How do you rate the Expanded OST from La-La Land Records?
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From La-La-Land Records http://www.lalalandrecords.com/
BATMAN (1989): LIMITED EDITION: 2 CD-SET (Expanded Archival Collection)
LLLCD 1140
Music by Danny Elfman
Limited Edition of 5000 Units
As part of our Expanded Archival Collection, La-La Land Records presents the World premiere release of the film version of Danny Elfman?s acclaimed original score to the 1989 Warner Bros. blockbuster BATMAN, starring Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton and Kim Basinger and directed by Tim Burton. With a running time of 144 minutes, this 2-CD SET, produced by Dan Goldwasser, Neil S. Bulk and MV Gerhard, and remastered by James Nelson, features the previously unreleased film version (mix/edit) of Mr. Elfman?s score, as well as a remastered presentation of the 1989 soundtrack album and never-before-released Bonus Tracks. 20 Page CD Booklet features in-depth liner notes by Jeff Bond. Limited Edition of 5000 Units
ABOUT THIS RELEASE: In order to present as much music as possible from Batman in the best possible quality, multiple sources were utilized with the best-quality elements selected for each cue on an individual basis. For disc one and the bonus cues on disc two, three sources were used: Eric Tomlinson?s 35mm 4-track mixes, 1/4 inch stereo mixes and a stereo 35mm music only track. The album cues on disc two were sourced from the original digital album master featuring Shawn Murphy?s stereo album mix.
Disc One: Original Score (film version)
1. Main Title* (2:42)
2. Family*/First Batman*/Roof Fight* (3:24)
3. Jack Vs. Eckhardt* (1:37)
4. Up Building*/Card Snap* (1:54)
5. Bat Zone*/Axis Set-Up* (1:55)
6. Shootout* (5:42)
7. Dinner Transition*/Kitchen Dinner* (**)/Surgery* (3:00)
8. Face?Off* (**)/Beddy Bye* (3:59)
9. Roasted Dude* (1:03)
10. Vicki Spies (Flowers)* (1:56)
11. Clown Attack* (1:59)
12. Photos*/Beautiful Dreamer* (***) (2:30)
13. Men At Work* (0:33)
14. Paper Spin*/Alicia?s Mask* (0:30)
15. Vicki Gets A Gift* (1:13)
16. Alicia?s Unmasking* (1:10)
17. Batman To The Rescue*/Batmobile Charge*/Street Fight* (4:25)
18. Descent Into Mystery* (1:33)
19. Bat Cave*/Paper Throw* (2:48)
20. The Joker?s Poem* (0:59)
21. Sad Pictures* (0:38)
22. Dream*/Challenge*/Tender Bat Cave* (**) (4:28)
23. Charge Of The Batmobile* (1:43)
24. Joker Flies To Gotham (Unused)*/Batwing I* (0:31)
25. Batwing II*/Batwing III* (6:02)
26. Cathedral Chase* (5:07)
27. Waltz To The Death* (3:58)
28. Showdown I*/Showdown II* (5:05)
29. Finale* (**) (1:47)
30. End Credits* (1:29)
Disc One Total Time: 75:40
Disc Two: Original Soundtrack Album (remastered)
1. The Batman Theme (2:37)
2. Roof Fight (1:22)
3. First Confrontation (4:43)
4. Kitchen/Surgery/Face?Off** (3:09)
5. Flowers (1:51)
6. Clown Attack (1:46)
7. Batman To The Rescue (3:57)
8. Roasted Dude (1:02)
9. Photos/Beautiful Dreamer*** (2:31)
10. Descent Into Mystery (1:33)
11. The Bat Cave (2:35)
12. The Joker?s Poem (0:59)
13. Childhood Remembered (2:43)
14. Love Theme** (1:30)
15. Charge Of The Batmobile (1:41)
16. Attack Of The Batwing (4:45)
17. Up The Cathedral (5:05)
18. Waltz To The Death (3:56)
19. The Final Confrontation (3:48)
20. Finale (**) (***) (1:46)
21. Batman Theme Reprise (1:31)
Bonus Cues:
22. News Theme* (0:11)
23. Joker?s Commercial* (1:23)
24. Joker?s Muzak (unused)* (1:15)
25. Main Title (alt 1)* (2:42)
26. Photos*/Beautiful Dreamer (alt)* (**) (2:33)
27. Batman To The Rescue (original ending)* (0:52)
28. Charge Of The Batmobile (film edit)* (1:47)
29. Main Title (alt 2)* (2:47)
Disc Two Total Time: 68:20
Total Running Time: 144:00
* Previously unreleased
** includes ?Scandalous? composed by Prince with John L. Nelson
*** includes ?Beautiful Dreamer? composed by Stephen Foster
A tear just came to my eye. This is excellent news! ;D ;D
Awesome ;D
It won't be released until 27th July (2 weeks) although if you're at Comic Con it is available there.
Well done La-La-Land Records, well done!
my only hope is that whoever buys it uploads it for us poor people
All I can say is, It's About Time. Hopefully, la la land records will also release Batman Returns in an expanded archival 2 disc set.
Quote from: THE BAT-MAN on Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 19:15
All I can say is, It's About Time. Hopefully, la la land records will also release Batman Returns in an expanded archival 2 disc set.
I've been told it's on the way too.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 15 Jul 2010, 18:44
my only hope is that whoever buys it uploads it for us poor people
Give it time my friend, give it time. That is how I "found" the Batman The Animated Series Limited Edition 2 Disc set. Seriously though, this is cool but you know there are more than 5000 people that would like to have this, so I don't feel sorry for La La Land Records or the record industry in general when this or any other popular item that is produced in limited quantities gets uploaded on the internet for those to download who desire it, but couldn't get it because of some stupid decision of limited quantities. Please spare me the speeches of the whole collectability of the item, because if this thing retails for $30 bucks, you know it will be sold on Ebay or somewhere else for double the price and La La Land Records is not receiving that money. So yeah, I doubt I get one through proper channels, but if I happen to "find" one through other means, I won't lose any sleep over the fact that La La Land Records screwed themselves out of a sale. And if you fellas do the same, then more power to you.
*Don't mind me, I'm just pissed over the whole Hot Wheels Ecto-1/Wonder Woman Invisible Jet exclusives that are only going to be available at the San Diego Comic Con.
WooHoo!! I'll definitely be buying it. :)
The problem is that if this set doesn't sell well then further Batman releases may be off the cards...look at the TV Superboy DVD situation. Season 1 sold poorly and because of that the other (better) seasons are not going to be released.
This is OUTSTANDING news and about time.
I've had a look at the track listing and it seems like they're leaving nothing out, which is essential with a release such as this. If you're going to do it, do it once and put it all on the table. Like everybody here I want it badly, but that 5000 unit limit is concerning. Hopefully someone uploads it. I'm sure they will.
And Batman Returns is getting the same treatment?
I heard Returns is getting the same treatment later in the year.
I think we're gonna be in the clear here, Paul. Their releases have been selling quite well, such as the Superman film scores and the one for The Flash. I'm pretty sure that at least we'll get a Returns release. I REALLY want this for the alternate and unused cues. So, I say, "SHIP THEM ALL! WERE GONNA TAKE 'EM OUT A WHOLE NEW DOOR!!"
I don't see any way to pre-order it.
Is it just going to be first come, first served on July 27th?
The site (La La Land Records) will be updated on July 27th. You can order then.
Oh...My...God... ;D
and I love that they used the same iconic image as the artwork.
I hope LA LA Land Records does the same with the other film scores. Especially Batman and Robin.
Quote from: gotham22 on Sat, 24 Jul 2010, 04:41
Especially Batman and Robin.
Good lord. I hope La La Land erase the memory of BaR from the histories. Every piece of BaR parchment should be burned. Every BaR supporter should have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouths. Utttering the very name of it should be punishable by death.
