power to you, but it's hard for me to sit through now.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 23:54I'm actually working on a comic-to-movie analysis of it right now, in case anyone's interested. I'll try and get it posted sometime in the next few weeks.
Couldn't help too much with specifics but as far as the general story goes, I do know that there are similarities in the plot. The movie definitely has a fair amount in common with the Mirage comic. The plot point of the Turtles meeting the Foot, getting the crap beaten out of them and then leaving NY for a while happened in the comics. Too much more than that is above my paygrade but, hey, if you didn't know... well, now you do. I just hope I'm right or I'll feel real silly later on.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 08:55
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 23:54
I'm actually working on a comic-to-movie analysis of it right now, in case anyone's interested. I'll try and get it posted sometime in the next few weeks.

Count me in as interested, and looking forward to reading that.

Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 09:02
Quote from: The Joker on Fri,  8 Mar  2013, 08:55
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 23:54
I'm actually working on a comic-to-movie analysis of it right now, in case anyone's interested. I'll try and get it posted sometime in the next few weeks.

Count me in as interested, and looking forward to reading that.

Me too!
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: gordonblu on Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 14:26
As I am unfamiliar with the Eastman/Laird comics, I am definitely interested in the analysis. I've heard the first film is a somewhat uncomfortable mixture of the harder edged comics and the family friendly cartoon.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 17:29
ooo megan fox ;D :P

is the new turtles cartoon any good? didn't want to make a whole new post to ask lol
Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 9 Mar 2013, 01:47
Yeah i quite like it. Nice mix of the first live action film and the previous stuff.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Batman88 on Sat, 9 Mar 2013, 12:41
I take it the new movie is in development hell right now, isn't it ?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 00:00
QuoteI liked that the movie was a little darker than the cartoon (which abandoned the relative seriousness it had going after, what, five or six episodes?) but now it just bothers me. The chuck-off between Mike and the Foot soldier is amusing but the nonstop jokes during what was supposed to be a life or death battle... ugh, it just grates on me now. If you guys all dig on it, more power to you, but it's hard for me to sit through now.

I get where you're coming from, and you're right. Some of the jokes are cringe worthy. But that's part of the appeal for me. When I saw it on the cinema as a 5 year old I thought the jokes were hilarious. Now, as an adult, the embarrassment factor is part of what makes it fun. I feel the same way when I watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It's all part of the nostalgic experience.

I'm reluctant to call the first TMNT a "guilty pleasure" though, since I think it does have some legitimate artistic merit. The special effects and costumes are excellent, the lighting and cinematography give it a really great look, the stunt work and fight choreography are top notch, and altogether it's a slick, well-paced family action film.

The second movie on the other hand is definitely a guilty pleasure. But I still like it. Again, for nostalgic reasons.

QuoteI just hope I'm right or I'll feel real silly later on.

As usual, my friend, you are spot on. I'll post more about the comic references soon.

QuoteI've heard the first film is a somewhat uncomfortable mixture of the harder edged comics and the family friendly cartoon.

I think that description would be more appropriate for the second movie. The first TMNT film is actually very faithful to the Mirage comics, while The Secret of the Ooze feels closer to the cartoon. Having said that, there are a few nods to the animated series in the first movie. Namely:

•   The Turtles' love of pizza
•   April being a news reporter instead of a lab assistant
•   The Turtles having different coloured bandanas. In the original comics they were all red
•   The Turtles using nonlethal force. In the early comics they happily killed their opponents

I'll try and get the comic analysis posted sometime in the next few days.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 22:30
To this day I haven't read any of the Turtles comics. Their always expensive as collected volumes. Part of the appeal of the first movie was it's nods to the popular cartoon. It was that that helped turn the movie into a surprise giant success. Strangely though it is not entirely connected to the cartoon. There is certainly no Krang or Technodrome here. Plus the Turtles are depicted as meeting April for the first time. So yes it's more a hybrid piece. I love that the Turtles kept their multi-coloured masks (who remembers the exciting poster for the movie with these visible just below a manhole?) which do little for them to blend in but at least it helps tell them apart.

Another interesting cartoon reference is that April very close to the film's opening is seen wearing a yellow raincoat. She never does again in the film series but it's a slight nod to the yellow jumpsuit worn by her in the animation. It certainly helped my three year old self to identify her at the time.

At one point the Turtles flee into the countryside in April's van. I think this is the closest the filmmakers got to the Turtles mode of transportation in the cartoon. It's a similar shape but no weapons here obviously.

I might be wrong but wasn't the film's title logo also lifted from the cartoon?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 03:57
Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Mon, 11 Mar  2013, 22:30I might be wrong but wasn't the film's title logo also lifted from the cartoon?
The credits did. The poster didn't.

And yes, that poster was freaking awesome.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 04:26
The pilot episode of the cartoon opened with April reporting on a robbery of fancy equipment from Generic High Tech Lab #89, presenting circumstantial evidence that ninja were behind the robbery, getting attacked by Shredder's minions and then rescued by the turtles.

The movie opened with April reporting a city-wide crime wave, the viewer sees that ninja are responsible, Shredder's minions attack her and she is then rescued by the turtles. As the other guy pointed out, April even wears a yellow coat in this sequence. It's kind of hard to believe this wasn't the influence of the cartoon show coming out.

I flipped through TMNT #1 from Mirage and, yeah, they do take on some street thugs but I don't think there was a connection to the Shredder. And it certainly wasn't done in the context of rescuing anybody, least of all April.

I would defer to anybody with greater knowledge about this than I have but the influence at least on the opening of the movie is pretty clear.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 06:23
it has been FOREVER since i saw the first movie :( saw the second one like last year lol.

"wax on. wax off. wax on" "mouth off."
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 21:59
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 12 Mar  2013, 03:57
And yes, that poster was freaking awesome.

Couldn't agree more.

( (
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Bobthegoon89 on Tue, 12 Mar 2013, 23:18
That's how you do a film poster. "This aint no cartoon!"  ;D Ah how excited I was when seeing this at the time. I like how the "Super Mario Bros" movie later stole this very tagline for itself later on lol

When I walking round New York's Times Square with my family there were plenty of manhole's just like this (some even emitting plumes of smoke) it reminded me so much of the Turtles movies and cartoons I half expected to see Raphael peeking out from the shadows lol
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 03:04
Quote from: The Joker on Tue, 12 Mar  2013, 21:59Couldn't agree more.

( (
What made the poster work for me was how it showed very little but at the same time gave you more than enough about the movie. The cranky old man in me feels like making a good movie poster is a lost art these days.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 04:17
Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Tue, 12 Mar  2013, 23:18
When I walking round New York's Times Square with my family there were plenty of manhole's just like this (some even emitting plumes of smoke) it reminded me so much of the Turtles movies and cartoons I half expected to see Raphael peeking out from the shadows lol


Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 13 Mar  2013, 03:04
What made the poster work for me was how it showed very little but at the same time gave you more than enough about the movie. The cranky old man in me feels like making a good movie poster is a lost art these days.

Yes, that 'less is more' approach works beautifully when properly executed. I feel the same way about the Batman 1989 poster. It's a simple image of the Bat symbol with the classic oval, but at the same time, it didn't hark back or make one think of the Adam West Batman series. Rather, it provoked the notion that this was something fresh, something different, something more darker in tone, and last but not least, something to anticipate.

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 16:09
to me the greatest poster is returns with the snowy bat symbol. it's beautiful but kind of somber and quiet and even sad almost. like this is a movie that won't have a happy ending.

does that make sense? :-[
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Thu, 14 Mar 2013, 00:31
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed, 13 Mar  2013, 16:09to me the greatest poster is returns with the snowy bat symbol. it's beautiful but kind of somber and quiet and even sad almost. like this is a movie that won't have a happy ending.

does that make sense? :-[
Yep but to me what makes it work is how it's parasitic of the B89 poster. The snowy bat symbol image only really makes sense if you have an awareness of the previous poster.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Thu, 14 Mar 2013, 17:56
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 14 Mar  2013, 00:31
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed, 13 Mar  2013, 16:09to me the greatest poster is returns with the snowy bat symbol. it's beautiful but kind of somber and quiet and even sad almost. like this is a movie that won't have a happy ending.

does that make sense? :-[
Yep but to me what makes it work is how it's parasitic of the B89 poster. The snowy bat symbol image only really makes sense if you have an awareness of the previous poster.

huh? :-[
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Fri, 15 Mar 2013, 17:12
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 14 Mar  2013, 17:56huh? :-[

This marketing concept...


... doesn't work well (or at all) unless you're familiar with this marketing concept...

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Tue, 14 May 2013, 16:21 (

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Adds William Fichtner to the cast

Soo ... William Fichtner joins the cast of TMNT 2014, and there's alot of speculation that he'll be playing the Shredder. Personally, I think he's far better suited for another character that's NOT Shredder, but we'll see. Definately keeping an eye out on this.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 15 May 2013, 13:14
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 14 Mar  2013, 00:31
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed, 13 Mar  2013, 16:09to me the greatest poster is returns with the snowy bat symbol. it's beautiful but kind of somber and quiet and even sad almost. like this is a movie that won't have a happy ending.

does that make sense? :-[
Yep but to me what makes it work is how it's parasitic of the B89 poster. The snowy bat symbol image only really makes sense if you have an awareness of the previous poster.
Exactly. It's a perfect contrast when you look at them side by side. B89 - glorious and triumphant. BR - bleak and cold. If I saw this poster in 92 without having seen a trailer, I'd definitely be thinking this is going to be a whole different ride.

