Someone was talking about wanting some batman shirts but not from ebay. I was wondering of the chances of having a trading section where people can put up items for people to but. 89 and returns merchandise.
Thanks for the suggestion. Ideas on how to improve and evolve the site are always appreciated.
I will set something up soon, though there will be some restrictions to protect members.
It's risky, but it might work with a tight-knit community, such as this. Feedback is the key here; maybe have a thread about that where it's discussed publically. New members may be scammers, but it's up to the seller, as they should understand the risk. Finally, scams are going to happen, that's just a fact. You never know when someone just might not pay for something and disappear of the face of the earth. Such instances aren't common, but be prepared to deal with it; sadly there's no way to really detect it.
I've seen forum auctions, too, but I wouldn't suggest that. It's just pointless; just take it to eBay. Plus, they can only mean bad news if something doesn't go right.
By the way, have you ever considered a memorabilia section for the site?
Quote from: Slash Man on Thu, 7 Jul 2011, 05:44
By the way, have you ever considered a memorabilia section for the site?
There is the forum board , plus the gallery has a memorabilia section.
Ah, the gallery's a pretty nice collection.