Quote from: gotham22 on Sat, 24 Jul 2010, 04:41
I hope LA LA Land Records does the same with the other film scores. Especially Batman and Robin.
They don't have the rights to do it yet but believe they are looking into it with an aim to have a release over the next 12 months or so.
Beside the film being so terrible. I bet some wouldn't mind having an official score in their hands.
Yea, as a film score aficionado I will often purchase music from movies I disliked. Goldenthal's music may be associated with some bad films, but it's still fun and inventive.
I looked into the likelihood of a new Batman soundtrack release a few weeks ago on some message boards, and people seemed to think we would get Batman (1989) or BaR.
You would think Elfman's two scores would be top priority for Bat fans, but I actually saw comments of BaR preferance over Elfman. I found that gobsmacking.
I may understand the desire for completist purposes, but wanting Goldenthal's score more, and letting Elfman's definitive score gather dust for longer? Honestly, even though I have no listened to Goldenthal's cues individually away from the film for a very long time, I know I'm not missing too much at all.
Anyway, Elfman is what we will get. And rightly so. We don't need those petitions anymore.
I guess I see this release as an opportunity of releasing an official complete B&R score.
At least the bootleg for Batman & Robin wasn't taken from the DVD, as Elfman's scores were.
I'm just hoping we don't have to wait TOO long for a complete Returns, which is supposedly in the works.
I don't like the film to much. But I will definitely get the complete score of BR too.
Quote from: gordonblu on Sat, 24 Jul 2010, 18:34
I'm just hoping we don't have to wait TOO long for a complete Returns, which is supposedly in the works.
I'm just going on what ral said, but by the end of the year it
should be out. I'm thinking like you, though. Should isn't good enough for me.
If it's not in writing or confirmed, I'm sceptical. I'm not the trusting type and can see the wait time expanding and the words of potential becoming just that.
How do you order from La-La Land Records?
Do you click order, next pulls up a page to checkout, then it pulls up another page to give out your address infomation?
I can confirm that La-La-Land Records is releasing the complete score for Returns. I was at SDCC and picked up my copy of the B89 score and they handed me a paper foretelling later releases in the year, and listed was Batman Returns. The booth manager told me, additionally, that it's coming out for Christmas. To which I gleefully told him they were brilliant for that.
And I can tell you myself that, aside from a few very minor shifts in audio quality (that you'd have to have headphones on and turn it up LOUD to hear), the release of the '89 score is phenominal. The original soundtrack edition has been so cleaned-up, it finally sounds like an official release instead of a bootleg. Likewise, the first disc (which houses the complete score and is the arrangement of the music heard in the film) is beautiful. The bonus tracks are awesome as well. Interesting to hear the different things Elfman wanted to do, and the track "Joker Flies to Gotham" that switches into the Batwing appearance music is really awesome.
Interesting how it didn't seem like that much music was missing from the original release, but it was easily almost 15 minutes worth (!), and some of them key cues. Also great moments of music were just cut out of the middle of tracks all together (most noticably the moment in the film when Batman releases the balloons from the Batwing's claw). This complete release is a MUST-HAVE. Don't pass on it!
oh..someone have mercy on us dogfaces
Yeah, upload those bonus tracks to YouTube!
Being in Ireland, I probably won't get my hands on a copy for week or so.
Does anyone fancy doing an official review for the site...the more indepth the better.
PM me...thanks
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Mon, 26 Jul 2010, 00:43
Yeah, upload those bonus tracks to YouTube!
Indeed. I'll be hoping someone uploads it in the meantime. It sounds absolutely fantastic.
I think when I buy the soundtrack, I'll get the book Danny Elfman's Batman: A Film Score Guide to go along with it. I hope that Prince will one day put out a double disc special edition of his soundtrack for Batman.
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Mon, 26 Jul 2010, 19:50
I think when I buy the soundtrack, I'll get the book Danny Elfman's Batman: A Film Score Guide to go along with it.
Excellent idea.
OMG La La Records site also has the music from Idiocracy and Speed 2!
3 dreams coming true all at once!
how is the Batman score being handled by this dog & pony show???
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 26 Jul 2010, 20:12
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Mon, 26 Jul 2010, 19:50
I think when I buy the soundtrack, I'll get the book Danny Elfman's Batman: A Film Score Guide to go along with it.
Excellent idea.
I have that book, it's really insightful on how Danny made the score. I even wrote a letter to the author, expressing my appreciation and interest. She actually wrote me back, and was very pleased that I had enjoyed the book.
I also have Danny Elfman's Batman in Focus. Which is a more recent release, although it is not as detailed as Danny Elfman: A Film Score Guide, it still gives insight on the making of the score as well as providing some extracts from the original sheet music.
Here's a link to read the actual book to Danny Elfman: A Film Score Guide
Here's link for Danny Elfman's Batman In Focus
Help!!!! I don't see anyway to order it from their website. Perhaps I am missing something?
The score will be available at noon (pacific time I think they said).
im in PA, and itd 12:30 exactly, still not up. ill check back later.
PST is on the west coast. For you it will probably be up at 2.
It's Ready for Purchase!
4pm now EST - site looks the same - am i missing something?? - la la land records site right?
Got mine ordered! ;D
finally found it
I ordered mine.
You know, it certainly is nice to have some closure on something related to '89. We always ask for things that aren't going to happen anytime soon (e.g., expanded version of the movie, Keaton/Nicholson commentary, etc.).
But this soundtrack actually happened! ;D
Just ordered mine. A bit pricey for me, but I'm sure it'll be worth it ;)
It was surreal ordering my soundtrack.
After waiting years for it, things fell into place rather quickly. Announcement and bang.
Now it's just the length of time it takes for it to reach my doorstep.
Folks, let's soak this moment up. This is one of the very last frontiers regarding the film. With this and the Blu-ray, I don't know what else there is to petition for.
i want the cds but just got laid off - trying to save the bucks lately - and already have the 12" keaton statue on order from amazon - if you guys keep yapping about it though i'll end up coughing up the $34!
this, the statue and the bust should be the final frontiers i guess
The cleaned up Joker commercial music you can listen to on the site is fantastic! ;D
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 28 Jul 2010, 02:55
Folks, let's soak this moment up. This is one of the very last frontiers regarding the film. With this and the Blu-ray, I don't know what else there is to petition for.
A 20th Anniversary Special Edition DVD/Blue-Ray for Batman Returns...
By the way, according to a forum at The Tim Burton Collective, a Tim Burton and Danny Elfman 25th Anniversary Music Box featuring 14 CDs, a DVD and a book of interviews with Burton and Elfman will be released in the winter. Like some of you guys, I haven't got much cash at the moment, but I'd be willing to wait until the winter and save up for the Music Box.
Any thoughts on whether it will contain the Limited Edition Batman CD set? Probably a dumb question bearing in mind that the CDs are 'limited', but maybe the Music Box is limited too, or it will be the only other way of purchasing it once the separate limited CDs have sold out.
Funny how there is not a word about this over at Batman on, er, Nolan on Film.
To be fair they are at SDCC covering other stuff.
Well, that's just the thing. They're covering other stuff. Consciously or not, it's something of a trend over there. I think you should be able to cover everything Batman that's going on, especially with a site calling itself BOF.
They surely know about the soundtrack release. I doubt they are ignorant of it. If they're tied up and are time poor, at least publically acknowledge it with a line or two. But we have nothing at all. Our good man DocLathropBrown was there and reported something about it, which I am grateful for. I don't see why they can't.
Well now, has anyone actually let Jett know about this release? I was only aware of it recently. It could be that it's just slipped under the radar.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 28 Jul 2010, 12:53
Well, that's just the thing. They're covering other stuff. Consciously or not, it's something of a trend over there.