But hey, this was back in an era where posters were decent. Now they are absolutely terrible cut and paste grabs from the trailers. Lazy and cheap looking. Nothing worthy of being hung on a wall. Which is a shame, because good movies deserve better.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Wed, 15 May 2013, 15:15
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 15 May  2013, 13:14
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 14 Mar  2013, 00:31
Quote from: Catwoman on Wed, 13 Mar  2013, 16:09to me the greatest poster is returns with the snowy bat symbol. it's beautiful but kind of somber and quiet and even sad almost. like this is a movie that won't have a happy ending.

does that make sense? :-[
Yep but to me what makes it work is how it's parasitic of the B89 poster. The snowy bat symbol image only really makes sense if you have an awareness of the previous poster.
Exactly. It's a perfect contrast when you look at them side by side. B89 - glorious and triumphant. BR - bleak and cold. If I saw this poster in 92 without having seen a trailer, I'd definitely be thinking this is going to be a whole different ride.

But hey, this was back in an era where posters were decent. Now they are absolutely terrible cut and paste grabs from the trailers. Lazy and cheap looking. Nothing worthy of being hung on a wall. Which is a shame, because good movies deserve better.

I liked the posters for The Avengers and Iron Man 3 - the one with Tony Stark kneeling on one knee. But the Man of Steel's posters on the other hand do feel lazy.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 16 May 2013, 03:03
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Wed, 15 May  2013, 15:15
I liked the posters for The Avengers and Iron Man 3 - the one with Tony Stark kneeling on one knee. But the Man of Steel's posters on the other hand do feel lazy.
I was indeed referencing the MOS posters. There's no way around it. They suck. They are pitiful. And yes, I know they have nothing to do with the film's quality. That much is obvious. But from a marketing point of view, they've dropped the ball. Especially from a relaunch point of view. The posters will do, but that's nothing spectacular, nor an acceptable attitude to have.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 19:36
QuoteFichtner also talked about the nature of Shredder's new origin, which some fans may find controversial. "Well I play a guy named Eric Sachs, and we find out that Eric Sachs is somebody else too," he said. "I can't give away too much in the story but I can tell you that who Shredder is in the telling of this Turtles is unlike any telling of the story before. His connection and relationship to the Turtles is a bit surprising, and for an actor playing it, the backstory, which comes out in this film, is really intriguing... We made some changes while filming that I thought are just awesome.

"Shredder dons himself with armor, and that's who he is and that happens in this story. It's the backstory on how it all began with the turtles, that the character of Eric Sachs... It's not by chance that he knows the Turtles."

So no Oroku Saki then?  :(
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 22:30
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 16 May  2013, 03:03
Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Wed, 15 May  2013, 15:15
I liked the posters for The Avengers and Iron Man 3 - the one with Tony Stark kneeling on one knee. But the Man of Steel's posters on the other hand do feel lazy.
I was indeed referencing the MOS posters. There's no way around it. They suck. They are pitiful. And yes, I know they have nothing to do with the film's quality. That much is obvious. But from a marketing point of view, they've dropped the ball. Especially from a relaunch point of view. The posters will do, but that's nothing spectacular, nor an acceptable attitude to have.

Here's how bad those posters are: the posters for Superman III (which are numerous) and IV are way more exciting to look at. Period.

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Wed, 29 Jan 2014, 22:58

Some new material that's come along.

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Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: GBglide on Thu, 30 Jan 2014, 11:12
Yay! Teenage Mutant Ninja Douchebags!  :P

Seriously, all that loose stuff they are wearing would just make noise. Sunglasses on a chain?  >:(
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: BatmanFanatic93 on Thu, 30 Jan 2014, 16:00
I dunno about you guys but i sure love their designs cause to me it matches their personalities quite right also i really really love shredders designs so i'm looking forward toward this reboot!  :D
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 00:19
have there been any pics of megan as april?

idk about the new look of the turtles. :-\

btw the show is great, i giggle my ass off. i would totally date michelangelo. big mutant turtle dealio and all.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 02:00
found some on google. she looks adorbs!




Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 02:06
I don't like how the turtle aesthetic. They're bloated and silly looking.

I liked the characters a bit when I was a little kid. Now, not so much. The concept has never, ever been done justice and I often think "just give it a rest."
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 02:14
why do you say it hasn't been done justice?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 04:17
It could be so much more. The brand comes off as juvenile, gimmicky and one note somehow. To be extremely simplified its a bunch of talking turtles swinging sticks and eating pizza. I long outgrew it.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 2 Feb 2014, 05:07
i guess you missed the "teenage" part of the titles lol
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 27 Mar 2014, 18:03
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Thu, 27 Mar 2014, 22:16
omg. i can not WAIT. omg.

i just wish megan had said something besides "AHH!....uhhhhhh *faint*" lol
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 27 Mar 2014, 23:57
Looks flat. Is the scene of the turtle hitting the vehicle meant to be a money shot?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 28 Mar 2014, 00:26
Nothing will ever beat the 1990 film. Far too much nostalgic might there to be dethroned. But I'm very much looking forward to this. Just wish we could see more of the Turtle's but I guess this is a mere teaser for the time being. Relieved the voices sound decent although we've only heard Michaelangelo (who's character appears to me at least very familar). Please let Raphael still have that cool New Yorker voice going for him again.

Unfortunately I think William Fichtner, great an actor as he is, is the wrong choice entirely for Shredder. Not liking the melodramatic, gruff, Nolan-esque voice there. Everybody seems to talk like that in a damn action movie these days. It's dull and boring. There is a shot of Megan Fox crouching from some danger in that trailer that looks completely identical to a trailer shot from the original Transformers. Talk about typecasting.

I just want three things: Splinter's voice having a touch of a Japanese "accent" (alla Kevin Clash), the first live-action appearance of Krang (voice by Pat Fraley without question) and appearance of some sort of Partners in Kryme's "Turtle Power" theme song lol

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Fri, 28 Mar 2014, 01:28
I strongly agree with Cobblepot, the 1990 TMNT film is the best, and probably will remain the best live action movie. It had a tone similar to those original comics in the 80s but it balanced it perfectly to let everyone watch; it wasn't geared towards only for children or only for adults.

This new trailer looks rubbish. Out of all the trailers of new remakes, I must say that this looks the worst I've seen in a while. The Turtles' CGI look off, it reeks of a ridiculous attempt to copy the "gritty" reboot...yeah, Turtles may have been gritty in the beginning, but the franchise works best when it balances grit and humour for everyone to enjoy. And let's face it, humour is definitely not one of Michael Bay's strengths (even though he's producing the film).

I never had the intention of actually paying any money to see this, but now I doubt I'd bother getting around to seeing this at all unless a better trailer is released soon.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Fri, 28 Mar 2014, 01:40
tough crowd.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Fri, 28 Mar 2014, 05:46
I'll be honest William Finchtner is one of the main reasons I'm excited for it. And I'm glad to see it wont be like the older films where he stays in the suit most of the time like darth vader- not that such is a bad thing for Shredder but it would be a shame to have an actor of that caliber concealed. He's fantastic at playing a layered villain. One who isn't just pure evil but believes in his cause.

Another positive is that if it does turn into a franchise hopefully it'll get done properly; the second film the turtles never used their weapons and the third was incredibly goofy.  It suffered the same fate that our beloved Batman series did of the 'soccer moms' ruining the franchises over violence concerns. Luckily that sort of thing doesn't happen anymore, with the internet parents have nobody to blame but themselves should they fail to properly screen content for their children. I have hope that should this one be successful, they'll continue the same formula rather than try and get greedy and attempt to cash in on a mellowed out sequel.

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Sun, 30 Mar 2014, 07:59

Watched it. Didn't hate it, but it didn't captivate me the way I was hoping it would either. From what I can see, Michael Bay did not direct this, but it's quite evident, and not surprisingly so, that his fingerprints are indeed all over this. That can be seen as a positive or negative depending on one's point of view. But yeah, the trailer didn't perk my interest any further, nor did it make me want to boycott it either. Which seems to be the most popular reaction to anything Bay is associated with since he's such a polarizing Hollywood mainstay. I don't think the film made any secrets that the '80's Fred Wolf toon was going to have some influence (which I personally don't see as a big detriment since many many 30-somethings are familiar with that version), along with liberties being taken with the property as well. Right now, the dial hasn't moved for me on this, but a trailer that's slightly over a minute, and that's scheduled to come out in Aug, is incredibly brief, and I want to see more. Alot more. It just sincerely needs to get out of that Dredd trailer marketing if this wants to get the older crowd interested....
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar 2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Mon, 31 Mar 2014, 08:17
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

There was some humour to the trailer, I can't imagine they can Nolanize a film with mutant turtles. Gritty doesn't always suck as long as they keep the fun aspect intact. I have hope they wont be emulating the goofiness of the 3rd film and cartoon.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 14:27
Quote from: riddler on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 08:17
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

There was some humour to the trailer, I can't imagine they can Nolanize a film with mutant turtles. Gritty doesn't always suck as long as they keep the fun aspect intact. I have hope they wont be emulating the goofiness of the 3rd film and cartoon.

