Monarch Theatre => Burton's Bat => Batman (1989) => Topic started by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 27 Dec 2010, 10:19

Title: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Mon, 27 Dec 2010, 10:19
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Mon, 27 Dec 2010, 13:48
As in stuff like this?

Wow. Any other information? Release dates?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Seantastic on Mon, 27 Dec 2010, 16:18
Holy sh*tballs!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 28 Dec 2010, 01:07
Official statement.

QuoteAmid much negotiation and many difficulties, Hot Toys is finally granted the likeness right of the renowned actor Jack Nicholson to produce the collectible figure of his character in the movie.

As many ones may know, it is very difficult to get it and it is on??ly granted for Hot Toys, thanks to the quality standard being recognized! Though it is difficult to get it, it is worth because we can bring such great collectible figure to our fans! So fans, please stay tuned our update in 2011!

This is insanely excellent. I was wondering what they could possibly do next, but here we go. Not from the film (that's pretty much covered) but inspired by the film. I'm going to snap these up upon release.

Here's hoping they do a Catwoman figure.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Seantastic on Tue, 28 Dec 2010, 11:30
Hopefully we get a Keaton one too, I don't see me picking up a Joker one, but if there is a Keaton one, I might pick it up if its based on 89, however if a Returns Keaton is made, I WILL pick that bad boy up
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Joker on Tue, 28 Dec 2010, 21:08

Definately picking up a Nicholson Joker figure!

8)  8)  8)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 29 Dec 2010, 02:06
I'm equally interested in both figures to tell you the truth.

I think a Keaton figure is a given. The still of him on the promotion has to mean something.

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: WingedFreak71 on Thu, 6 Jan 2011, 23:18
finally! - might have to hold off on my preorder of the statue which was due months ago and save the $ for these
Title: Hot Toys 89 Joker pics!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 11:41;id=58
Leave thoughts on the news page please!


Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 12:33
Far out. I am very impressed.

They've gone back to 1989 via TARDIS, stolen Jack Nicholson, and frozen him in suspended animation.

A must buy.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 15:16
Great photo from Shawn Reeves

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Joker on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 15:42
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 21 Jul  2011, 12:33
They've gone back to 1989 via TARDIS, stolen Jack Nicholson, and frozen him in suspended animation.

A must buy.


;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 15:56
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 21 Jul  2011, 15:16
Great photo from Shawn Reeves


Imagine if they remade Child's Play and used this instead of Chucky...
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 21 Jul 2011, 20:44
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 00:58
The Batmobile is very nice indeed. Quite large from what I see, too.

I have the old "back in the day" toy version. But it looks like it's time to upgrade.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman_1989 on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 05:36
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 21 Jul  2011, 20:44

Awesome.... too bad it's gonna be out of my price range..... :o
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 06:12
Is the canopy going to remain permanently open?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 08:03
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul  2011, 06:12
Is the canopy going to remain permanently open?

No, it will close.

I think the price of the Batmobile will be around $800
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 08:15
^ I probably would've got it like that anyway, but the fact it closes is a relief.

$800 is a high price to pay. But I do have an ammount set aside for purchases such as this.

I'm still certain we'll get a Keaton figure. Securing Nicholson was a coup for them, and they're showing it off.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman_1989 on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 10:47
Yeah... I'll be happy when I just have both Joker and Batman.... That will be enough for me, I'd like to own the Batmobile but in Reality I know it just won't happen.... Like Now I'm trying to track down The Dark Knight Heath Ledger Hot Toys Joker... But having a hard time finding one for a decent price....
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 12:12
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 14:30
That video removed all doubt. "I gotta get me one of those".

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman_1989 on Fri, 22 Jul 2011, 15:04
Looks pretty sweeet... Man that thing is huge....
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 24 Jul 2011, 01:29
Seriously guys, this has got to be the best representation of the Burton Batmobile ever created. It is jaw droppingly beautiful. I've got to stay on the ball, so I know when I can order straight away.