I meant under the red hood and comics. As pj says...it has probably slipped under the radar.
It's literally in my hands as we speak!!!!!
A friend of mine (who HATES BATMAN in all his forms) waited in line just to get this for me!!!!
first track I listened to was "Men at Work" which is the interaction between Joker and scientist "TAKE IT OUT A WHOLE NEW DOOR!"
It's lush and rich beyond my wildest dreams! I can only hope I'm as fortunate with RETURNS as I was with this!
Good deal, man. Now PUT THEM ON YOUTUBE!
Haha, just kidding! I'll wait for mine to come in the mail.
I'd do it in a heart beat if the WMA wouldn't immediately stab me in the heart!
I thought they worked out a deal so that they aren't hardasses about stuff like that.
that's great GK, good to hear the sound is THAT impressive!
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 28 Jul 2010, 18:13
that's great GK, good to hear the sound is THAT impressive!
It is! It's like...there are nuances and pieces of music (and even music under music) that I've never heard before (even with the complete score bootleg, bad quality and sfx and all) that create such a new perspective on the score when you get to hear away from the movie, in particular bits like the 'Showdown I' when Batman is beating up the Joker "I'm going to kill you." The music takes on a new persona. It's frankly rather ominous. It's like getting to know Batman again.
The unused pieces are so awesome. I figured they were thrown out for a reason. They rock. Later today, mayhaps I'll post the bonuses!! ;) ;)
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 28 Jul 2010, 06:07
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 28 Jul 2010, 02:55
A 20th Anniversary Special Edition DVD/Blue-Ray for Batman Returns...
All I need it that, a Returns Limited Edition Soundtrack, Batman Forever Limited Edition Soundtrack and A Batman Forever Director's Cut and then I'll be happy.
Ordered mine yesterday!
Interestingly enough, I sent La La Land Records an E-Mail in May asking if there were any plans concrete for Batman: The Animated Series OST Volume 2 and perhaps Special Editions for Danny Elfman's BATMAN and Batman Returns OSTs, to which they replied that WB was keeping their licenses close to themselves at the moment and that there isn't anything coming out in the near future.
A precautious white lie. I was actually positively surprised when it was announced two months laters. Now let's just how further Batman: The Animated Series OST volumes are on the way after the release of the new Batman Returns OST.
Have any of you ordered it through PayPal? Just curious, because I had to( they wouldn't take my debit card), and I've been notified by PayPal that payment WAS sent, but I've heard nothing from LaLaLand. I was hoping this is typical, but my pessimism is convincing me I did something wrong.
gordonblu, i used my visa to order the normal way and they sent me a confirmation email. They also sent me another email today to say the CD had been shipped.
If you don't hear anything after a couple of days I would contact them just to make sure everything is ok.
Did you put the product code number in the info section of the paypal payment?
Has anyone else used Paypal for La-La Land?
I included all of the info they requested.
Great to hear, Gotham Knight.
They've got all the music there, right? Notice anything missing?
Oh, and how is the 20 page booklet?
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 29 Jul 2010, 02:26
Great to hear, Gotham Knight.
They've got all the music there, right? Notice anything missing?
Oh, and how is the 20 page booklet?
Haven't really broached the booklet much yet. Hate me if you want ;)
I'm certain it?s all there.
(If I'm wrong, please correct me) My obsessive ear for BATMAN and my sfx-ridden copy standing by for comparison (and its last rodeo) detects nothing missing. However, three tracks (Joker Commercial, News Theme, Charge of the Batmobile [Film Version]) are separated from CDI(Film Version) and are on CDII(Remastered Album) as part of the bonus cues.
Again, I'm pretty certain it?s all there.
Until I can get the bonus cues up on the Youtube, which will hopefully be today, let me tell you about them
News Theme: Self explanatory
Joker's Commercial: Self-explanatory. Sound great btw!
Joker's Muzak: Probably has some sort of explanation in the booklet, I haven't pulled away from the music enough to look, but to my ear it sounds like the beginnings of a Joker theme set to a Vicki Vale-esque tone (my knowledge of music terminology is staggering, folks) and is actually a sad piece really, that has a loftiness about it, as though trying to find some humanity.
Main Title Alt 1: Has a rawer feeling than the reg main title...meaning less processed and fine-tuned. It?s way bigger at the first crescendo. Sounds like, to my naive ears, like an extra set of drums are right there in the earphones. The drums are huge, too!! Dum dada Dum Dadadad Dum!
Photos - Beautiful Dreamer: Essentially identical until the ?Beautiful Dreamer Melody? which pans out very similarly until it gets really going, and them seems to be slower and, loftier than what made it into the film. The ending is the most notable difference. Same basic idea, just reworked?higher pitch, I think the word would be.
Batman to the Rescue (Original Ending): It?s only about fifty-one seconds. The same until the music reaches the point where Batman hits the door and gets off the gauntlet with Vale. It fades like it usually does, then starts onto a slower piece of music that suddenly explodes into what I think is an early working of a tune from the cathedral scene where Batman falls on the pews. Then it gets all chase like as it ends. I personally get a ?Go ask him!? feeling as though this was arranged over extra dialogue with Joker inside after ?Wonderful Toys? and maybe even an extra struggle amongst goons outside with Bats. I?m spit balling with the latter, but I feel pretty sure about GO ASK ?EM.
Charge of the Batmobile (Film version): Same except that it has an extra beat right after the comedic confusion piece directed at the goons looking at the bomb. It?s an extra DUM before Dadadadad Dum DAAA Dum (yeah?clear as mud aren?t I). Also the charge of the car through the fire seems rawer with some extra underscore. Might be grasping at straws on that one.
Main Title Alt 2: Really isn?t that much different than the reg album version ??..
?..except for the secret ending featuring the orchestra having fun with Beautiful Dreamer. You can hear the late Shirley Walker directing them at the beginning. Really funny. It?s all very goofy, but, it makes me feel connected?good. Like I Quantum Leaped back in time. After Dreamer it goes into a creepy rendition of the Get a Load of Me oop oop? piece and it leaves you with that. And somehow, closure....
EDIT: On CDI there is an unused cue called 'Joker Flies to Gotham' Tagged on the front of 'Batwing I.' Sounds great for as short as it is.
Joker Muzak
get it while you can.
I notified LaLaLand today and they confirmed everything was okay with my order. PHEW! I need to not let my pessimism get the best of me.
Quote from: gordonblu on Thu, 29 Jul 2010, 18:48
I notified LaLaLand today and they confirmed everything was okay with my order. PHEW! I need to not let my pessimism get the best of me.
I was wondering how things would turn out with your order. Glad everything's ok.
Batman to the Rescue (Original Ending)
The ending of the Batman to the Rescue cue is what they used at the beginning of the Making of a Hero documentary! Nice to hear that on there. Thanks for the uploads!
Your welcome!
I don't think I'll do anymore cause I don't want to screw La La too much.
Funny about Joker Muzak, It sounds to me like it should be a track for The Man Who Laughs. It also reminds me of a piece of music Jerry Goldsmith did for Twilight Zone: The Movie. It was the first cue for the third segment of the film.
Is Beautiful Dreamer, as it is played on the Joker's boom-box at Vicki's apartment, on the new CD's?
My order has been sorted out, but I took it upon myself (yes, praise me to high heaven...but one at a time please...GET BACK! I said in an orderly fashion!) to ask La La Land Records about the people who still have "pending review" as their order status.
They replied with the following.
"We are experiencing a high volume of orders and have not processed all of them yet. We will get to all of them shortly."
With the Krull and Batman releases they are probably swamped. Are many people getting pending review status?
I purchased mine on Wednesday mornining UK time, I got an email confirming the order, but nothing since and my order status has not changed. I shot them an email a short while ago asking what's up. I will be pissed if mine isn't fufilled.