Fans often ask for a super violent and adult version of the Turtles just like the comics. I don't think it would ever work because you just can't ask an adult audience to take talking Turtles seriously frankly. Giving them a sense of humour with a slight edge (as in the 1990 movie) is always the best answer.

As for that goofy cartoon I absolutely love it. It was that show that made the Turtles after all. Without it I think they would be destined to remain as an obscure indie comic and ultimately fade away. I'm pleased that the new film has brought to the screen many characters in the cartoon that had to be left out of previous films such as the Channel 6 News staff and Baxter Stockman. Vernon Fenwick is in it but I presume he won't be as camp or cowardly as his animated counterpart. This would be a shame as this is why fans love him. Hopefully he won't be too unrecognisable.

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 14:34
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

People keep telling me how dynamic it is that Fichtner is the Shredder but I'm just not convinced. Look at the original movie Shredder. Not a star actor and he shared the part with a rather brilliant vocal artist. But no problems there nevertheless. He just had a superb screen presence and that's really all he needed to be cool and a great villain. His entrance in the first movie is a fantastically shot piece of cinema and was extremely exciting to me as a kid. It also helped he looked a hell of a lot like his animated series self. For me Fichtner hasn't a chance of competing with that first flesh and blood recreation. 
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 14:59
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 14:27
Fans often ask for a super violent and adult version of the Turtles just like the comics. I don't think it would ever work because you just can't ask an adult audience to take talking Turtles seriously frankly. Giving them a sense of humour with a slight edge (as in the 1990 movie) is always the best answer.

As for that goofy cartoon I absolutely love it. It was that show that made the Turtles after all. Without it I think they would be destined to remain as an obscure indie comic and ultimately fade away. I'm pleased that the new film has brought to the screen many characters in the cartoon that had to be left out of previous films such as the Channel 6 News staff and Baxter Stockman. Vernon Fenwick is in it but I presume he won't be as camp or cowardly as his animated counterpart. This would be a shame as this is why fans love him. Hopefully he won't be too unrecognisable.

I agree. The original B&W Mirage comic book is great and all, but the number of people more familiar with the 1980's Fred Wolf toon FAR EXCEEDS any sort of number the Mirage comic book version can come up with, and having said that, I can completely understand why that particular toon continues to influence the TMNT franchise, along with this film as well. The franchise was arguably in it's apex in popularity at the time, why wouldn't that fact continue to hold weight? In alot of ways, it's why I enjoy the IDW comics of TMNT so much. As it's a good blend of giving fans a mature version of TMNT, while also acknowledging the popularity of the Fred Wolf toon by actually having characters like Krang and Bebop/Rockteady appear. Something of which was sorely missing from the 2003 animated series. But yeah, I have some concerns about Vernon with the upcoming film, but hopefully he will retain that personality we know of him to some degree.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 15:04
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 14:27
Quote from: riddler on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 08:17
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

There was some humour to the trailer, I can't imagine they can Nolanize a film with mutant turtles. Gritty doesn't always suck as long as they keep the fun aspect intact. I have hope they wont be emulating the goofiness of the 3rd film and cartoon.

Fans often ask for a super violent and adult version of the Turtles just like the comics. I don't think it would ever work because you just can't ask an adult audience to take talking Turtles seriously frankly. Giving them a sense of humour with a slight edge (as in the 1990 movie) is always the best answer.

As for that goofy cartoon I absolutely love it. It was that show that made the Turtles after all. Without it I think they would be destined to remain as an obscure indie comic and ultimately fade away. I'm pleased that the new film has brought to the screen many characters in the cartoon that had to be left out of previous films such as the Channel 6 News staff and Baxter Stockman. Vernon Fenwick is in it but I presume he won't be as camp or cowardly as his animated counterpart. This would be a shame as this is why fans love him. Hopefully he won't be too unrecognisable.

It cant be super adult oriented. Like batman they could never shun the child market.

I liked the cartoon too. Without it none of the movies would have happened. Though worthy to note that the original movies made a point not to overlap with the cartoon and feature with any characters introduced in the cartoon.

Vernon Fenwick is played by Will Arnett, he's by far the most comedic actor signed on, expect him to be goofy and campty.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 18:42
Quote from: riddler on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 15:04
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 14:27
Quote from: riddler on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 08:17
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

There was some humour to the trailer, I can't imagine they can Nolanize a film with mutant turtles. Gritty doesn't always suck as long as they keep the fun aspect intact. I have hope they wont be emulating the goofiness of the 3rd film and cartoon.

Fans often ask for a super violent and adult version of the Turtles just like the comics. I don't think it would ever work because you just can't ask an adult audience to take talking Turtles seriously frankly. Giving them a sense of humour with a slight edge (as in the 1990 movie) is always the best answer.

As for that goofy cartoon I absolutely love it. It was that show that made the Turtles after all. Without it I think they would be destined to remain as an obscure indie comic and ultimately fade away. I'm pleased that the new film has brought to the screen many characters in the cartoon that had to be left out of previous films such as the Channel 6 News staff and Baxter Stockman. Vernon Fenwick is in it but I presume he won't be as camp or cowardly as his animated counterpart. This would be a shame as this is why fans love him. Hopefully he won't be too unrecognisable.

It cant be super adult oriented. Like batman they could never shun the child market.

I liked the cartoon too. Without it none of the movies would have happened. Though worthy to note that the original movies made a point not to overlap with the cartoon and feature with any characters introduced in the cartoon.

Vernon Fenwick is played by Will Arnett, he's by far the most comedic actor signed on, expect him to be goofy and campty.

Ah excellent. Hopefully he'll just like his cartoon self then. And I just read that Irma might be in it too. Not confirmed yet but fingers crossed we'll see her too. I can see the potential in these new movies of bringing things to the screen the previous movies didn't have. Things like Krang and the Technodrome. It never bothered me the old movies lacked this stuff (I just imagined they were all out there somewhere in the movie universe) but today it's possible and brand new to finally introduce them in live action. I'm excited about that concept than a 26 year old should probably admit to lol

It always bothers me to some extent when fans say the movies (more the first one really) had nothing to do with the cartoon and culled from the comics and hence why it's so great. And of course it did honour the comics excellently and rightfully so. However the filmmakers clearly knew they were adapting an extremely successful and popular cartoon series. There are lots of references there to enjoy if you loved the show, they were not ashamed to toss those in too. I like to think both universes, comic book and cartoon world, could co-exist in this film universe. You look at the way the Turtles, Shredder, Splinter (even April) are introduced on screen and it's all very much a "sit up and take notice" moment. They were all thrilling moments for me as a kid. That was the fun for us kids back then, seeing them as real people in a real New York city. Remember the great tagline?: "Hey dudes, this aint no cartoon!" Imagining that vast and crazy animated world coming to life. It was certainly not just strictly another comic book movie adaptation and was never promoted as such.

Just read an amazing bit of trivia about one proposed ending idea for Turtles II (which has sadly ruined the Prof Perry character for me forever lol). Why in "Krang's sake" (pun intended!) didn't the filmmakers do this! Check this out: "In the original script, the film was to end on a cliffhanger, with Prof. Perry (played by the great David Warner) being revealed to be a robotic shell for an utrom, aliens from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics who created the ooze to power their technology. This was dropped due to the fear of kids mistaking it for Krang, a villain of the cartoon series who was based on the utroms".
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Tue, 8 Apr 2014, 13:24
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 18:42
Quote from: riddler on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 15:04
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Mon,  7 Apr  2014, 14:27
Quote from: riddler on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 08:17
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon, 31 Mar  2014, 03:13
i know fichtner is signed on for 2 sequels (or i was sleepwalking one night and dreamed it). wonder if megan and any other major players are.

the part with mikey and april at the end sort of looked to me just like the old turtles humor that we love, idk why everyone is saying "omg they went nolan gritty with it" and sh*t. i mean yes a lot of the trailer was but it looks like it will have the same funny stuff we love about the turtles too.

There was some humour to the trailer, I can't imagine they can Nolanize a film with mutant turtles. Gritty doesn't always suck as long as they keep the fun aspect intact. I have hope they wont be emulating the goofiness of the 3rd film and cartoon.

Fans often ask for a super violent and adult version of the Turtles just like the comics. I don't think it would ever work because you just can't ask an adult audience to take talking Turtles seriously frankly. Giving them a sense of humour with a slight edge (as in the 1990 movie) is always the best answer.

As for that goofy cartoon I absolutely love it. It was that show that made the Turtles after all. Without it I think they would be destined to remain as an obscure indie comic and ultimately fade away. I'm pleased that the new film has brought to the screen many characters in the cartoon that had to be left out of previous films such as the Channel 6 News staff and Baxter Stockman. Vernon Fenwick is in it but I presume he won't be as camp or cowardly as his animated counterpart. This would be a shame as this is why fans love him. Hopefully he won't be too unrecognisable.

It cant be super adult oriented. Like batman they could never shun the child market.

I liked the cartoon too. Without it none of the movies would have happened. Though worthy to note that the original movies made a point not to overlap with the cartoon and feature with any characters introduced in the cartoon.

Vernon Fenwick is played by Will Arnett, he's by far the most comedic actor signed on, expect him to be goofy and campty.

