The Batcave => Batman Video Games => Topic started by: Azrael on Mon, 24 Jan 2011, 12:24

Title: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: Azrael on Mon, 24 Jan 2011, 12:24

Since no-one posted about this game, I figured it deserved its own thread, despite the fact that it's an exclusive for Nintendo.

First things first, it's a pity this wasn't released for the other consoles. Even though games made for Wii seem "weak" compared to the PS3/360 libraries and a price of 40-50 is too much for this sort of thing, it would make for an excellent downloadable for PSN/XBLA if it cost about 10-15 euros at the most.

This game joins Donkey Kong Returns, New Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog 4 in the list of great retro revivals. Of course it's not quite as good as those company mascots, but it holds its own. With the exception of some Wii-mote special moves and attacks, this game really feels like playing a classic side-scroller from the days of Mega Drive and Super NES (and I say this as a good thing).

The 2D sprites and animation and very well made and pleasing to the eye, the backgrounds are detailed, varied and always interesting (Clock King's level in particular reminded me of the 2D Castlevania games), the music and sounds are taken from the cartoon and create a fun atmosphere. Special mention goes to the constant dialogue - it makes you feel like you're watching episodes of this campy Batman, with the difference that you're playing too.

There are 5 characters total to choose from, including Robin and Blue Beetle (who cares, I only picked Batman) and several "jump-in" heroes that can create devastation in critical moments, much like the extra characters in Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage for Super Nes (anyone remember that game? It was a pretty good clone of Final Fight, but HARD) Thankfully, there's a two player mode too.

On a secondary note, the game was made with the more casual "couldn't-care-less-about-trying-hard" gamer in mind - much like the Lego Whatever games, when your energy is depleted you don't lose a life, only coins, so it's pretty easy to make your way to the end. For me this is a good thing - and it feels like an arcade, where you had infinite continues as long as you had coins. Considering the "HD remix" of Earthworm Jim (an ultra-hard game of the 16-bit days) came with infinite continues and a save system too, there's no point in making these games "challenging" any more. 16-bit veterans know how frustrating and "curse-at-the-screen" difficult a game of this type could be back in those days!

Overall, the game feels like an enhanced, Wii update of an old favourite of mine, The Adventures of Batman & Robin by Konami for the Super NES. The only thing I could hope for is that WayWard Studios develops a second game like this, only this time based on the "proper" Animated Series of the 90s (Yeah, "Dream On")

UPDATE May 2011:
Played the DS version too. It's a bit similar to the Wii, as expected, but even more of a traditional sidescroller, with very limited use of the "touch screen" feature. Since it's a small cartridge and not a DVD, I didn't expect an elaborate presentation with music and voices lifted from the show, but this is never the point with that sort of game. It's another example of a licenced game done right, an entertaining throwback to the SNES days. One notable omission from the Wii version was the absence of the Joker, but here he's got to say "The Joker was here".

It's like playing a great SNES game. Just like the TV show which is inspired by and is a sort of "time machine" for the Golden Age of Batman comics illustrated by Dick Sprang, the game tie-in is a time machine for the Golden Age of 16-bit gaming.

If only someone released something similar based on the movies, The Animated Series, anything. Just a few years ago Atari revisited the original Ghostbusters films, and all the games, from PS3/360 to Wii to DS, were quite good, so revisiting the 90's Animated Series which is still popular with a huge fanbase isn't a stretch I think. Batman: The Brave and the Bold is the casual alternative to the more immersive and hardcore experience offered by the Arkham series by Rocksteady.

Some videos (Wii)

Catwoman Boss (
Ghost Boss (
Snow Bosses (
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii]
Post by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 24 Jan 2011, 12:42
Nice review SilentEnigma
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii]
Post by: Seantastic on Tue, 25 Jan 2011, 11:56
I would have bought it if it was released on 360, of hell even PS2
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: gordonblu on Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 07:26
I just bought a copy at Best Buy for $5, but haven't had a chance to play it yet.
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 18 Mar 2012, 02:42
I don't have the game - but if I see it that cheap I will get it.

I've heard it's quite short.
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 18 Mar 2012, 16:00
I picked up a cheap copy of the Wii version last year. I never got around to finishing it, but I really enjoyed the parts I played.

It reminded me of classic 2D side scrollers from the 80s and 90s.
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: Azrael on Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 21:21
The developers of both versions are Wayforward (, a developer with a very good track record in games with an old-school heart, like Contra 4 (DS), A Boy and His Blob (Wii), Bloodrayne Betrayal (PSN/XBLA). They even managed the impossible: their portable version of Thor for DS (an old-school platform beat'em'up) was much better than the big console versions (made by different devs)
Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 25 Mar 2012, 20:24
Contra 4 was amazing. I could only ever complete it on the easiest setting (I suck at Contra games). But even so, I loved playing it. It's one of the few games I don't mind losing at. It had great gameplay, an incredible soundtrack and an impressive amount of unlockable content, including several of the older Contra games in their entirety. The whole package was great value for money.

Speaking of Batman games, it's good to see the man himself clocking in some play time.

Title: Re: Batman The Brave and the Bold [Wii] [NDS]
Post by: Azrael on Mon, 26 Mar 2012, 19:39
Everyone, but the most hardcore of the hardcore shoot em up gamers, sucks at Contra, lol! I have to admit I never was patient enough to finish it, Contra is a game everyone respects, but not everyone can touch. If only WayWard was allowed to make another similar sequel/tribute game for the SNES Castlevania IV.

Keaton with a wiimote? No doubt he plays a game where he kicks some ass  :)