The issue here is I don't think they expected this kind of 'high volume' for BATMAN, thus the confusion and need for review, which only proves that a Limited Release of 5000 units was ridiculous.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 30 Jul 2010, 16:16
The issue here is I don't think they expected this kind of 'high volume' for BATMAN, thus the confusion and need for review, which only proves that a Limited Release of 5000 units was ridiculous.
Agreed! Sure I envy you all who have got the money and the opportunity to grab this while the getting is good, but seriously, 5000 units is complete bull****! I hate limited editions, iTunes exclusives and anything else that pretty much cuts the majority of the buying market out of a market that quite frankly needs buyers!
Warners should have kept this to themselves and issued it; at least you know there would have been more than 5000 copies and maybe sold in stores. (I don't know about being sold in stores now that I think about it. Every time I look for a CD in a store anymore, the racks seem emptier and emptier and space for display is becoming smaller and smaller.) I mean seriously, it was mentioned that there were copies for sell at the San Diego Comic Con before the July 27 order date. How many copies were sold there I wonder, because when July 27 rolled around, you know damn good and well there wasn't an honest 5000 copies ready to be sold since some of the 5000 copies had already been sold the previous weekend.
So like I said, I envy those who have it, and will get it. And if and when I find a download link thanks in part to someone's generosity, I will indeed pass it along.
I was expecting mine roughly two weeks from now, But I received it today!!!! :o
Another dream come true. Now For RETURNS!! ;D
The boombox version of Beautiful Dreamer is not on the album as far as I know, but the disc one Photos/ Beautiful Dreamer version of BD is an unused Elfman version! In addition there is another alternate version on the second disc after the album cues.
Quote from: Tarzan1941 on Fri, 30 Jul 2010, 18:24
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 30 Jul 2010, 16:16
Agreed! Sure I envy you all who have got the money and the opportunity to grab this while the getting is good, but seriously, 5000 units is complete bull****! I hate limited editions, iTunes exclusives and anything else that pretty much cuts the majority of the buying market out of a market that quite frankly needs buyers!
Warners should have kept this to themselves and issued it; at least you know there would have been more than 5000 copies and maybe sold in stores. (I don't know about being sold in stores now that I think about it. Every time I look for a CD in a store anymore, the racks seem emptier and emptier and space for display is becoming smaller and smaller.) I mean seriously, it was mentioned that there were copies for sell at the San Diego Comic Con before the July 27 order date. How many copies were sold there I wonder, because when July 27 rolled around, you know damn good and well there wasn't an honest 5000 copies ready to be sold since some of the 5000 copies had already been sold the previous weekend.
I understand completely, but I'm just glad it was released at all. There does need to be a more prominent buyers market for film scores!
Glad you're happy. I can't even get a reply to my emails and since my card has yet to be charged too, I'm guessing there is a problem.
I've listened to it.
I may put together an indepth review later.
But my overall consensus? Two thumbs way up.
Quote from: PJ on Sat, 31 Jul 2010, 08:32
Glad you're happy. I can't even get a reply to my emails and since my card has yet to be charged too, I'm guessing there is a problem.
I have just sent an email, but my guess is that:
They weren't doing any shipping for a week preceding the 27th July and with the 3 new CD releases and the backlog of a weeks worth of orders that they are just swamped.
Quote from: PJ on Sat, 31 Jul 2010, 08:32
Glad you're happy. I can't even get a reply to my emails and since my card has yet to be charged too, I'm guessing there is a problem.
I'm sorry you're having a hassle with your order.
Keep in mind that La La Land is not a giant manufacturer. If I recall correctly, there is only a couple of people that handle orders. And they're the same people that do all the other work.
Minor criticism about the score:
I think certain cues should have been seperated, like not including the paper spin music after the Batcave theme. And so on.
And I'm glad we have the unused Joker Flies to Gotham track, but it did not appear in the film, and it's infront of a cue that did appear in the film. It should have been on disc two with all of the other unused material.
But really, these are nitpicks.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 2 Aug 2010, 03:15
Minor criticism about the score:
I think certain cues should have been seperated, like not including the paper spin music after the Batcave theme. And so on.
And I'm glad we have the unused Joker Flies to Gotham track, but it did not appear in the film, and it's infront of a cue that did appear in the film. It should have been on disc two with all of the other unused material.
But really, these are nitpicks.
Yeah, if I had sequenced the score, Batwing I would have been a part of the Batwing II/ Batwing III track.
Quote from: gordonblu on Mon, 2 Aug 2010, 03:27
Yeah, if I had sequenced the score, Batwing I would have been a part of the Batwing II/ Batwing III track.
I think they said they tried that and it didn't sound good.
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Fri, 30 Jul 2010, 16:16
The issue here is I don't think they expected this kind of 'high volume' for BATMAN, thus the confusion and need for review, which only proves that a Limited Release of 5000 units was ridiculous.
I finally got my copy. But have't listened to it yet.
Can not wait for Returns and hopefully Forever.
Anyone know why they put the film version of "Charge of the Batmobile" on disc two, and not with the rest of the film score on disc one?
Probably because it's a weird edit and not the way Danny Elfman composed the cue. Disc one presents the score as Elfman intended it.
I just found out that Elfman was at Comic Con on Thursday, for the announcement of the Burton/Eflman boxed set. Did La La Records start selling the Batman CD by this time? If so and if I was there, I would have tracked him down so it could have signed it.
Yes, it was on sale at Comic Con the entire time, starting with preview night.
Hi CarterofMars, were you involved with the release in anyway?
I co-produced it.
Damn, that would have been a hell of an opportunity to have Elfman sign the complete soundtrack. Many of the panelist sometimes walk around the area. That's how I met John Landis. It also would have been cool if he just dropped by the booth selling the soundtrack just to say "hi" to the fans.
Finally listened to it. The remastered score on disc 2 sound the same as the original. I really didn't hear a difference.
The bonus cues should have been on disc 1.
Here is the panel interview of Danny Elfman at Comic Con.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
La-La Land Records responded to my email today. They have indeed been swamped with a huge response to the Batman record.
However they did say "rest assured, we will process and ship each and every online order we receive".
They said that anyone who not yet received a CD should be patient...they will arrive.
Quote from: gotham22 on Tue, 3 Aug 2010, 21:30
The bonus cues should have been on disc 1.
CDs hold up to 80 minutes of music.
Disc 1 runs over 75 minutes.
There are 15 minutes of bonus cues on disc 2.
Quote from: CarterOfMars on Tue, 3 Aug 2010, 14:42
Probably because it's a weird edit and not the way Danny Elfman composed the cue. Disc one presents the score as Elfman intended it.
If that is the case, the disc should be clear on that - because it is not sold as that.
Disc 1 is marketed as the
film version of the score. I don't care if it's the way Elfman intended it or not, if that's the way the cue appears in the film, it should be on disc 1. There's nothing weird about it, either. It just adds in some drum beats before the final crescendo.
Why do I have to live abroad? I can't wait to see this thing! ;D
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 4 Aug 2010, 13:54I can't wait to see this thing! ;D
Seeing is good, but hearing is believing in this instance. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. The only music lacking is the Joker's visit to Vicki's apartment.
I am really, and I mean really, looking forward to that Returns release. There's some top music to be unearthed. Particularly the bit played when Bruce and Selina suit up, and when Batman uses the speargun to slide across to the Ice Princess' building.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 4 Aug 2010, 14:30The only music lacking is the Joker's visit to Vicki's apartment.
That was a licensed recording they didn't have the rights to use.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjKO0nP5CM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjKO0nP5CM)
HOLY LORD! Thanks a billion for that link!
Do you happen to know which recording of Theme From A Summer Place they used? It doesn't sound like the Percy Faith & His Orchestra version.
