Monarch Theatre => Batman (1989) => Burton's Bat => 20 years of 89 => Topic started by: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 08:33

Title: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 08:33
I'd like to organise one. I'm thinking of a small Art Centre venue, with a special showing of the movie and a few memoriblia stalls. I've got a few rare things from B89 I can show off and I know of a few others that could as well. Maybe we could even invite a few special guests and have them do a signing.

That's what's bouncing around in my head, any other thoughts?
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 12:18
Two years ago I tried to organise a screening of Superman the movie in Belfast.  I garnered a lot of interest, but ultimately it didn't happen.

Anyway, i went to the best cinema in Belfast, Storm Cinemas.  They have VIP rooms, small rooms that hold 50 people, leather seats - the lot.

I told them I wanted to show Superman to a small crowd. They said they had never done anything like that before, but would be really excited to do it. So they went about tracking down a print. In the end, the one they found was in bad condition, so it never happened. They did tell me that they would be upgrading their projectors to digital in the future and they could screen anything, within reason, then.  (I also could have had one of the bigger screens if i wanted).

This was the cost involved. 
Rental of print - approx ?100
Hiring of screening room - approx ?10 x 50 people = ?500 (had to hire as if we filled the room)

Something else could have been worked out regarding the bigger rooms.

If we got 25 people, then ?25 a head is not a bad price.
Title: UK Mini-Convention Ideas
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 17:44
Are there any Batmobile replicias in the UK?
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 18:26
There's one guy in the lakedistrict that owns one I think. Regarding the screening, all we need do is find a screen with a digital projector and project it from blu-ray. Having said that getting a print shouldn't be too hard as the BFI had one.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 18:33
True.  But digitial projection is gorgeous!!!

What about hiring projection equipment - can that be done - then we could have it anywhere, like an Art Centre.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 18:39
Absolutely and I have some contacts that could possibly help. I also have some contacts at Elstree and Pinewood, so there may even be a possibility of doing something at either of those places.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 18:41
Quote from: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr  2008, 18:39
Absolutely and I have some contacts that could possibly help. I also have some contacts at Elstree and Pinewood, so there may even be a possibility of doing something at either of those places. ;D

We could be like these guys
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: PJ on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 19:16
I love that vid. Lucky bstards what I wouldn't give to have been able to do that.

Ok, so we're going to have a mini-convention. We'll definitely have a showing of the film and a bunch of extras from the SE DVD release, but what else?

I will have full lifesize statues of Batman and the Joker by then, which I will bring, I can also bring a lot of rare behind the scenes stuff as well as some cool memoribilia. I'll show my fan film too.

What else?

Obviously we'd have to charge for the event to cover costs, so what would people be prepared to pay?
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: greggbray on Sun, 20 Apr 2008, 20:27
As I mentioned to you elsewhere, PJ, I'll be in Europe next summer, and I'm happy to hand out fliers, or whatever needs to be done.

From a legal stance, just make sure you have the rights to screen the film, if you're going to invite an audience and charge.  There are a ton of distribution, licensing, and public exhibition laws out there--so you might want to start with WB, or your contacts at pinewood, to see how something like that may work.

Hey, is there a short 'prequel' that could be screened before the actual film?  ;)
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 21 Apr 2008, 08:38
Quote from: greggbray on Sun, 20 Apr  2008, 20:27
From a legal stance, just make sure you have the rights to screen the film, if you're going to invite an audience and charge.  There are a ton of distribution, licensing, and public exhibition laws out there--so you might want to start with WB, or your contacts at pinewood, to see how something like that may work.
I'm sure WB would have no problem with fans getting together to celebrate one of their most successfull movies ;)
Quote from: greggbray on Sun, 20 Apr  2008, 20:27
Hey, is there a short 'prequel' that could be screened before the actual film?  ;)
The SW prequels were anything but short!........

....... :o oh! THAT one!  hmmm, it might create more incentive for fans to group together.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: PJ on Mon, 21 Apr 2008, 10:44
QuoteHey, is there a short 'prequel' that could be screened before the actual film?

Oh yesssss!
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Batman on Mon, 21 Apr 2008, 15:37
I'm quite impressed by the amount of effort you guys spend to make this get together something special. I really wish I could join in, but I can't afford a trip to the U.K. at the moment, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Gotham Knight on Mon, 21 Apr 2008, 15:54
If this happens, I'll try my best to get there.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 25 Apr 2008, 22:25
Lets talk about screening the film.

Where, when and how?

All the Uk'ers - where do you live.

I'm in Belfast.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Reevz666 on Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 00:00
oh boy, I think I may ahve to travel out to the UK for this one.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Gotham Knight on Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 00:04
Quote from: Reevz666 on Sun, 27 Apr  2008, 00:00
oh boy, I think I may ahve to travel out to the UK for this one.
me too
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: joseph_k on Sun, 6 Jul 2008, 12:03
Not sure of this is still being talked about, but it would be a great idea, especially to try and go all out. I'm at the first stages of trying to make a documentary, but its proving difficult to do anything with the subject I'd chosen, so I would love to produce a documentary on the organising of an event such as this.
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 6 Jul 2008, 12:17
It is still being talked about  :)

at the moment it is on the back-burner, understandably, because of TDK
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: BUYUKYILMAZ on Sat, 25 Oct 2008, 18:39
Title: Re: UK Mini-Convention/Get Together
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 25 Oct 2008, 19:03
Quote from: BUYUKYILMAZ on Sat, 25 Oct  2008, 18:39

What country do you live in?