Hot Toys - please do the same treatment for the Batmissile, Batwing and the Batskiboat.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: ShadowSculptor on Sun, 24 Jul 2011, 11:24
Its simply amazing, But I still dont see how it will be able to fit 2 12 inch figures in that thing without them conkin heads. Its a tad undersized Id say.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 24 Jul 2011, 11:26
Quote from: TPerry007 on Sun, 24 Jul  2011, 11:24
But I still dont see how it will be able to fit 2 12 inch figures in that thing without them conkin heads.
I'm not interested in that.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Azrael on Mon, 25 Jul 2011, 22:48
"Ridiculously awesome"... couldn't agree more

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 24 Jul  2011, 01:29
Hot Toys - please do the same treatment for the Batmissile, Batwing and the Batskiboat.

And a Bruce Wayne/Batman figure from Batman Returns, with the iron maiden!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: ShadowSculptor on Wed, 27 Jul 2011, 05:53
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Mon, 25 Jul  2011, 22:48
"Ridiculously awesome"... couldn't agree more

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 24 Jul  2011, 01:29
Hot Toys - please do the same treatment for the Batmissile, Batwing and the Batskiboat.

And a Bruce Wayne/Batman figure from Batman Returns, with the iron maiden!

Oh god no...... please. I have to be able to eat!!!!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 29 Jul 2011, 00:20
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Azrael on Fri, 29 Jul 2011, 17:04

Reality check... I think their "cheaper" stuff costs about 200, and prices can go up to 500 for figures and 850-1000 for vehicles. I haven't seen a catalogue, but I estimate that the B'89 set (two figures and the car) will cost about 1300-1500, at best. Even if I had the money, I would invest on a brand new PC or a 3D screen. But, I'm glad they got made, and I hope they do Batman Returns figures in the future. Even if I'll not ever buy any of them, I love it when they do high quality products based on these films. It shows Burton's Batman gets some respect :)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: gordonblu on Fri, 29 Jul 2011, 18:09
I can't afford these (oh the drama of life!!!), but I hope they sell well enough for Mattel to start thinking about a Burton Movie Masters line!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Slash Man on Fri, 29 Jul 2011, 19:37
I'd say a 1/6 scale 89 Joker is long overdue, but I can't argue, since it seems best that we get this one now, considering the AMAZING detail. The Batmobile is the same quality, the cockpit really shows that. Can't wait till they take on Returns (the Penguin!), I hope we'll see more high quality Burton merchandise in the future, Hot Toys really made a good call with this one.

Now, I hope we see all of Joker's gags, they've already got all his clothing from his main outfit (I don't expect his alternate outfits), to my knowledge, he needs:
-BANG! gun
-chatter teeth
-hand buzzer
-collapsible revolver
-fake hand (probably no way to incorporate that)
-small gun
-boxing glove
-megaphone (I saw that shown with the prototype)
-cards (also shown with the prototype)

Missing anything?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: ShadowSculptor on Wed, 3 Aug 2011, 16:17
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Fri, 29 Jul  2011, 00:20

Id hope they are working out all the obvious errors with their keaton figure. That picture is VERY disappointing. The cape doesn't even connect at the emblem. The ab armor is all wrong as well. The gold belt color is obviously wrong too. (too copper colored)

Jack Joker needs a bigger body and the Keaton needs reworked a bunch, The head isn't ideal either, it resembles Returns too much instead of the rougher, looser 89.

Thats going from those leaked pictures though, heres hoping some official pictures show that its a lot better! id love to be able to buy this and not feel ripped off! Loving the accessories, and it will be interesting to see if HT puts the Nike Logos on this batman!

Ill nit pick this to death I tell ya haha.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 25 Aug 2011, 14:24
It's Keaton!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 25 Aug 2011, 14:31
Full Joker gallery

Full Batman gallery
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Gotham Knight on Thu, 25 Aug 2011, 18:31
oh far out...................dghfhfhfg I want!!!!!!1
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 00:00
Has anybody seen Michael Keaton out and out recently? I haven't. The guy is nowhere to be found.

They *must* have suspended him in frozen animation and shrunken him down.

Terrific design. If I got all three of these....the account would take a hefty hit. But they're sooo good.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Joker on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 00:25
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 25 Aug  2011, 14:31
Full Joker gallery

Full Batman gallery

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 04:10
Why oh why didn't they have action figures this cool when I was a kid?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 08:20
Quote from: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug  2011, 04:10
Why oh why didn't they have action figures this cool when I was a kid?
We wouldn't have appreciated them in the same way.