On a related note, here's what Joker played for Vicki at the museum:
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 4 Aug 2010, 13:54
Why do I have to live abroad? I can't wait to see this thing! ;D
Ral, I just recieved my CD today!!! Did you get yours today??
If not it shouldnt be too long buddy! This is so exciting, I haven't listened to it yet!! ;D ;D ;D
No I didn't get it yet Joker81. Hopefully it will arrive very soon then.
I put a poll on the thread so you can rate the OST. If you vote please leave a comment on what you thought of it. :)
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 4 Aug 2010, 19:34
No I didn't get it yet Joker81. Hopefully it will arrive very soon then.
You'll get it tomorrow I'd guess! ;D
Just got mine in! I'm surprised that no one has really noted how all of the missing cues were on the Making of a Hero documentary. Once again, it's wonderful to hear them all on there! Thanks a billion, La La Records!
Quote from: gotham22 on Tue, 3 Aug 2010, 21:30
Finally listened to it. The remastered score on disc 2 sound the same as the original. I really didn't hear a difference.
Maybe it's my crappy speakers, but it seems to me like there's a tape-hiss in the background of CD 1 that I'm not hearing as much on CD 2.
Anyone have Skype? I'd love to do a discussion on this release.
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Thu, 5 Aug 2010, 02:18
Anyone have Skype? I'd love to do a discussion on this release.
I'd love to do one after my mine arrives and I've had time to give it a good listen. Anyone else be up for it?
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu, 5 Aug 2010, 10:23
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Thu, 5 Aug 2010, 02:18
Anyone have Skype? I'd love to do a discussion on this release.
I'd love to do one after my mine arrives and I've had time to give it a good listen. Anyone else be up for it?
I have skype and would be interested in discussing this.
CD arrived today. ;D
So far I have only have time to listen to it in the car on the way to work. Up to track 7 at the moment.
My copy is gonna be in the car's CD player for a while too.
I started listening to mine last night while laying in bed - in the dark! lol Just like I used to with the original release when I was 15!
Was great, just up to the axis and chemicals track. Will listen to some more tonight!
Glad you got yours Ral! ;D
DocLathropBrown has written an overview of the release for the site.
You can read it here: http://www.batmanmovieonline.com/features.php?display=81
I gave the CD 4 stars out of 5.
I dont want to sound like I am complaining, because I am not. La La Land have give us Batman 89 fans something we have been wanting for a long long time, and I give them a lot of credit and appreciation for that!
However, I found the sound quality of some of the tracks not the best. This is the reason why I give the CD 4 stars. Also, does anyone find it strange there are no pictures of the Joker, or Vicki Vale in the 20 page booklet?
Apart from this the CD is great, they have covered everything score wise for Batman and more! Finally I am over the moon to have the complete score to this classic film. ;D
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 31 Jul 2010, 11:11
I may put together an indepth review later.
No need to, now. DocLathropBrown has done a sterling job.
Quote from: Joker81 on Sun, 8 Aug 2010, 22:56However, I found the sound quality of some of the tracks not the best. This is the reason why I give the CD 4 stars.
It's mentioned in the notes and press release that the best quality material available was utilized to make the CD.
Quote from: Joker81 on Sun, 8 Aug 2010, 22:56Also, does anyone find it strange there are no pictures of the Joker, or Vicki Vale in the 20 page booklet?
There weren't photos of them in the original album either. Using actor likenesses adds considerably to the cost. Reproducing photos of the actors used in the original album is fine though which is why the Keaton photos are there.
You know, while I generally like it, I?m torn about aspects of the release.
While it?s how it appears in the film, I think with a remaster, things that lurk under the surface should be more audible and distinct. You know, because it's a remaster. Like how they Blu-ray up these prehistoric films.
The filmic Descent into Mystery?s choir chanting is dull and buried. And the drumming in Attack of the Batwing is dulled, too. Yeah, I?m still calling it by that, because that?s what it is. Just like a chapter in a book is always constant. With that stuff dulled, I find it kind of backward. I mean, the sound is still there, but it's been reduced. Why not have it to its full potential? I basically wanted the same quality of the original cues, but extended.
Yes, we have the chanting and more audible drumming with the other cue versions, but it?s a trade off. Say, with the original Attack of the Batwing, we?ve got louder drumming, but it?s an edited, incomplete version. I don?t like that there are lots of different versions of cues. I want there to be one definitive cue for each cue. I?d like to have one Batman track list, not a jumbled set. In that instance, the new set doesn't cancel out the other release. You've got the have the other one to hear other things.
We have all the music here, but it?s a confusing quandary for me to explain.
I know what you're talking about. I miss the choir as well. I also miss the piano toward the end of rooftop fight on the original album.
Quote from: gordonblu on Tue, 10 Aug 2010, 17:04
I know what you're talking about. I miss the choir as well. I also miss the piano toward the end of rooftop fight on the original album.
The best part is that you have that on the second disc!
Just want to let everyone know I do love the release. With something you love, you want the best possible for it, and excessive worrying and fuss goes on.
If cues in the film had less choir, etc, that's fine. That's the whole point of releasing the film score. Presenting it how it appears in the film.
The only thing I would've done is add the filmic Charge of the Batmobile onto disc one. But that is easily done, and I have done so already.
I remember reading that Danny Elfman didn't like how the score was put together for the film. Does anybody know if the filmic Descent into Mystery is how it is really intended to be? You know, like Danny's true vision? And that goes for all the film version cues.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 13 Aug 2010, 16:02
Does anybody know if the filmic Descent into Mystery is how it is really intended to be? You know, like Danny's true vision?
I doubt Danny even remembers that now :)
Has anyone ever noticed how different the musical score is presented in the Shadows Of The Bat: The Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight documentary?
What I mean is, if you listen carefully at the end of "The Road To Gotham City" The music being used is when Batman is flying the Batwing and he releases Joker's balloons. You can clearly hear more brass in the orchestra and less percussion. Yet on the Expanded Cd release you can hear more percussion and less Brass.
Here is another example. At the beginning of "The Gathering Storm." The music being used is Waltz To The Death. You can clearly hear a more heavy emphasis on the drums. Yet on both the Expanded Cd and The Original Soundtrack. The drums are not played as heavily.
Here is "The Gathering Storm" listen carefully at the drums at the beginning it starts 13 seconds in after Joker dances with vicki.
I did notice that the drums were more muted out in Waltz to the Death.
I have written my thoughts on the release and a short Q&A with La-La Land's Matt Verboys here:
Awesome article Ral!
QuoteAnd you know, now that I think of it...whatever the issues fans have with one aspect of the movies - be it Burton's vision, Keaton's casting, Penguin bile - Danny Elfman's themes are one thing we can all agree on.
Absolutely agree here. The music cannot be denied.
Great write up Ral!!! Agree with everything you say mate. I love this score and am glad it has finally got the release it deserved. Well doe to La La.
Still NO word about this over at BOF.
They can't say they don't know about it by now.
It's not a good look.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 07:53
Still NO word about this over at BOF.
They can't say they don't know about it by now.
It's not a good look.
Who cares what they do? I visit that site maybe about once every six months, and it's usually just to read an old article I found through Google.
I know there's some resentment towards them because many view them as the "preeminent" Batman site but that should just push us harder to improve this site.
Quote from: phantom stranger on Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 17:27Who cares what they do?
Pushing the Nolan agenda and dismissing Burton is a habit for them. You may not read their main page often, but a lot of folks do. And for a major Batman resource, I think we deserve better. They have this reputation and they don't do themselves any favours in reversing it.
They don't even hide it. As I said, they
surely know about it by now. We and the rest of the internet cannot be in on a secret here. The fact they are obviously turning a blind eye and ignoring it with their silence is frankly offensive and telling.
