Did anyone by any chance save the pictures shadowbat69 had posted of his custom ToyBiz/ Kenner figures way back in 2007/8?
I'd love to see them again, but his Photobucket account is no longer active and he hasn't posted anything on here in over two years.
If I recall correctly he made the following customs:
Joker (Knockout Joker repaint)
Vicky Vale (blue dress)
Bob the Goon (repainted)
Batcave (repainted)
Batmobile (with roof)
No one has a back up of those? Ral?
If they were on photobucket then I don't have them. Are they not in the gallery? I don't think so though.
I couldn't find them there either, unfortunately.
Guess they will be lost in time. :(
Hi Guys. :D
I was notified by someone that my name was being brought up.
Alot of things have changed for me over the last couple of years. I do however still have my custom 89 cave proudly on display. Ill see about getting some pics up for you.
Not the best pics in the world. I need a new camera.
I love that display!
WOW! shadowbat69, I am so sorry I haven't sooner noticed your newly uploaded pictures. :-[
Absolutely incredible customs, elevated by an incredible display diorama. 8)
Is that top Batman sort of a Toy Biz cardback prototype custom? Looks like a the square jawed animated Toy Biz version's head on a Kenner body.
Did you give your ultimate Kenner Batman an outer vinyl/ leather cape with inner cloth lining? The pictures kind of give the illusion the part of his cape resting on his shoulders is made from a smooth material, while the inside has sort of a "glittery" effect Kenner's capes can have when photographed with a flash.
And what figure did you use as a base for Vicky Vale?