And technically, these aren't action figures. And I wouldn't be using them as such.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 10:53
Quote from: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug  2011, 04:10
Why oh why didn't they have action figures this cool when I was a kid?

I could just about afford Topps cards...never mind these beauties!
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 21:01
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Aug  2011, 08:20
Quote from: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug  2011, 04:10
Why oh why didn't they have action figures this cool when I was a kid?
We wouldn't have appreciated them in the same way.

And technically, these aren't action figures. And I wouldn't be using them as such.

If they're not action figures, what are they? They're not statues, because they articulate. They could be called "dolls", I suppose, or "figurines".
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 23:50
Quote from: McAllister on Fri, 26 Aug  2011, 21:01
If they're not action figures, what are they? They're not statues, because they articulate. They could be called "dolls", I suppose, or "figurines".
The official technical term is a "RAFBSE" - Resembling Action Figure But Something Else.

If you want an unofficial term it's something more like dollerine.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Kamdan on Sun, 28 Aug 2011, 02:36
I read once about a ruling that declared that any superhero related toys are considered action figures and not dolls.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 30 Aug 2011, 09:45
Quote from: Kamdan on Sun, 28 Aug  2011, 02:36
I read once about a ruling that declared that any superhero related toys are considered action figures and not dolls.
You should've read it twice to have made sure. Not that the 'ruling' means anything. My opinion holds much more weight. So if something is based on reality, eg. a historical person, the classification changes? Sounds off to me.

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 12:20
Hello guys, I'm Italian and a new member of this wonderful family. I've been a Batman fan since as far back as I can remember and it was just a week ago or so that I found out about this great place for Batman fans.
I can't claim to know as much as you do about Batman, because I don't (I've read a lot of threads on here and you guys really blow everyone off in terms of knowledge of all-things Batman): I'm just an old time Batman fan and I am here to learn from you guys, really.
I love, dig and adore Burton's Bat-films and Nolan's Bat-films equally ... to tell you the truth, I prefer the Burton ones a tad more.
As far as these beautiful figures are concerned, they're awesome: I'll be getting both the Joker and the Batman as soon as they hit stores !
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 12:21
Quote from: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug  2011, 12:20
Hello guys, I'm Italian and a new member of this wonderful family. I've been a Batman fan since as far back as I can remember and it was just a week ago or so that I found out about this great place for Batman fans.
I can't claim to know as much as you do about Batman, because I don't (I've read a lot of threads on here and you guys really blow everyone off in terms of knowledge of all-things Batman): I'm just an old time Batman fan and I am here to learn from you guys, really.
I love, dig and adore Burton's Bat-films and Nolan's Bat-films equally ... to tell you the truth, I prefer the Burton ones a tad more.

As far as these beautiful figures are concerned, they're awesome: I'll be getting both the Joker and the Batman as soon as they hit stores !
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 13:59
Hi Batman88 (whoops, I think you mixed up the quote and modify buttons  ;)), welcome to the site!

Thanks for the kind words about the site...there are a lot of awesome guys and gals here who are absolute fountains of knowledge when it comes to Batman.

How did you find the site?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 14:21
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 31 Aug  2011, 13:59
Hi Batman88 (whoops, I think you mixed up the quote and modify buttons  ;)), welcome to the site!

Thanks for the kind words about the site...there are a lot of awesome guys and gals here who are absolute fountains of knowledge when it comes to Batman.

How did you find the site?

Yeah, I noticed I mixed them up after I'd done it ! I'm sorry for the mistake !
I've been reading a lot of threads and I second what you said, the guys and glas who're on the forum are awesome. I'm just glad I can learn more from you all about Batman.
I found the site while searching for an official Batman movies site and this one popped up ! Been hooked ever since !

P.S.: I'm also a massive Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Costner fan. Just to let you guys know what I like beside Batman.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 14:22
Quote from: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug  2011, 14:21
the guys and glas who're on the forum are awesome.
Am I awesome?

(I know I am, but I'd like to hear someone say it)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 14:31
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 31 Aug  2011, 14:22
Quote from: Batman88 on Wed, 31 Aug  2011, 14:21
the guys and glas who're on the forum are awesome.
Am I awesome?