I know Elfman wipes the floor with Zimmer - and they don't want to be too loud about that and steal their brand's thunder, but again, it's called Batman on Film.
I imagine they have the dismissive attitude of "the film is 20 years old, get over it, and BB and TDK are better anyway." And that "we don't need more".
Whatever they say, there is interest in the film, and that is highlighted with the demand this soundtrack has had. La La Land have undoubtedly turned a nice profit. Hell, this very website is proof of Burton Batman interest.
I bet you with my life that if this were a Nolan release, it'd be extensively covered. I get that they are centric on new news, and at the moment that is Nolan. But when there
is information on past material - eg. Burton, have the decency to report it. A line or two on the main page wouldn't hurt at all. And then people like me wouldn't be calling you out on it all the time.
Praise Paul/ral for this site and this board because without it, I would not have known about this.
And thank you, CarterofMars, and everyone else involved in bringing us the full film score and unused cues.
I thought I was pretty much alone in my views until I found this site. We may not always completely see eye to eye all the time, but we at least have the decency to ACTUALLY respect each others opinions which is very rare on the internet these days. Thank you, Ral, for this wonderful oasis in the internet desert.
Quote from: BatmAngelus on Sun, 15 Aug 2010, 19:46
And thank you, CarterofMars, and everyone else involved in bringing us the full film score and unused cues.
You're welcome!
To those that do not have the CD and have downloaded it online, I have one thing to say to you. As I have the CD and have listened to the quality of the download making the rounds, the two cannot be compared. The CD quality is vastly superior. It is smoother, louder and just better in all areas. Sorry for rubbing it in to those without the CD, but that's just the truth.
And here's a question for CarterOfMars. Was there any other existing material that you could not fit onto the set due to run time issues?
I have a question:
I got my CD from a friend who went to comic con where they were selling them, thus I didn't go through the ordering process at La La Land. I've been to the site, but I am unaware of...the procedure, as it were.
I intend to buy RETURNS straight from the site. My question is, When you order from La La, what's the process you go through to put out an order. Is there a membership thing with a password and a basket...Or what? Need to know because I'm gonna be sitting at my comp ready to buy the second RETURNS comes out.
PS: Stupid question: Do they have pre order?
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 17 Aug 2010, 11:42
And here's a question for CarterOfMars. Was there any other existing material that you could not fit onto the set due to run time issues?
No, there was nothing left off.
Quote from: THE BAT-MAN on Sat, 14 Aug 2010, 01:48
Has anyone ever noticed how different the musical score is presented in the Shadows Of The Bat: The Cinematic Saga Of The Dark Knight documentary?
What I mean is, if you listen carefully at the end of "The Road To Gotham City" The music being used is when Batman is flying the Batwing and he releases Joker's balloons. You can clearly hear more brass in the orchestra and less percussion. Yet on the Expanded Cd release you can hear more percussion and less Brass.
Here is another example. At the beginning of "The Gathering Storm." The music being used is Waltz To The Death. You can clearly hear a more heavy emphasis on the drums. Yet on both the Expanded Cd and The Original Soundtrack. The drums are not played as heavily.
Here is "The Gathering Storm" listen carefully at the drums at the beginning it starts 13 seconds in after Joker dances with vicki.
Any reason why this is the case, CarterOfMars? My guess is that the tracks were equalized, while the ones used for the DVD features were modified.
The ordering is done either through paypal or yahoo services which is a seperate entity from the site.
Not sure about preorder? CarterofMars?
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Tue, 17 Aug 2010, 17:33Any reason why this is the case, CarterOfMars? My guess is that the tracks were equalized, while the ones used for the DVD features were modified.
That's the actual film mix playing there. The quality of it is not as good as what we included on the final CD. There's some compression on it and some potting which means it's not really suitable for CD presentation.
No pre-orders on Batman Returns. La-La Land will announce it one week before it's due to come out and then begin taking orders the following week around noon PST.
Can I just ask something, and I am not knocking the CD, I love it and thank you to all that was involved in getting it produced.
However, the scene where the Joker gatecrashes in Vickis apartment, Beatuiful Dreamer is playing on his Goons getto-blaster.
Surley this is not the original Beatiful Dreamer, and was actually conducted by Elfman for this scene?
I say this because when Bruce makes his appearence there is a tune, like a flutter from a flute - then a 'dum dum dum dum dum' from a bass. This accompanies the moment perfectly and seems either seperate from Beatiful Dreamer, but still with keeping to the tune, or incorporated into the track in this scene.
Surely this is not part of the original Beautiful Dreamer? And if not then this small segment is missing from the new CD?
Quote from: Joker81 on Tue, 17 Aug 2010, 22:18
Can I just ask something, and I am not knocking the CD, I love it and thank you to all that was involved in getting it produced.
However, the scene where the Joker gatecrashes in Vickis apartment, Beatuiful Dreamer is playing on his Goons getto-blaster.
Surley this is not the original Beatiful Dreamer, and was actually conducted by Elfman for this scene?
I say this because when Bruce makes his appearence there is a tune, like a flutter from a flute - then a 'dum dum dum dum dum' from a bass. This accompanies the moment perfectly and seems either seperate from Beatiful Dreamer, but still with keeping to the tune, or incorporated into the track in this scene.
Surely this is not part of the original Beautiful Dreamer? And if not then this small segment is missing from the new CD?
Elfman did not conduct the score. Shirley Walker did.
Also that cue, as the notes mention, is indeed a previously recorded version of Beautiful Dreamer and not composed for Batman.
Here it is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjKO0nP5CM
QuoteThat's the actual film mix playing there. The quality of it is not as good as what we included on the final CD. There's some compression on it and some potting which means it's not really suitable for CD presentation.
Shoot. I wish I could have just that build-up cue, as I really enjoy it with the heavy percussion.
CarterOfMars, how did you and your team come up with the new track names?
Were they based off original names by Elfman, or was it just a thing to differentiate this from the original soundtrack release? And if so, do you have any unused track name ideas you threw around to share?
All titles came from the legal cue sheets and are presumably Elfman's.
^ Thanks.
I'm going to put on B89, put the television on mute, start a scene and play the corresponding isolated cue over it. Should be an interesting experience. I'm particularly looking forward to doing Shootout and Showdown I/Showdown II.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 18 Aug 2010, 10:17
^ Thanks.
I'm going to put on B89, put the television on mute, start a scene and play the corresponding isolated cue over it. Should be an interesting experience. I'm particularly looking forward to doing Shootout and Showdown I/Showdown II.
excellent idea
Quote from: CarterOfMars on Tue, 17 Aug 2010, 22:28
Quote from: Joker81 on Tue, 17 Aug 2010, 22:18
Can I just ask something, and I am not knocking the CD, I love it and thank you to all that was involved in getting it produced.
However, the scene where the Joker gatecrashes in Vickis apartment, Beatuiful Dreamer is playing on his Goons getto-blaster.
Surley this is not the original Beatiful Dreamer, and was actually conducted by Elfman for this scene?
I say this because when Bruce makes his appearence there is a tune, like a flutter from a flute - then a 'dum dum dum dum dum' from a bass. This accompanies the moment perfectly and seems either seperate from Beatiful Dreamer, but still with keeping to the tune, or incorporated into the track in this scene.
Surely this is not part of the original Beautiful Dreamer? And if not then this small segment is missing from the new CD?
Elfman did not conduct the score. Shirley Walker did.
Also that cue, as the notes mention, is indeed a previously recorded version of Beautiful Dreamer and not composed for Batman.
Here it is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjKO0nP5CM
Thanks for your response. Fair enough if it is a previously recorded version. However, what about the additional flutter from the flute and the bass I described? Is that in the previously recorded version?
Listen to that YouTube video. It's in that recording of "Beautiful Dreamer". I can't be any clearer than that.
Yeah, dude. THAT IS IT.
