(https://www.batman-online.com/gallery/thumbs/1220190295.jpg) (http://www.batmanmovieonline.com/gallery.php?showpicture=1563)
Michael Gough, our beloved Alfred Pennyworth has died today. He was 94 (or 95 - he was never sure).
Gough was married four times – his third wife being Doctor Who actor Anneke Wills. Wills had encountered him at various times during her life – firstly during a theatre trip with her mother in 1952 – but they first met formally, on the set of 'Candidate for Murder' and the attraction was instant. Gough adopted Anneke's daughter Polly, and in 1965, their son Jasper was born.
Wills said: "As his body was deteriorating this week, he said that he wanted to hang on for St Patrick's Day. And he did, just. In the end... there is only love."
Michael Gough leaves his wife Henrietta, his daughter Emma and sons Simon and Jasper (Yogi).
His grandchildren Samuel and Daisy are also actors.
Released in February 2011, 'All Star Superman' features one last outing for his legendary and unique voice.
Source: http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2011/03/dwn110311121050-michael-gough-celestial.html
Some interviews with Michael from 1989 and 1995:
This is sad news. I actually met Anneke Wills when I was 12. She was a nice lady, though I had no idea at the time she'd been married to Alfred.
People often forget that he also played Alfred in the BBC's Lazarus Syndrome and Knightfall radio dramas, as well as the OnStar commercials. He must have liked the role to keep returning to it.
He also appeared in some of my favourite horror films: Dracula (1958), Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965) and Sleepy Hollow (1999). Then there was his turn as the bad guy in a classic episode of the The Avengers where he played a mad scientist who built a group of karate-killer robots. I remember him playing Leo Tolstoy in an episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles too.
Add to that two memorable appearances in Doctor Who, five collaborations with Tim Burton, and supporting roles in movies as diverse as The Legend of Hell House (1973), Top Secret! (1984) and Out of Africa (1985), and it all amounts to a long and impressive career.
This is really sad news, I feel so depressed. I knew he was very old but still... I loved him as Alfred, he gave the character depth and that fatherly figure in Bruce Wayne's life in Burton's two bat-films. He remains my absolute favourite. I was actually just ready to watch All-Star Superman, before I decided to check this site. That film was his last performance, coincidentally, voice performance that is. Life is ironic, isn't it?
I never met him, but I respected him as an actor, my sincere condolensces to his family and friends.
Alfred has gone to the bat-cave in the sky
I never knew him but I deeply sigh
He gave his support to the saviour of Gotham
He will never be forgotten and that's no sham
There have been other Alfreds, future and past
But I think this is the one that will last
May his soul rest and spirit sing
As he's ushered to the skies on giant bat-wings.
This is sad news indeed. To me, Michael Gough is and will always be Alfred. I too, have enjoyed his early works from Walt Disney's The Sword and the Rose, to the Hammer Horror films which also co star actors Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee and finally to the Tim Burton films. He will indeed be missed.
This sucks, now Burton can't sneak him somewhere into his Dark Shadows "re-imagining." His final cameo for Burton is the Dodo Bird. Sigh.
@Kamdan: Ha, beat me to it. You rule.
The Legend Will Never Die:
Thanks for the vid! Gough truly had a great presence on screen. He will be sorely missed.
Now I won't see him as the much elderly Alfred in Batman Beyond. Sigh!
Unless they CGI his head on another actor's body...it can work.
This is extremely shocking news. I have been at work all day and this is one of the first sites I turn to when I get back home so I am truly sad to read of his passing away.
As much as I adore Michaal Caine as an actor, the compassionate and fatherly Michael Gough will always be my ideal 'Alfred'. Rest in Peace Michael Gough.
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu, 17 Mar 2011, 20:25
Michael Gough will always be my ideal 'Alfred'. Rest in Peace Michael Gough.
I second that, Rest in Peace. :(
You know, I was just thinking about Michael last week, and went out of my way to listen to the audio adaption of Knightfall. Needless to say, his calm and composed Alfred will always be "my" Alfred. He lived a long life and had an equally long career. A true gentleman. RIP.
Very sad to hear he passed away.
I will remember him fondly for performing the best and most heartwarming Alfred Pennyworth.
Rest in Peace, Michael Gough. Your screen legacy will live on eternally.
"Come what may, Merry Christmas, Mr.Wayne."
My favorite line of his.
I think heart is the key word, he had "heart in his performance as Alfred.
Great performance, great guy.
RIP :(
There's an emptiness in the cave
"Not all heroes wear masks."
R.I.P. :(
Batman and Batman Returns star Michael Keaton paid his respect to Michael Gough, the man who played loyal butler Alfred to his Bruce Wayne/Batman in two films.
"To Mick-my butler, my confidant, my friend, my Alfred," Keaton said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "I love you. God bless."
The actor signed the note: "Michael (Mr. Wayne) Keaton."
Keaton referred to Gough as a "sweet and charming man."
Source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/michael-gough-tribute-batman-michael-169199
Such sad news. R.I.P Alfred :'(
very nice of Michael to say that. what a great fit he was for those movies.
Sad news. His last outing as Alfred was in an Onstar commercial but I wish he would've played the role in some of DC's animated movies.
No matter what direction the films took, he was consistently the glue that kept the franchise together.
Keaton referencing Batman and opening up his soul like that makes my day.
Sad.. Rest in peace, Alfred.
Keaton's words, even signing as "Mr. Wayne", are touching. Their chemistry on screen was so great..
Keaton has always been a class act, that statement has made my day.
Here are some vids as part of my tribute:
RIP Mr. Gough.
Terribly saddening to know the man I always knew as Alfred, along with Alan Napier, is gone. His Alfred was like a kind, gentle great uncle with a wit that, while not as sharp as the Animated Series' incarnation, could make you laugh or gently make you feel stupid. I think his was the best. He lived a long, full life though, so I'm not sure there are many other regrets except the void that comes about when anyone who was a big part of your childhood (which, if you're a big kid like me, can be your whole life) passes on. Pat Hingle is another example, so is Frank Gorshin.
Well said Batmobile14.
We can't forget Pat Hingle either, the two Batman stawarts from the past four films has gone but definitely not forgotten.
Hope you don't mind but I moved this thread to this new board.
Since Michael was in more than just Tim Burton's movies I thought it would be better.