Ah excellent. Hopefully he'll just like his cartoon self then. And I just read that Irma might be in it too. Not confirmed yet but fingers crossed we'll see her too. I can see the potential in these new movies of bringing things to the screen the previous movies didn't have. Things like Krang and the Technodrome. It never bothered me the old movies lacked this stuff (I just imagined they were all out there somewhere in the movie universe) but today it's possible and brand new to finally introduce them in live action. I'm excited about that concept than a 26 year old should probably admit to lol

It always bothers me to some extent when fans say the movies (more the first one really) had nothing to do with the cartoon and culled from the comics and hence why it's so great. And of course it did honour the comics excellently and rightfully so. However the filmmakers clearly knew they were adapting an extremely successful and popular cartoon series. There are lots of references there to enjoy if you loved the show, they were not ashamed to toss those in too. I like to think both universes, comic book and cartoon world, could co-exist in this film universe. You look at the way the Turtles, Shredder, Splinter (even April) are introduced on screen and it's all very much a "sit up and take notice" moment. They were all thrilling moments for me as a kid. That was the fun for us kids back then, seeing them as real people in a real New York city. Remember the great tagline?: "Hey dudes, this aint no cartoon!" Imagining that vast and crazy animated world coming to life. It was certainly not just strictly another comic book movie adaptation and was never promoted as such.

Just read an amazing bit of trivia about one proposed ending idea for Turtles II (which has sadly ruined the Prof Perry character for me forever lol). Why in "Krang's sake" (pun intended!) didn't the filmmakers do this! Check this out: "In the original script, the film was to end on a cliffhanger, with Prof. Perry (played by the great David Warner) being revealed to be a robotic shell for an utrom, aliens from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics who created the ooze to power their technology. This was dropped due to the fear of kids mistaking it for Krang, a villain of the cartoon series who was based on the utroms".

Eastman and Laird (the brains behind the movie series) did not like the cartoon hence why they didn't have Krang. Also the idea was for the mutants in the 2nd film razzor and tokkah to instead be bebob and Rocksteady but such was shot down. And as we all know there was virtually no overlap on the 3rd film and cartoon (as opposed to ideas to use characters from the cartoon).

I did like how the video games seemed to share continuity with both the cartoon and films.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue, 8 Apr 2014, 15:22
It seems then the trend of creators who resent outside projects, that made their inventions classic characters, continue with Eastman and Laird. As I say I don't think their characters would have amounted to much besides quirky unknown indie comic stars without the show. Playmates in fact refused their toyline ideas until the characters had taken off as a tv show. Which they of course did in bucket loads. Someone even refused their movie idea until they saw the cartoon. They really shouldn't be such grumps about it. I didn't like that 2003 animated series because it stunk of disrespecting the past show. Although I did like it's animation. I knew it was going to be against the old show because I remembered reading about it before it aired. Basically I was like "no thanks". But I'm pleased the new 2012 show is more in-sync with honouring the past and uses a great many recognisable characters.

What is so stupid about Eastman and Laird's request about using Tokka and Rahzar instead of Bebop and Rocksteady is that they basically were just big, dumb, henchmen anyway. In fact perhaps dumber. You have to ask what was the point anyway? And I like the Turtles II henchmen regardless, it just strikes me as pointless the change had to be made.

I gotta say I have no major problems with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III lol (well, besides the disappointing animatronics which never bothered me as a little kid). And I'm fully aware how lambasted it is these days. In 1993 I remember kids were renting it out like crazy. It's defintely my least favorite of the films but there is some good stuff to be enjoyed in it. I love it's vastly different period setting. With a sharper script and characters it might have been the most interesting movie. I mean the Turtles visiting their "homeland" ("Godfather" style") since it's where Splinter's from.   In fact there was an episode of the show where the Turtles travel back to the days of the formation of the Foot Clan.  John Du Prez's music score is top notch. I thought Stuart Wilson, who plays the lacklustre villain Walker, did a fantastic job nonetheless. It's just he could never compete with Shredder as a threat. I still can't believe he's actually the bad guy from "Mask of Zorro" too.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 8 Apr 2014, 20:37
I watched Turtles III again last week. I saw it on the cinema with a bunch of friends for my 8th birthday when it was first released. And at the time I remember liking it. Nowadays I enjoy it for its cheese factor and ironic value. It seems even funnier if you've seen the AVGN review. As with the Nerd's other reviews, this video contains extreme foul language, so be warned.

The time sceptre actually originated in #8 of the original Mirage comics series (July 1986).


If Turtles III had followed the comics more closely, they could have had it so that Renet Tilly brings the sceptre to the Turtles rather than April. She's being pursued by Lord Simultaneous and accidentally transports herself and the Turtles back to feudal Japan. There they could have encountered the Foot Clan led by one of Oroku Saki's ancestors. This would have offered a way of introducing a new Shredder, since the modern day Shredder was killed in the previous film. At the end of the movie the Turtles could have used the sceptre to banish the new/feudal-era Shredder into another dimension. The film could then have ended on a teaser where we discover the dimension Shredder has arrived in is Dimension X, thereby setting up the fourth movie to feature Krang and the Technodrome. I think that would've been more satisfying than the Turtles III we got.

Regarding the new movie, I'm predicting Shredder will turn out to be an Utrom. I reckon they'll adopt the Nolan technique of amalgamating two villains into a single character, and Shredder will turn out to be Krang in disguise.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 8 Apr 2014, 20:53
Here are some new posters.




Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Wed, 9 Apr 2014, 19:57
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue,  8 Apr  2014, 15:22
It seems then the trend of creators who resent outside projects, that made their inventions classic characters, continue with Eastman and Laird. As I say I don't think their characters would have amounted to much besides quirky unknown indie comic stars without the show. Playmates in fact refused their toyline ideas until the characters had taken off as a tv show. Which they of course did in bucket loads. Someone even refused their movie idea until they saw the cartoon. They really shouldn't be such grumps about it. I didn't like that 2003 animated series because it stunk of disrespecting the past show. Although I did like it's animation. I knew it was going to be against the old show because I remembered reading about it before it aired. Basically I was like "no thanks". But I'm pleased the new 2012 show is more in-sync with honouring the past and uses a great many recognisable characters.

What is so stupid about Eastman and Laird's request about using Tokka and Rahzar instead of Bebop and Rocksteady is that they basically were just big, dumb, henchmen anyway. In fact perhaps dumber. You have to ask what was the point anyway? And I like the Turtles II henchmen regardless, it just strikes me as pointless the change had to be made.

I gotta say I have no major problems with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III lol (well, besides the disappointing animatronics which never bothered me as a little kid). And I'm fully aware how lambasted it is these days. In 1993 I remember kids were renting it out like crazy. It's defintely my least favorite of the films but there is some good stuff to be enjoyed in it. I love it's vastly different period setting. With a sharper script and characters it might have been the most interesting movie. I mean the Turtles visiting their "homeland" ("Godfather" style") since it's where Splinter's from.   In fact there was an episode of the show where the Turtles travel back to the days of the formation of the Foot Clan.  John Du Prez's music score is top notch. I thought Stuart Wilson, who plays the lacklustre villain Walker, did a fantastic job nonetheless. It's just he could never compete with Shredder as a threat. I still can't believe he's actually the bad guy from "Mask of Zorro" too.

Actually I should clarify, I remember reading that the scientist in the 2nd film was originally written to be Baxter stockman but such was also written out.

The third film was okay but it was far weaker than the first 2. Mainly because it was so different. I didn't like the Japan setting although I guess it was a nod to the heritage.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Thu, 10 Apr 2014, 13:39
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue,  8 Apr  2014, 20:37
If Turtles III had followed the comics more closely, they could have had it so that Renet Tilly brings the sceptre to the Turtles rather than April. She's being pursued by Lord Simultaneous and accidentally transports herself and the Turtles back to feudal Japan. There they could have encountered the Foot Clan led by one of Oroku Saki's ancestors. This would have offered a way of introducing a new Shredder, since the modern day Shredder was killed in the previous film. At the end of the movie the Turtles could have used the sceptre to banish the new/feudal-era Shredder into another dimension. The film could then have ended on a teaser where we discover the dimension Shredder has arrived in is Dimension X, thereby setting up the fourth movie to feature Krang and the Technodrome. I think that would've been more satisfying than the Turtles III we got.

Sounds INFINITELY better than what we ended up with.

QuoteRegarding the new movie, I'm predicting Shredder will turn out to be an Utrom. I reckon they'll adopt the Nolan technique of amalgamating two villains into a single character, and Shredder will turn out to be Krang in disguise.

I wouldn't doubt that this may actually turn out to be the case, but personally, I hope not. I just prefer Shredder and Krang to be two seperate characters as they were in the Fred Wolf toon, the IDW comics, and the current Nic toon. Both characters are arguably strong enough villains to support a film each as the main baddie, but the idea of Shredder being a guise of sorts to house Krang (and not Ch'rell) is certainly not out of the question .... I guess it would be shocking to some people. Especially the ones who aren't familiar with the 2003 animated series.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 11 Apr 2014, 17:24
Quote from: The Joker on Thu, 10 Apr  2014, 13:39I wouldn't doubt that this may actually turn out to be the case, but personally, I hope not. I just prefer Shredder and Krang to be two seperate characters as they were in the Fred Wolf toon, the IDW comics, and the current Nic toon. Both characters are arguably strong enough villains to support a film each as the main baddie, but the idea of Shredder being a guise of sorts to house Krang (and not Ch'rell) is certainly not out of the question .... I guess it would be shocking to some people. Especially the ones who aren't familiar with the 2003 animated series.