(I know I am, but I'd like to hear someone say it)
As a matter of fact, you are. I've read a lot of your arguments and you always back them up with extensive knowledge and straight facts. Love the way you love and coherently back Batman 2 up.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Wed, 31 Aug 2011, 20:11
Welcome to the site, Batman88!

QuoteP.S.: I'm also a massive Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Costner fan. Just to let you guys know what I like beside Batman.

The 80s and 90s were truly a golden age for action films. Hopefully we'll have more topics about them in the future.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Tue, 6 Sep 2011, 12:02
I have pre-ordered both figures.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Tue, 6 Sep 2011, 12:41
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 12:02
I have pre-ordered both figures.

Jealous!  ;D
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Thu, 15 Sep 2011, 01:23
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 12:02
I have pre-ordered both figures.

From where? I'm interested.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 15 Sep 2011, 08:09
Quote from: GBglide on Thu, 15 Sep  2011, 01:23
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 12:02
I have pre-ordered both figures.

From where? I'm interested.
This place called the official site:
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Grissom on Tue, 27 Sep 2011, 23:35
Holy totally excellent action figures Batman!

Where's money when you need it?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Wed, 28 Sep 2011, 08:52
So, these are coming out April 2012, right ?
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Thu, 29 Sep 2011, 06:19
I heard that they would be out in the 1st quarter of 2012.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman on Fri, 11 Nov 2011, 14:13
I so want to place my order on Batman and the Joker now, but I'm really concerned about getting the best possible deal without having to pay outrages EU import taxes. I live in central Europe (Austria). Where's everyone living overseas ordering them from? seems like the best option yet. €312 / GBP 267 and free shipping.

I dread thinking about the final price of the Batmobile plus shipping to Austria.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman on Fri, 18 Nov 2011, 12:05
Any suggestions? I'm getting increasingly worried I might miss out.

By the way, listed them being released on February 17th.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Wed, 28 Dec 2011, 22:47
Quote from: Batman on Fri, 11 Nov  2011, 14:13
I so want to place my order on Batman and the Joker now, but I'm really concerned about getting the best possible deal without having to pay outrages EU import taxes. I live in central Europe (Austria). Where's everyone living overseas ordering them from? seems like the best option yet. €312 / GBP 267 and free shipping.

I didn't want to miss out so I pre-ordered from Sideshow (Joker and Batman)... and I live in New Zealand... so I'm sure the import duties are going to tack on at least $50-60.  Not much I can do about that, unless I get them off eBay when the figures are released.  267 pounds for both (including shipping) sounds like a solid deal to me.   :)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman on Thu, 5 Jan 2012, 20:21
I won an auction for the Joker on December 25th. GBP 182 for the figure. That's GBP shipped (inside the EU), which while steep, is probably a pretty good deal. I did see someone winning another Joker from the same seller for GBP 166, though.

There's also an eBay seller in China selling Batman for GBP 194 with free Standard International Shipping. Toll Import Taxes would probably apply.
Not sure if I'll dare it.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: gordonblu on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 02:27
I got some ebay purchases from China, and I don't remember there being any toll charges.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 14:49
I guess you were lucky you weren't randomly selected, then.
All depends on the kindness of the seller, declaring items as a "gift" and undervaluing the worth of content.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Kingdjack4500 on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 19:10
Man I'm a 1989 Batman but maybe because I'm a cheap those toys should be $20-$40
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 22:54
LOL... wouldnt that be ideal kingdjack?  Fortunately, Hot Toys spends a lot of time modeling their figures.  Unfortunately that means a high markup, I suspect.  I would imagine they could sell the figures closer to a price of $99US and get more regular sales.  I think their figures are limited to a run of 10,000-ish as well so that might account for part of the cost.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Kingdjack4500 on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 23:15
That's too much for me.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Sat, 7 Jan 2012, 21:03
Yeah fair enough.  I suppose they could offer a cheaper version without all the extra faces/gadgets and the light-up base, etc.  That might shave off some of the cost for the collectors who can't spend as much
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: KeatonisBatman on Mon, 6 Feb 2012, 22:23
I got notification that Hot Toys is shipping the Keaton Batman!   ;D
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Mon, 27 Feb 2012, 05:15
Quote from: KeatonisBatman on Mon,  6 Feb  2012, 22:23
I got notification that Hot Toys is shipping the Keaton Batman!   ;D
Lucky duck. I pre-ordered mine a while back and was told to expect mine end of March/beginning of April. Oh well. Must be a demand thing. It'll be worth it. After the initial frenzy the prize goes up and of course, stock becomes hard to come by.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Mon, 27 Feb 2012, 07:21
BigBadToyStore says February for the figures, but they've been saying that for months.....