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Thu, 19 Aug 2010, 02:17
Yeah, dude. THAT IS IT.
Sure is. I'm going to download it and put it on my B89 playlist.
I was flipping through the booklet today, and this segment stuck out for me:
"Finally, the score's manic energy and unpredictable bursts of orchestration add a subversive "cartoon" aspect that subtly suggests the Batman character's roots in comic books and Saturday morning animation."
The Nolan series music could fit in with any old generic action flick. There is nothing "special" or distinct about it, other than sounding dark. As that quote says, Elfman's sound is distinctly and proudly comic book, but still dark.
Elfman can effortlessly carry a track for five minutes plus, eg. Shootout, and keep the listener engaged the whole time with variety. But with Zimmer, the tracks, especially the long ones, drone on and on. I'm looking at my watch and waiting for it to end, I'm looking at you "A Dark Knight". I do not find myself doing that with Elfman's Batman scores at all.
Yes, I feel the same about your post. I do have to give my props to Nolan and company for making it their own and not trying to copy the sucessful elements of the previous franchise, case in point: Singer's Superman. Just imagine if that happened with Batman.
At least Elfman's sound would be mimicked instead of using droning ambiance to create a "theme".
Didn't we get enough of that in the Animated Series? Anyways, the rich gothic sounds of Elfman don't exactly match with the realism Nolan and company had, so even it it was in there, it would have been largely out of place.
One can never get enough Elfman! ;D
Besides which, my comment was in reference to a "Superman Returns" style sequel/reboot for Burton's Batman films.
Here's another good one:
Thank you for proving my point that it doesn't work. While it is cool to hear the superior Danny Elfman Batman Theme, everything else doesn't mix. Decent Into Mystery is not a track the emphasises action, as it is used in the chase from The Dark Knight. It's doesn't have "mystery" in the title for nothing. The Batman to the Rescue cue placed on the emphasis on the heroics of Batman rescuing Vicki from The Joker and the thugs. The car chase scene in Begins places emphasis on tension, as Rachel is poisoned and it is absolutely urgent that Batman gets her back to the Batcave or she will die. It's not exactly "heroic" to see him run over police cars and drive on rooftops.
Quote from: gordonblu on Fri, 20 Aug 2010, 19:41
At least Elfman's sound would be mimicked instead of using droning ambiance to create a "theme".
Yeah. Zimmer's scores ammount to the build up of tension in cues like Surgery/Face Off, and the beginning of Descent into Mystery. I agree Elfman's music is out of place with Nolan's films. And I wouldn't want it used by association. Elfman's Batman score is unique to Burton, and Burton alone. I'm saying Elfman's music is in the spirt of the character and his roots. Where Nolan's realism has stripped away all the magic and reduced it to generic action film noise, that just so happens to have some guy riding around on a Bat-pod.
I can tell you that The Tumbler and the Bat-Pod got a hell of a lot more mileage than the Burton films' Batmobile, but that was because of the restrictions of the areas they had to film them in. Burton had studio lots and Nolan had the entire city of Chicago.
Oh, and another thing I dislike about Zimmer's Batman soundtracks is that they're collages and not arranged properly. All the cues are jumbled together. With Elfman, the cues are pure and in the order of the scene as it progresses on screen.
Hmm-mmm. Two different directors with two different approaches to the score. Doesn't that make your blood run swiftly?
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Sat, 21 Aug 2010, 04:18
Hmm-mmm. Two different directors with two different approaches to the score. Doesn't that make your blood run swiftly?
I wouldn?t say it makes my blood boil. Different approaches are to be expected. But I know what I like, and what I dislike. And I back up those opinions with reasoning.
As do I.
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Sat, 21 Aug 2010, 03:01
Thank you for proving my point that it doesn't work. While it is cool to hear the superior Danny Elfman Batman Theme, everything else doesn't mix. Decent Into Mystery is not a track the emphasises action, as it is used in the chase from The Dark Knight. It's doesn't have "mystery" in the title for nothing. The Batman to the Rescue cue placed on the emphasis on the heroics of Batman rescuing Vicki from The Joker and the thugs. The car chase scene in Begins places emphasis on tension, as Rachel is poisoned and it is absolutely urgent that Batman gets her back to the Batcave or she will die. It's not exactly "heroic" to see him run over police cars and drive on rooftops.
Now this is where we differ. To me, it just feels right to hear that theme with this (or any) Batman. IMO Danny didn't write the music just for Burton's films, he wrote an iconic theme for the iconic character
period. It's on par (or better depending on your preferences) to John Williams' Superman. That is a well respected piece of music (in terms of re-usage), and this is, to date, not.
p.s. About 20 seconds in on "I'm Not A Hero" on the Dark Knight album is an interesting little passage.
Okay, so you're saying if they played Elfman's theme in the 60's Batman, it would still work? Also, that could be taken the other way around of using the 60's Batman theme in the '89 film, since many find that to be the mostly associated musical theme to Batman. It would be largely out of place. Just as Burton and company wanted to distance themselves from the 60's show, which was well defined in the public eye (not comic fans, mind you) as the vision of Batman, Nolan and company did the same and it turned out to be successful, just as Burton's.
I have tried it over The 60's show and enjoyed the results. For me comedies play better if the music plays it seriously. Haven't tried the Neal Hefti/Nelson Riddle music on the newer stuff yet. That should be... interesting.
As far as Batman goes, I've experimented with different music over the various films and shows, and in all cases Elfman's music works with practically all of them in ways Goldenthal's and Zimmer's do not.
Shirley Walker's music also works extremely well.
I do understand that I am fairly biased toward Elfman in the first place and my enjoyment might be coming more from the music in the first place.
Getting back to the thread topic, I am surprised that the complete score hasn't sold out already. This product was in high demand, and not just from us ravenous Batman/Burton fans. The film score community has been known to snap up every copy of say Predator the minute it comes out and Batman is still available a month after it is released!
I'll blame he who shall not be named, that batman-fan-in-name-only piece of..... Whoops! Don't want to sink to his level! ;D
The CD has been selling very well by all accounts.
Quote from: gordonblu on Sat, 21 Aug 2010, 17:52As far as Batman goes, I've experimented with different music over the various films and shows, and in all cases Elfman's music works with practically all of them in ways Goldenthal's and Zimmer's do not.
Sorry, I don't agree. There is no "one size fits all" deal. I love Elfman as much as anyone, but each individual film score is tailored to each individual film. The score to Batman Returns fits that film like a glove. You cannot transplant that score into the 1960s film, or any other Batman film/television show, and expect it to work. Because it won't. The tone will be off big time. Tragic gloom isn't going to work for bright camp. And the gothic tone of the original isn't going to work at all with Batman Returns. And because of that, Elfman rightly
evolved the score and made it suit the visuals. And he would have done so again if he had the chance to score the third.
I know Elfman is the best, and everything else is inferior, but it's not coming back. Zimmer has done his own thing, and good on him. I'm just arguing about the quality of that take. When the differences between the two are night and day, comparisons obviously arise. Others are entitled to like it, but the Zimmer take is the opposite of what I value.
The fact the score we all deem to be definitive rests exclusively with our favourite Batman interpretation makes it more special. 21 years on, It still burns brightly in the eyes of the mainstream. Zimmer didn't want a theme you could hum, and that is a large factor in their popularity, or lack of, IMO.
Thank you, Dark Knight. I just remembered hear how Nolan wanted Zimmer and Howard to create a score "that people would object to." Looks like they did the job! ;D But, seriously, I think it was just to keep themselves distanced from being compared to the other films. I need to search for it, but I believe Zimmer and Howard first composed a theme for Batman Begins that sounded too similar to Elfman's work, thus the different approach to the music was born.
I decided to take a break from the CD today...