Agreed. They should definitely be two separate characters. One of the things that makes their alliance so interesting is the element of distrust and one-upmanship between them.

But that'll obviously be lost if they're amalgamated into a single character.

Back when those first pictures of the new Shredder appeared online, some people speculated that the area covering his abdomen was a panel to conceal his true Utrom form. It's hard to tell from these pics. It could just be abdominal armour.


If he is an Utrom, I just hope he isn't Krang. I do want Krang to be in the movie, but not as Shredder's alter ego.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 11 Apr 2014, 19:44
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue,  8 Apr  2014, 20:53
Here are some new posters.





I really like these new poster shots. They feel in the spirit of the original 1990 one sheet, glimpsing the Turtles masks peeking from a manhole. Has anybody noticed this poster seems inspired by shots in the cartoon's title sequence? In the show there are quick shots of the Turtles hands showing off their weapons just like this.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 11 Apr 2014, 20:00
Quote from: riddler on Wed,  9 Apr  2014, 19:57
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Tue,  8 Apr  2014, 15:22
It seems then the trend of creators who resent outside projects, that made their inventions classic characters, continue with Eastman and Laird. As I say I don't think their characters would have amounted to much besides quirky unknown indie comic stars without the show. Playmates in fact refused their toyline ideas until the characters had taken off as a tv show. Which they of course did in bucket loads. Someone even refused their movie idea until they saw the cartoon. They really shouldn't be such grumps about it. I didn't like that 2003 animated series because it stunk of disrespecting the past show. Although I did like it's animation. I knew it was going to be against the old show because I remembered reading about it before it aired. Basically I was like "no thanks". But I'm pleased the new 2012 show is more in-sync with honouring the past and uses a great many recognisable characters.

What is so stupid about Eastman and Laird's request about using Tokka and Rahzar instead of Bebop and Rocksteady is that they basically were just big, dumb, henchmen anyway. In fact perhaps dumber. You have to ask what was the point anyway? And I like the Turtles II henchmen regardless, it just strikes me as pointless the change had to be made.

I gotta say I have no major problems with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III lol (well, besides the disappointing animatronics which never bothered me as a little kid). And I'm fully aware how lambasted it is these days. In 1993 I remember kids were renting it out like crazy. It's defintely my least favorite of the films but there is some good stuff to be enjoyed in it. I love it's vastly different period setting. With a sharper script and characters it might have been the most interesting movie. I mean the Turtles visiting their "homeland" ("Godfather" style") since it's where Splinter's from.   In fact there was an episode of the show where the Turtles travel back to the days of the formation of the Foot Clan.  John Du Prez's music score is top notch. I thought Stuart Wilson, who plays the lacklustre villain Walker, did a fantastic job nonetheless. It's just he could never compete with Shredder as a threat. I still can't believe he's actually the bad guy from "Mask of Zorro" too.

Actually I should clarify, I remember reading that the scientist in the 2nd film was originally written to be Baxter stockman but such was also written out.

The third film was okay but it was far weaker than the first 2. Mainly because it was so different. I didn't like the Japan setting although I guess it was a nod to the heritage.

Yes he felt like Baxter to me. I believe in the comics Baxter is a black guy? In the new movie it's a black actor portraying him. I've always seen him, besides his fly form, as being this wild haired "Doc Brown" lookalike on even more steroids. So he's going to be pretty unrecognisable I think. This is a shame but at least he's included at all. I think the adaptations of Vernon and Irma stand to be a little more successful hopefully in recapturing the cartoon. I'm also disappointed they've changed Burne. It's great Whoopi Goldberg is in a Turtles film but is she really what we expected from that character? I'd prefer him to be as we remember. What's with the change? I don't get it at all. The guy who played Chief Sterns in the original is the closest we got to him.

I think the Utroms (how do you verbally pronounce that by the way?) will be featured in a cameo role, "Thanos" style post-credits. I don't think anybody wants the Shredder to be overshadowed but I'll be pleased if they turn up for the third act as the major threat behind him. I think it'll be pretty possible one Utrom will be called Krang as a fan reference. I just want Pat Fraley to voice him again. With the recent recasting of the voices I was hoping some old voices from either the previous films or the show would get asked back.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 11 Apr 2014, 20:12
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue,  8 Apr  2014, 20:37
I watched Turtles III again last week. I saw it on the cinema with a bunch of friends for my 8th birthday when it was first released. And at the time I remember liking it. Nowadays I enjoy it for its cheese factor and ironic value. It seems even funnier if you've seen the AVGN review. As with the Nerd's other reviews, this video contains extreme foul language, so be warned.

The time sceptre actually originated in #8 of the original Mirage comics series (July 1986).


If Turtles III had followed the comics more closely, they could have had it so that Renet Tilly brings the sceptre to the Turtles rather than April. She's being pursued by Lord Simultaneous and accidentally transports herself and the Turtles back to feudal Japan. There they could have encountered the Foot Clan led by one of Oroku Saki's ancestors. This would have offered a way of introducing a new Shredder, since the modern day Shredder was killed in the previous film. At the end of the movie the Turtles could have used the sceptre to banish the new/feudal-era Shredder into another dimension. The film could then have ended on a teaser where we discover the dimension Shredder has arrived in is Dimension X, thereby setting up the fourth movie to feature Krang and the Technodrome. I think that would've been more satisfying than the Turtles III we got.

Regarding the new movie, I'm predicting Shredder will turn out to be an Utrom. I reckon they'll adopt the Nolan technique of amalgamating two villains into a single character, and Shredder will turn out to be Krang in disguise.

I've always liked the design of the Time Sceptre. I remember that each of the Turtles III action figures came with it as an accessory (much like the TGRI cannister had for the previous film's line). I especially like the scene where the Turtles have the brainless idea of building their own Time Sceptre to get back much to April's horror. To which Donatello points to the rather dopey looking Japanese dude who is actually going be contracted to construct it!

I'm a fan of April O' Neil so I'm glad it was she that gave them the sceptre (just wish we'd actually SEEN her buy the thing beforehand). Deleted scene perhaps? One of the issues I had with Turtles II is that April had such a smaller role than in the original. Instead the character of irritating pizza boy Keno stole her place and with Prof Perry there was just no room for her. In the third one however Paige Turco got her chance to be part of the group and they certainly got her haircut better.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 15 Apr 2014, 20:55

Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 11 Apr  2014, 20:12I've always liked the design of the Time Sceptre. I remember that each of the Turtles III action figures came with it as an accessory (much like the TGRI cannister had for the previous film's line).

I remember those. They used to rattle when you shook them. Regardless of the movie, the TMNT3 toys were actually pretty cool.

Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Fri, 11 Apr  2014, 20:12I'm a fan of April O' Neil so I'm glad it was she that gave them the sceptre (just wish we'd actually SEEN her buy the thing beforehand). Deleted scene perhaps? One of the issues I had with Turtles II is that April had such a smaller role than in the original. Instead the character of irritating pizza boy Keno stole her place and with Prof Perry there was just no room for her. In the third one however Paige Turco got her chance to be part of the group and they certainly got her haircut better.

I liked her hair in the second movie.


But I like her hair in the third movie too. Paige Turco always looks good. They certainly gave April a more central role in the third film than in the second, but that's the only aspect in which I'd say TMNT3 outperformed its predecessor.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Wed, 16 Apr 2014, 13:34
On the subject of Paige Turco, she's on Person of Interest and still a very attractive lady.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 16 Apr 2014, 21:01
She certainly is. And in real life she's married to Jason O'Mara, who voices Batman in Justice League: War and the upcoming Son of Batman.


The original April, Judith Hoag, has also aged beautifully.


I've seen Hoag and Turco in a number of things recently, and I think they're both very underrated actresses. Which is more than I can say for Megan Fox.

Anyway, here's another random Turtles video. The gal who plays April in this has certainly got the right look.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Sat, 19 Apr 2014, 14:35
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 16 Apr  2014, 21:01
The original April, Judith Hoag, has also aged beautifully.


I don't remember being bothered that Paige Turco replaced Judith Hoag as April when I first watched TMNT 2: Secret of the Ooze waaay back when, nor was I disappointed by her performances in the Turtle movies, but over the years I've taken more of a liking to Judith's April. Nothing against Paige's April, but I can only imagine how Judith Hoag reprising the role would have helped lessen, to some degree, the other glaring changes that 2 implemented (lighter cartoony tone, different voice actors, Casey Jones disappearance) which in turn, kinda made the film feel like a pseudo-sequel rather than remaining on course for a *true* sequel to the 1990 flick...