On the other hand they're preordering the Batmobile at $579. (
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: The Dark Knight on Mon, 27 Feb 2012, 09:27
Quote from: GBglide on Mon, 27 Feb  2012, 07:21On the other hand they're preordering the Batmobile at $579.
I haven't pre-ordered that yet, but mentally I have committed myself to buying it. I just hope that I'll have enough money when the BR merchandise is revealed.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Fri, 6 Apr 2012, 05:29
My HT Batman just came in. It's just as awesome as it appears online! 8)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 07:54
Since today is my birthday, I preordered a Batmobile.
Title: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 09:02
You're very good to yourself! lol

Happy Birthday
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 09:19
Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Batman88 on Fri, 31 Aug 2012, 15:32
I bought the Keaton figure 3 months ago. It's awesome. Picking up the Nicholson one later in the year.
Title: Hot Toys - Joker mime
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 16 May 2013, 07:26
So, Hot Toys follows up their classic purple 1989 Joker suit with a variation. The black and white mime suit.

Check it out:

This reveal makes me wonder what else is in store for us.

I wonder what's going on with their BR line?
Title: Hot Toys - Joker mime
Post by: Paul (ral) on Thu, 16 May 2013, 08:44

Posted that yesterday :-/
Title: Re: Hot Toys - Joker mime
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 16 May 2013, 08:52
Oh well. Delete this thread if necessary.

Or if people want to discuss it here on the forums.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Fri, 26 Jul 2013, 05:32
My Hot toys Batmobile came in. Here are a few quick shots.

Batman with the Batmobile.

Just the car.

The cockpit.

The machine guns.

Larger than the average cat!

Unfortunately the shields were covered in a coating that is bubbling up badly.  :(
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Catwoman on Fri, 26 Jul 2013, 06:47
i am scared to ask how much that cost
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Paul (ral) on Fri, 26 Jul 2013, 11:43
Very cool.

Weird about the paint on the shields...this a common complaint?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Fri, 26 Jul 2013, 14:21
Quote from: Catwoman on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 06:47
i am scared to ask how much that cost

I saved about $50 because I preordered it early. Still, with shipping it cost $664.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 11:43
Weird about the paint on the shields...this a common complaint?

I searched online and found one mention, the prototype on display had the same problem. We'll have to see if other people have the same problem.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Catwoman on Fri, 26 Jul 2013, 17:17
Quote from: GBglide on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 14:21
Quote from: Catwoman on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 06:47
i am scared to ask how much that cost

I saved about $50 because I preordered it early. Still, with shipping it cost $664.

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Sat, 27 Jul 2013, 08:38
The Batmobile has a bunch of features from both Burton films.  If your interested, I've scanned the instructions  (warning large file size). (
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: 1989Batmancom on Sat, 27 Jul 2013, 12:28
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 11:43
Very cool.

Weird about the paint on the shields...this a common complaint?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

What you're seeing in that shot is the protective film still in place. The shields have a covering over them (except on the wheels) that needs to be peeled off. :)

Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: GBglide on Sat, 27 Jul 2013, 12:55
Quote from: 1989Batmancom on Sat, 27 Jul  2013, 12:28
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Fri, 26 Jul  2013, 11:43
Very cool.

Weird about the paint on the shields...this a common complaint?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

What you're seeing in that shot is the protective film still in place. The shields have a covering over them (except on the wheels) that needs to be peeled off. :)


Ah, Thanks!  You think they would've mentioned that in the documentation.
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: 1989Batmancom on Thu, 1 Aug 2013, 04:21
Well, got my Hot Toys Batmobile unboxed tonight...