...and put on the Joel McNealy Batman Trilogy CD today ;D
It is an awesome beast. At first a little different and hard to adjust to (due to the slightly slower pacing) but use of symbols and drums in the finale is breathtaking.
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 22 Aug 2010, 16:58
I decided to take a break from the CD today...
...and put on the Joel McNealy Batman Trilogy CD today ;D
It is an awesome beast. At first a little different and hard to adjust to (due to the slightly slower pacing) but use of symbols and drums in the finale is breathtaking.
I really like that CD. My only real complaint is the poor mixing of the choir on the Batman Returns cues. The slower pacing can be jarring, but I'm fascinated by the different "flavors" various orchestras give to music. The only time I was appalled by re-recordings was the Prague Philharmonic's attempt at the Spider-Man theme on the "Comic Strip Heroes" album that came out in `06(I think. Might have been `05). The music from Batman used on that album is the same arrangement as the McNeely recording, but the RSNO plays it a little better.
One of my favorite cues on the Batman Trilogy CD is the re-arranged Neal Hefti
theme, probably because it is a radically different take.
Check this out.
I did that myself. Pretty cool.
Ok let it be known that I have 1989 limited editon on youtube my name on there is kingdjack3000 also i hope you live in the United States because it's block and some other countries i also have the complete Batman Mask of the Phatasm score
Quote from: Kingdjack4500 on Thu, 30 Dec 2010, 15:32
Ok let it be known that I have 1989 limited editon on youtube my name on there is kingdjack3000 also i hope you live in the United States because it's block and some other countries i also have the complete Batman Mask of the Phatasm score
QuoteOk i got mines about a week ago and I haven't stop listening to it yet in fact im currently listening to as im typing this funny thing is I didn't buy mines from lalalandrecords I got mines from amazon they also got batman returns limited editon but they want more for it used then the lalaland wants for it new and i believe amazon spike the price on the 1989 Batman limited editon so I guess i got lucky now I waiting for my batman returns to be shipped to my house so while im doing that i kept listening to 1989 batman limited editon score so i wanna know your feedback for those of you have it
^ I'm noticing a trend here. Meaning well or not, I hope it changes.
what do you mean and how do you change your picture on here
so can you tell how to change the profile picture
Quote from: Kingdjack4500 on Thu, 30 Dec 2010, 16:36
so can you tell how to change the profile picture
settings are there
nevermind to confusing
I not going to do it i dont feel like put my myspace info or facebook info ect it's not that big of a deal
Does anybody know many copies batman and batman returns has sold
i'm kinda surpised they aint sold out.
Batman and Batman Returns are down to the last 350 units.
I'm still alittle upset that they got out sold by die hard the movie are good but the score is no where near Batman or even Batman returns level oh well I guess its amazon's fault
Well there were fewer copies of Die Hard available...probably why it sold out so fast.
Circumstances make it seem there is some plot among collectors to keep Die Hard (as well as Predator) a rare and therefore pricey secondary market item. I can't really prove this except it's suspicious how the Varese editions of both are so expensive and how quickly the La-La Die Hard and the Intrada Predator sold out.
Most people have conspiracy theories about the moon landing and the JFK assasination, I theorize about soundtracks. I need a life.
You have a point
Quote from: gordonblu on Fri, 6 Jan 2012, 02:33
Circumstances make it seem there is some plot among collectors to keep Die Hard (as well as Predator) a rare and therefore pricey secondary market item. I can't really prove this except it's suspicious how the Varese editions of both are so expensive and how quickly the La-La Die Hard and the Intrada Predator sold out.
Most people have conspiracy theories about the moon landing and the JFK assasination, I theorize about soundtracks. I need a life.
well you gotta wonder how much the price will rise when batman and Batman returns sell out.
Maybe. But if memory serves the original Batman Returns went out of print and never really skyrocketed in price, and Batman has never been out of print (until maybe recently?).
I got the Die Hard album that la la land records released. I think Die Hard is more popular that some think.
Hopefully la la land records will consider to release Die Hard 2 and 3.
How is the Die Hard score?
Quote from: gordonblu on Tue, 10 Jan 2012, 03:25
Maybe. But if memory serves the original Batman Returns went out of print and never really skyrocketed in price, and Batman has never been out of print (until maybe recently?).
I always thought it was pulled because of poorly printed copies. The writing on the disc was printed right on top of the disc itself, with no artwork. As I recall the ink on the top of the CD would come off if you rubbed it.
The version you find now (not the Lala land one) has the top of the CD printed wholly in black with a purple bat.
Quote from: gordonblu on Tue, 10 Jan 2012, 05:51
How is the Die Hard score?
It's great. I bet who ever brought it likes the fact it has the let it snow and Beethoven's 9th played in the end credits. The old limited edition from Varese Sarabande doesn't have it.
Like I said before hopefully they'll consider and able to release the scores of Die Hard 2 and Vengeance. There is alot of music missing on the old releases and Vengeance has a few tracks that aren't in even in the film like Beethoven's 9th.
Quote from: gotham22 on Tue, 10 Jan 2012, 05:23
I got the Die Hard album that la la land records released. I think Die Hard is more popular that some think.
Hopefully la la land records will consider to release Die Hard 2 and 3.
I said the score was inferior not movie the movie is one of my fav
Hey guys I need some help here, was there another release of the expanded score that I'm unaware of? I bought the La La Land two pack of Batman/Batman Returns. One problem I've always had with the original release for the 89 soundtrack is that you can barely hear the percussion and unfortunately that problem is still present on the remastered La La Land release. However, years ago a poster on YouTube uploaded the entire expanded score and to my surprise it sounds exactly as it does in the film. I'm still trying to figure out where they got it from. Any ideas?
Here's the playlist on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlfEHtRqlVCot2RNgYOeRwiBAlTIryUyL
Quote from: BatmanFurst on Mon, 4 Feb 2019, 09:05
Hey guys I need some help here, was there another release of the expanded score that I'm unaware of? I bought the La La Land two pack of Batman/Batman Returns. One problem I've always had with the original release for the 89 soundtrack is that you can barely hear the percussion and unfortunately that problem is still present on the remastered La La Land release. However, years ago a poster on YouTube uploaded the entire expanded score and to my surprise it sounds exactly as it does in the film. I'm still trying to figure out where they got it from. Any ideas?
Here's the playlist on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlfEHtRqlVCot2RNgYOeRwiBAlTIryUyL
This playlist is sourced from the 2010 La La Land release. It’s unfortunate that neither release can be considered definitive due to the varying mixes used for both releases. I’m very curious as to whether or not the recent complete vinyl release is better or not, which includes material not on either release. I hope a new CD release is on the way this year with the material.
Quote from: Kamdan on Sun, 17 Feb 2019, 11:56
Quote from: BatmanFurst on Mon, 4 Feb 2019, 09:05
Hey guys I need some help here, was there another release of the expanded score that I'm unaware of? I bought the La La Land two pack of Batman/Batman Returns. One problem I've always had with the original release for the 89 soundtrack is that you can barely hear the percussion and unfortunately that problem is still present on the remastered La La Land release. However, years ago a poster on YouTube uploaded the entire expanded score and to my surprise it sounds exactly as it does in the film. I'm still trying to figure out where they got it from. Any ideas?
Here's the playlist on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlfEHtRqlVCot2RNgYOeRwiBAlTIryUyL
This playlist is sourced from the 2010 La La Land release. It's unfortunate that neither release can be considered definitive due to the varying mixes used for both releases. I'm very curious as to whether or not the recent complete vinyl release is better or not, which includes material not on either release. I hope a new CD release is on the way this year with the material.
Thanks man. I didn't see anything anything on the vinyl that isn't already on the La La Land release.
Two short tracks titled Board Meeting and Vicki Hides the Film are exclusive to the vinyl expanded edition.