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sat, 19 Apr 2014, 14:57
The sudden disappearance of Casey Jones, although strange, also never bothered me. It's the equivalent of the cartoon show for me. Characters came and went like Irma, Burne and Vernon. In some episodes, sometimes not in them at all. You can't exploit them all the time. I was more stunned by the abscence of Corey Feldman. It's hilarious to discover the reason he missed the sequel was because he was apparently in rehab at the time. Go Donatello! lol

I never realised for years Judith Hoag appears in Armageddon. Playing the estranged wife of one of the oil drillers turned astronauts. And of course that is a Michael Bay film. I was hoping a cameo in the latest Turtle film would be a possibility therefore! And here's another Turtle connection to Bruce Willis' asteroid destroying vehicle I spotted the other day. You know that little guy who plays Niles, Walker's little "Tatsu-like" sidekick in Turtles III? He too appears in Armageddon as a NASA psychiatrist unimpressed with the oil drillers mentality for handling space travel. It seems the seeds of the Turtles future with dear old Michael were sown way back when lol

But I believe Judith Hoag was disappointed with the finished movie. According to her it had lost it's original heart. I have to respectfully disagree with her. The film was just fine as we all know and a huge success (which she has acknowledged). I felt it had a lot of heart and this is why we're all still talking about it to this day. Never forgotten that incredible camp fire scene with John Du Prez's stunning and moving music. It was shocking to see that emotion at the time, something the cartoon show never could do. And you must remember we're watching walking, talking Turtles here at the end of the day. I thought it was a superb achievement.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Sat, 26 Jul 2014, 15:06

Well, TMNT 2014's advertising has been in full swing as of late. It will be interesting to see how the film competes with Guardians of the Galaxy in Aug, but from what I can tell from the trailers, and various tv spots, this new Turtles film should please fans of the 2012 Nickelodeon toon, the '87 toon, and maybe even the fans of the 2003 toon as well. As far as the film pleasing fans of the original Eastman and Laird Mirage comic book source material? Not so much I'm sure. Especially since it's clearly evident that the film is gravitating more towards the toons than, say, how the 1990 approached things right at the height of the Turtles popularity, though this decision may not be a "bad" approach when one considers that any of the various toons are arguably more familiar to the general public than the Mirage books ('87 toon with adults, 2012 toon with kids).

However, atleast the die hard fans were thrown a bone in the form of a long awaited documentary!  :)

Being that I love watching documentaries, I sincerely cannot wait for the DVD.

Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Sat, 9 Aug 2014, 04:26
So I guess I'll be the first one to make the review;

Definitely wasn't as good as the original 1990 film. I don't think any parts were bad but it was a typical Michael Bay film, it basically felt like transformers with turtles. I liked that it was more faithful to the source material than I thought it would be (they even make a joke about the initial idea to have them as aliens). Unlike the original trilogy it does take a few cues from the cartoon.

Now I did think the plot was a little more coherent, they tied April and all the main characters in closer. It's definitely better than TMNT III, probably on par with the second film.

On the downside while the turtles were true to their characters, they weren't fleshed out as much as they could have been. Also I kind of felt that Will Arnett was wasted. He is one of the best modern comedians but he was underutilized and not given enough to work with.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sat, 9 Aug 2014, 20:22
Since I live in the UK I will not be able to see the new one until October but it looks fine to me far as I can see. I don't think there is a problem with Will Arnett's character. Verne has always been the comic relief and that's pretty much why we remember him and love him. I'm not looking at all for character depth and development from him so that is no problem for me. What I am looking for is seeing that character lifted from animation and onto live action movie screens. And, apart from his camp pink shirt, it would seem they have done that. Is Irma in there too?

But I am so very disappointed with the new Raphael's voice. Gone is the cool Brooklyn accent of the first film's (which was great for it's comedy usage as well as his toughness), in comes another gruff Christian Bale Batman voice. Michaelangelo on the other hand remains, as he was in the 1990 film, unaffected once again in how we wish to see his character and hear him. Which is great. I think it's a shame no voice artist was offered an opportunity to return on the new one. I'd have loved Corey Feldman to come back or perhaps Kevin Clash as Splinter much more so.

I have seen the elevator scene "MC Mikey!" (is that a reference to MC Hammer's inclusion on the original movie's soundtrack???). Thank goodness the Turtles do say Cowabunga still. Unfortunately the scene falls victim to the Chris Nolan school of "explain why it's used" and "make fun out of it to make it less dated and dumb". Which sooo many movies based on comics or whatever do endlessly these days. So here we have Cowabunga be an embarrassing saying the Turtles used as kids and blah blah blah. It's needless exposition and not at all clever.

At any point in the new one do they use either Partners in Kryme's "Turtle Power" song or even the original animated series theme song?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Sun, 10 Aug 2014, 00:50
The music is very lacking, the theme music is a few cords replayed several times. I wont spoil the ending but the last shot of the turtles is a nod to the TV show with some music playing.

It's not that Vernon Fenwick was handled badly but Will Arnett is one of the funniest supporting actors in hollywood (he doesn't carry his own films well but he's had many great roles). I just felt they could have let him do his thing but they didn't.

Megan Fox holds her own. She doesn't impress the way some maligned actors do and make us all feel stupid for questioning the casting choice but she doesn't ruin the movie. They didn't give her too tough of a role, her character is not a genius but she's not a scream queen either. She spends most of the film trying to convince people that there's a vigilante in town fighting the foot (she doesn't realize there are multiple turtles until later).

I wavered on whether the elevator scene was a nod to the vanilla ice rap. It doesn't drag on too long but all the turtles do get into it.

The cowabunga thing wasn't a slam at the old school turtles; the context is that Raph asks Mikey about that word he told him never to use. If they wanted to trash it they'd have all the turtles make fun of it. And they do say it a few more times implying it might become retro again. I did give them credit because they put in a joke about how ludicrous it would be if the turtles were aliens.

I actually thought Raphael was voiced by Nick Stahl. None of the voices were great but I wouldn't compare them to Bale; you can understand what they are saying and they aren't irritating.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 10 Aug 2014, 03:29
Not surprised to see this getting mixed to average reviews.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Mon, 11 Aug 2014, 20:01
All of the Turtles movies have been trashed by critics. But even by those standards, the new one is taking quite a mauling. Here are the Rotten Tomatoes scores for all five Turtles films:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) – 40%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) – 32%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) – 21%
TMNT (2007) – 34%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) – 19%

Considering this franchise is as critic proof as the Transformers or Friday the 13th series, I doubt the poor response will dampen its box office performance.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Tue, 12 Aug 2014, 00:08
I maintain that it's not great but Michael Bay's name alone will get any film he touches weak reviews. And as usual the critics are out to lunch; it's not nearly as bad as the third film.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Thu, 14 Aug 2014, 07:45

Checked this out a last night, and thought it was ... OK.

Didn't exactly love it, nor did I hate the film either.

Definitely agree it's better than TMNT III, and I would consider on par with TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze to be honest.

There is indeed alot of wrong with the film, but something that I felt was 'right' was the Turtle's personalities, which I think was captured as well as can be expected. Especially for a movie that felt extremely condensed (like to the point where it's very noticeable how fast scenes are constantly moving along), and could have benefited, to some extent, with a longer running time in order to explain things further, add some dramatic beats, and let the film atleast breathe between all the action sequences (though the script reportedly being re-written numerous times, even at the 11th hour, certainly didn't do the project any favors either).

Like alot of action oriented films associated with Michael Bay, there is plenty of spectacle to go around with TMNT 2014. Some better than others, but the snowy mountain sequence is aces with me.

While the TMNT 1990 film drew inspiration from the B&W Mirage comics, as well as some elements from the '87 Fred Wolf toon, making it a mixture of the two in order to appeal to both kids and adults, TMNT 2014 obviously was much more inspired by the various animated series ('87, 2003, current-Nick-Toon) that have appeared thru the years, and as a result, definitely aims towards a much younger audience.

Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sat,  9 Aug  2014, 20:22
Since I live in the UK I will not be able to see the new one until October but it looks fine to me far as I can see. I don't think there is a problem with Will Arnett's character. Verne has always been the comic relief and that's pretty much why we remember him and love him. I'm not looking at all for character depth and development from him so that is no problem for me. What I am looking for is seeing that character lifted from animation and onto live action movie screens. And, apart from his camp pink shirt, it would seem they have done that.

I liked Will Arnette in the film, but I felt his Vernon characterization was a bit different than the Vernon found in the '87 Fred Wolf toon. Instead of being a fellow reporter that competes (often underhandedly) with April, and typically comes across as spineless whenever he was directly encountered in any sort of antagonistic manner, the 2014 film Vernon is much more courageous and actually pursues a romantic relationship with April. Something of which was completely absent from his prior incarnation.

QuoteIs Irma in there too?

Nope. No Irma to speak of. April has a roommate, but it's not Irma.

At any point in the new one do they use either Partners in Kryme's "Turtle Power" song or even the original animated series theme song?

Don't recall "Turtle Power" from the 1990 film being used, but I believe the '87 Fred Wolf theme song is used, albeit quickly, during a few scenes. I think one particular scene where Donatello hacks into April's laptop to deliver a urgent audio message, you can hear the theme song in the background.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: johnnygobbs on Wed, 12 Aug 2015, 21:08
I just watched the 2014 TMNT on TV.  I started off just casually watching it whilst I concentrated on working from my laptop, which is what I tend to do when I've got something on the TV I don't think I'm going to particularly care for.

But after about fifteen to twenty minutes I was surprised to say that the film had my full attention.  I've never really been a big fan of the turtles but I'm surprised how entertaining this was.  It's by no means a classic but it's much superior to the 1990 movie and its sequel IMHO, the effects are decent as are the action, the story was solid, and the humour was perfectly pitched, particularly thanks to the contribution of Will Arnett.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: riddler on Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 14:39
Kind of surprised about the lack of discussion on Out of the Shadows.