Bad news:

-The box had a 7 inch hole in the side of it, both through the brown shipper and the display box.... plus another quarter size hole in the other side. No damage to the car from this, but it is still a bummer to have a destroyed box on a $700 item.

- I have 2 of the common scuff/ scratches on the canopy's side. They aren't as bad as others I have seen (and not nearly bad enough to risk trying for a better one), but they are there:

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Good news:


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This is honestly the coolest purchase I have ever made. Even with the scuffs and the box damage... Zero buyer's remorse. It is a thing of absolute beauty and is the definitive piece in my 1989 Batman collection. A work of art.

Here are some quick, no frills pics of this beast.... I will do some more detailed pics (once I figure out how to get it on my photo table) and a video review this weekend... but I just wanted to snap a few pics of this masterpiece in its new home tonight. :)

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Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: 1989Batmancom on Sun, 4 Aug 2013, 11:47
Our full Hot Toys Batmobile review is now up-

Hot Toys MMS 170 1989 Batmobile Review (http://"")

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Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: 1989Batmancom on Tue, 3 Dec 2013, 14:13
For anyone interested... Our review of Mime Joker is now up!

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This one is super-sized with almost 100 pictures and 30+ minute video review- (

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Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: DarkVengeance on Sun, 15 Dec 2013, 00:26
Looks absolutely incredible
Title: Re: Hot Toys figures on the way!
Post by: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 19 Jan 2014, 00:03
Quote from: 1989Batmancom on Thu,  1 Aug  2013, 04:21
Well, got my Hot Toys Batmobile unboxed tonight...

Bad news:

-The box had a 7 inch hole in the side of it, both through the brown shipper and the display box.... plus another quarter size hole in the other side. No damage to the car from this, but it is still a bummer to have a destroyed box on a $700 item.

- I have 2 of the common scuff/ scratches on the canopy's side. They aren't as bad as others I have seen (and not nearly bad enough to risk trying for a better one), but they are there:

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Good news:


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This is honestly the coolest purchase I have ever made. Even with the scuffs and the box damage... Zero buyer's remorse. It is a thing of absolute beauty and is the definitive piece in my 1989 Batman collection. A work of art.

Here are some quick, no frills pics of this beast.... I will do some more detailed pics (once I figure out how to get it on my photo table) and a video review this weekend... but I just wanted to snap a few pics of this masterpiece in its new home tonight. :)

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Many of my best and most memorable Christmas' are as the result of Batman product I recieved on the big day. Never forget Christmas morning 1992, the Returns logo was seemingly everywhere and I hadn't even seen the movie yet (got that on VHS in my Christmas stocking at the tender "underage" of four years old). Last year (2012) I got the Hot Toys Joker. Had to keep an eye on it in my local comic store. Thankfully nobody bought it for almost four months. After that Christmas I didn't think there was anything that could possibly top such an incredible gift. Cue Christmas 2013 blues lol

Thought I'd get myself that Chris Reeve Evil Superman with it's spectacular base. Great figure and I love Superman III personally. What else could possibly top Nicholson? Couldn't care less about the Christian Bale figures and the Returns line still aint out. It seemed the obvious bet. So I geniunely didn't expect my family (who I assumed had gone out to dispose of trash) to shove in a gi-normous box through our hallway this recent Christmas containing this, the biggest freaking Batmobile ever made! So big it couldn't even fit our car boot properly (in which it had to stay throughout Christmas Eve night against the prying eyes of potential thieves!). I know it was the only one available to buy in my home city. I'm told the guys who sold it felt they had been paid their Christmas bonus' lol It displayed in the window of my local store throughout the holiday (much like that movie "A Christmas Story" with the kid who's after that Red Ryder BB Gun). I never dreamed in a million years it'd find it's way into my Cobblepot-like "flippers". What a fantastic new Christmas memory.

I'm one of those people who believe they have psychic ability and although I recently had enough money to also buy that Christopher Reeve figure I decided against it. I have a funny feeling this year we will finally have some sort of progress on the Batman Returns figures. It's been two whole years this January that they were announced. Something's bound to happen soon. Hot Toys may want to put something out in this 75th anniversary year anyway. Plus I think their running out of things to do with the Christian Bale stuff.