This film is probably the one the initial cartoon fans have been waiting for. Bebob, Rocksteady, Baxter Stockman, the turtle van, and Krang are all elements of the TV show which appeared in the film. Stephen Amell plays a different version of Casey Jones, he's a suspended police officer turning to vigilante justice. I'm reading there are nods to the cartoons from the late 90's/early 21st century but I never watched those (played the 4 video games, watched the 87 cartoon, saw all the live action films but didn't keep up myself). Of course there is controversy; Baxter Stockman is played by an African American but other than that it shouldn't bother many people.

I do think it's a definite improvement over the 2014 film. Probably not as good as the original 1990 film but I'd put it in 2nd for the live action films. Sadly this may fall the way of the Amazing Spider-man 2. Many fans of the source material will probably like it better than it's previous film but due to box office returns we may never see another sequel. Without spoiling the ending it also sets itself up for another film the way ASM2 did. 
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Joker on Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 15:28

Speaking as a guy who grew up loving the Fred Wolf 1987 toon, I can't say I disliked "Out of the Shadows". I mean, I did like it, considering it finally brought in Bebop, Rocksteady, Stockman, and Krang. All of which I've been waiting to see in a live action movie since I can remember as a turtles fan. Unfortunately I thought the writing could have used alot of work, which is similar to the 2014 film, but maybe even more so with this one. The Shredder and the Foot Clan were much, much more recognizable this go-around, but I wasn't exactly pleased with the use of them. To me, rather than have the Shredder be so trusting of Krang, I really felt at the very least he could have benefited as a character to be established as just as treacherous. As is, he just comes across as TOO trusting which I felt diminished him to some extent. It's a fun movie, if you go in knowing what to expect, much like the Bay Transformers films, but despite it being something of a wish fulfillment type movie by seeing characters finally come to life in a live action Ninja Turtles film, the execution left alot to be desired.

I personally would love a series of Turtles films with the tone and direction of the 1990 live action movie, but with characters that originated from the Fred Wolf 1987 toon (Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady), but that's a long shot. Ninja Turtles for the most part, appears to be aimed almost exclusively towards children. It's something of a small miracle we even got something like the 1990 film, especially since it was made right at the height of Turtlemania. As it could have easily been TMNT 2: Secret of the Ooze or TMNT 3 in light hearted tone right from the get go. Fortunately, that didn't happen, and I agree with Riddler, the 1990 still stands as the favorite of the now 6 TMNT movies...
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: GBglide on Thu, 16 Jun 2016, 06:34
Quote from: riddler on Wed, 15 Jun  2016, 14:39
Of course there is controversy; Baxter Stockman is played by an African American but other than that it shouldn't bother many people.

He's been black in everything other than the Fred Wolf cartoon.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 9 Feb 2017, 21:01
I watched TMNT II: Out of the Shadows on DVD a couple of nights ago. Here's how I would rank the six theatrically-released Turtles movies, from least favourite to favourite:

6) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)


It was obvious the makers of this movie started off on the wrong foot, then tried to course correct midway through production. The end result never quite comes together for me. It's watchable enough, but it offers nothing new for long-time fans. I hated Megatron-Shredder and I didn't think the mo-cap Turtles looked anywhere near as convincing as their live action counterparts from the 1990 film. All in all, a bland and forgettable reboot.

5) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993)


An ill-conceived entry that failed to extract mileage from the source material (not one classic villain appears) or even capitalise on its own premise. A misfire on almost every level. It does however hold a certain nostalgic value for me because I went to see it with some friends for my 8th birthday. I also like the setting of feudal Japan, though they could have done a lot more with that aspect. A guilty pleasure at best.

4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Out of the Shadows (2016)


Cringey humour and juvenile storytelling abound in what is a surprisingly entertaining improvement over its predecessor. A lot of the same problems are present as in the 2014 movie, but this time it feels like the filmmakers' hearts were in the right place. This is basically the cinematic version of the Fred Wolf cartoon that fans have been asking for. They got Shredder right this time out, though it would have been nice to have seen him fight someone. I thought they did a great job with Krang; his goofier qualities were present and they nailed his antagonistic relationship with Shredder. Take away the fan service and this is every bit as hollow as the 2014 film, but the nostalgia factor elevates it for me.

3) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)


This one felt very watered down and cartoonish compared to the 1990 film, but none of that bothered me when I first saw it as a 5-year old. The special effects are amazing and it's exciting to see the Turtles face off against other mutants in the form of Tokka and Rahzar. The plot delves more deeply into the Turtles' origins, but in doing so places less emphasis on the supporting characters than the previous film did. But that's not a problem if you just want to see the Turtles in action. The cheesy Vanilla Ice sequence perfectly encapsulates the pervasive early-nineties atmosphere, and that's also a major part of the movie's nostalgic charm.

2) TMNT (2007)


This was the first Turtles film I didn't see in theatres, which is a shame because I think it's really underrated. The plot is convoluted, there are far too many underdeveloped side characters, and its canonicity in relation to the earlier films is unclear. But the animation's smooth, the art style is attractive, the musical score and voice acting are of a good standard, and the overall tone strikes a satisfying balance between comedy and drama. This one feels closest in style to the 2003 animated series, placing its dramatic emphasis on the relationship between Leonardo and Raphael. Their rooftop battle is a great tribute to Sonny Chiba's Return of the Street Fighter (1974) and settles the longstanding fan debate over who is the strongest Turtle. As I say, I think this one's underrated.

1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)


The first movie is still easily the best. If Out of the Shadows is the film that most reflects the 1987 animated series, then the 1990 movie is the one that best represents the original Mirage comics. The plot faithfully adapts those early issues while capturing the darker, edgier tone that characterised them. The special effects on the Turtles blew my mind when I first saw this on the cinema as a child, and they still hold up today. The fight choreography is great and the action scenes are effectively balanced by quieter, more reflective moments between the Turtles, Splinter, Casey and April. It's not just effects-driven schlock like some of the other films; in this one they put some effort into developing the characters and the relationships between them. This film also contains by far the best depiction of the Shredder. As with Secret of the Ooze, this movie feels like a time capsule encompassing an insane amount of early nineties pop culture. Not the best superhero film of that decade, but it'd make my top five.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 06:50
I loved the Turtles as a kid. But unlike other characters (Batman, Superman, the JLA, etc), it seemed like the Turtles never grew up with me. I mean, as a kid I could watch the Adam West Batman show, which totally kid-friendly. But there was also B89. By 80's and early 90's standards, B89 was pretty balls-out.

These characters matured with me.

But the Ninja Turtles... I don't know. I honestly don't remember giving a crap about them since 1993. When I was 12. And even then, that was peppered with a bit of nostalgia. My thesis is that it's possible to be "nostalgic" for your "childhood" at the age of 12.

I've read some of the original Mirage comics and those are pretty decent.

The only film I could ever picture rewatching is the 1990 one. There's a fair bit of nostalgia there too but the voice acting is pretty solid and even if it gets a bit slap-stick'ish (and it does, God knows), it has some heart to it. Why that (relatively) more serious tone was sacrificed in the subsequent movies is beyond me. Even as a kid I recognized the first movie set a viable standard that future movies could and should be expected to live up to. It wasn't an impossible task... though you wouldn't know that based on the subsequent Turtle movies.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Laughing Fish on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 10:42
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 10 Feb  2017, 06:50
I loved the Turtles as a kid. But unlike other characters (Batman, Superman, the JLA, etc), it seemed like the Turtles never grew up with me. I mean, as a kid I could watch the Adam West Batman show, which totally kid-friendly. But there was also B89. By 80's and early 90's standards, B89 was pretty balls-out.

These characters matured with me.

But the Ninja Turtles... I don't know. I honestly don't remember giving a crap about them since 1993. When I was 12. And even then, that was peppered with a bit of nostalgia. My thesis is that it's possible to be "nostalgic" for your "childhood" at the age of 12.

I've read some of the original Mirage comics and those are pretty decent.

The only film I could ever picture rewatching is the 1990 one. There's a fair bit of nostalgia there too but the voice acting is pretty solid and even if it gets a bit slap-stick'ish (and it does, God knows), it has some heart to it. Why that (relatively) more serious tone was sacrificed in the subsequent movies is beyond me. Even as a kid I recognized the first movie set a viable standard that future movies could and should be expected to live up to. It wasn't an impossible task... though you wouldn't know that based on the subsequent Turtle movies.

I feel the same way. I grew up loving the 1990 film, and when I go back to the Turtles, that's always my favourite interpretation. That said, I really liked the CGI 2007 movie too. I remember being pleasantly surprised how that turned out better than I expected.

Blame the 80s cartoon if you want, but going back and reading those Mirage comics does get hard to sit through. Very depressing stuff. I think the 1990 film, while dark, was nowhere near a downer.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 11:54
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 10 Feb  2017, 06:50
I loved the Turtles as a kid. But unlike other characters (Batman, Superman, the JLA, etc), it seemed like the Turtles never grew up with me. I mean, as a kid I could watch the Adam West Batman show, which totally kid-friendly. But there was also B89. By 80's and early 90's standards, B89 was pretty balls-out.

These characters matured with me.

But the Ninja Turtles... I don't know. I honestly don't remember giving a crap about them since 1993.

Bingo. As I posted three years ago:
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  2 Feb  2014, 04:17
It could be so much more. The brand comes off as juvenile, gimmicky and one note somehow. To be extremely simplified its a bunch of talking turtles swinging sticks and eating pizza. I long outgrew it.
I have a strong feeling the brand just isn't strong enough to deliver consistent quality.

The franchise is littered with dud films. If the concept does have potential, it's very rarely realised.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Azrael on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 13:27
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 10 Feb  2017, 06:50
I loved the Turtles as a kid. But unlike other characters (Batman, Superman, the JLA, etc), it seemed like the Turtles never grew up with me. I mean, as a kid I could watch the Adam West Batman show, which totally kid-friendly. But there was also B89. By 80's and early 90's standards, B89 was pretty balls-out.

These characters matured with me.

But the Ninja Turtles... I don't know. I honestly don't remember giving a crap about them since 1993. When I was 12. And even then, that was peppered with a bit of nostalgia. My thesis is that it's possible to be "nostalgic" for your "childhood" at the age of 12.

I've read some of the original Mirage comics and those are pretty decent.

The only film I could ever picture rewatching is the 1990 one. There's a fair bit of nostalgia there too but the voice acting is pretty solid and even if it gets a bit slap-stick'ish (and it does, God knows), it has some heart to it. Why that (relatively) more serious tone was sacrificed in the subsequent movies is beyond me. Even as a kid I recognized the first movie set a viable standard that future movies could and should be expected to live up to. It wasn't an impossible task... though you wouldn't know that based on the subsequent Turtle movies.

My current indifference towards Turtles is one of the things that help me not feel bad for still enjoying as an adult things I loved as a kid (like Burton's Batman, B:TAS, Star Wars, Indy etc.).

As a child, I was one of the biggest fans. The cartoon, the toys, merchandise, Konami's games. The 1990 movie was the best thing ever. Even my preference for pizza started from TMNT.

I also haven't watched anything after 1992-1993, and not a single second of footage from the more recent rebooted cartoons. Still haven't watched the 2016 sequel yet.

(I still like pizza though. Who doesn't)

TMNT media is maybe an example of how some things are only for kids and don't hold up while some other "child" things you grew up with have genuine merit and aren't mere nostalgia and yearning for simpler times.

That said, it seems the 1990 movie, alongside the original comics, deserve another look.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: thecolorsblend on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 17:12
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 10 Feb  2017, 11:54I have a strong feeling the brand just isn't strong enough to deliver consistent quality.

The franchise is littered with dud films. If the concept does have potential, it's very rarely realised.
See, I think it does have potential. But like so many things, it's bogged down in its own past.

I mean, I loved the cartoon when I was a kid. But even I recognize that times have changed and it's inappropriate for one adaptation to run the table on a given property.

I mean, back in 2006 and through there, Superman- The Movie had achieved such prominence among Superman fans that it was starting to eclipse the character's full potential. The same thing nearly happened with Adam West's Batman in the popular culture. It did happen with STM.

The result was that fans lashed out at anything that strayed too far from STM types of ideas. And I think Superman as a media entity really suffered because of that.

The same thing happened to an even bigger extent with the Turtles. They've never been able (or willing?) to completely shake off the 80's cartoon. Or maybe their fans won't let them, I don't know. But that ghost continues haunting the franchise and I don't think it's for the best.

There's a lot of potential to imbue each turtle with his own characterization and story arc but it seems like if that ever happens, Raphael is usually the beneficiary and the others are almost supporting characters or something.

Frankly I think in this age of biological insight and understanding, the TMNT concept has more mojo than ever. But for God's sake they need to find a new foundation because a 30'ish year old cartoon show ain't cutting it anymore.

Even if this approach of ejecting the past and creating something new with the concept is a crashing failure, it will at least demonstrate that TMNT was a flash in the pan and it's maybe time to move on to other properties and ideas now instead of trying to recreate the past with a franchise that isn't really capable of supporting itself.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 10 Feb 2017, 23:09
The juvenile nature of the Turtles franchise is one of the things I like about it. It's an absurd premise to begin with and it works best in a humorous context. As an adult, there's a limit to how seriously I can take something like this. They tried giving the franchise more of a Batman Begins vibe in the 2014 film (for instance, trying to make the Foot more realistic by turning them into gun-toting terrorists), and it just didn't work. Thankfully Out of the Shadows rectified most of those issues and brought the series back in line with the classic mythology. But there have been other attempts to update the franchise (see the live action Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation TV series as an example), and they usually fell flat on their face.

I think there are basically two kinds of Turtles fans. Firstly there are the people of my generation who grew up with the Fred Wolf cartoon, the Archie comics, the Konami games and the Golden Harvest movie trilogy, and we're mostly in it for the nostalgia. If it wasn't for nostalgia, we just wouldn't care at this point. Then there are the kids who are just getting into the Turtles for the first time, and they're the main target demographic for the merchandisers and toy manufacturers. Obviously it needs to be kid friendly to avoid alienating the younger audience members, and many nostalgic adults prefer it that way too because that's how they remember it from their own childhoods. I understand there are diehard adult Turtles fans who don't fit into the generalisation I've just made, but right now I'm speculating with regards to the wider audience.

As for why the franchise keeps coming back to the 1987 cartoon, I imagine it's because it was that series which launched the Turtles to international stardom. Granted, the Mirage comic preceded the cartoon by three years. But the Mirage comic was an obscure small press/indie title that very few people outside of New York had read back in the day. The Mirage issues are more readily available now thanks to reprints, but back in the early nineties the Archie comics – which were very much in line with the cartoon show – were far more widely read. So for most first generation Turtles fans, the Fred Wolf cartoon is the source material. If it wasn't for the popularity of the cartoon and the toy line that accompanied it, then there wouldn't have been any Turtles videogames or movies to begin with. In that regard I think the TMNT situation is different from that of characters like Batman and Superman, both of whom had decades of very popular comics under their belts before they made it to feature films. The Mirage TMNT comics were never as popular or widely read.

Regarding the film series, I think one of the main issues wasn't that they stuck too closely to the cartoon; it's that they didn't stick closely enough. The reason fans have been clamouring for Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady for so long is that we never got to see them in a movie until now. With each new film we hoped we'd get to see these classic villains show up, but they never did. It's the same problem with the Superman films. To date we've have eight theatrically released live action Superman movies, and yet the only two comic villains we keep getting are Lex Luthor and Zod. It took us six Turtles movies before we finally got to Krang. Now that we've seen him, I'm happy to have other villains star in future movies. But it shouldn't have taken this long to get to Krang in the first place, just like it shouldn't take 8+ Superman films to get to Brainiac.

Having said all this, I do agree that if a film franchise has to rely purely on nostalgia to draw a crowd then perhaps it's time to put it out to pasture. I'm happy with the six TMNT films we've had and I feel like they've covered almost every significant way of approaching the mythology. They could theoretically go on adapting comic villains and storylines indefinitely, but what would be the point? If they're planning to do that then they'd be better off with another TV show. There's no reason to make more movies unless each one offers something substantially different, otherwise they'll just be giving us the same film over and over, with the only appreciable difference being the change of villain. Then again, that approach hasn't worked out too badly for James Bond or Godzilla...
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: The Joker on Mon, 13 May 2024, 04:10

Supervoid did a script breakdown of the once-proposed TMNT 4.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 9 Jul 2024, 12:34
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: Kamdan on Wed, 10 Jul 2024, 10:43
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue,  9 Jul  2024, 12:34

Eeek. That panel was rough to watch. Makes you yearn for a decent 4K release of the three films from Shout Factory with decent interviews where there's none of that "play up to the crowd" mentality these actors take while addressing  the audience. This is one of those bad examples of when you try to shove everyone into one room and tell them to talk. It's like The Goonies commentary where everyone was just talking over each other, like in the film, and you can't pick up on their anecdotes. One comment on the video said it best that they were disappointed that Elias Koteas wasn't there and grateful that Corey Feldman wasn't there.
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: thecolorsblend on Thu, 11 Jul 2024, 01:10
Can I be happy that Judith Hoag WAS there? :D
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 11 Jul 2024, 10:59
I'm not sure it was a good idea having Paige Turco on a TMNT '90 reunion panel. Ideally they should've had a separate panel for the sequels, but perhaps time constraints weren't permitting. Regardless, Turco recently revealed that she was engaged to Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman back in the nineties.

She says this engagement occurred after they'd made the films. But presumably they were in a relationship for some time before that. Eastman married someone else in 1995, so the relationship must've happened in the first half of the decade. This will inevitably raise questions concerning how their relationship timeline matches up with the movie production timeline. Was it a factor in why Turco replaced Hoag, or had Turco already been cast before the relationship began?
Title: Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Franchise
Post by: The Joker on Sun, 14 Jul 2024, 19:37

I vaguely remember reading something about Judith Hoag playing hardball, or being noncommittal to returning for the very quick turnaround sequel (less than a year following the 1990 original if I'm not mistaken), so I would lean more towards Eastman and Turco meeting (and later having a romance) on the set, than it being a factor in Turco being hired to play April in the first place.