Monarch Theatre => Nolan's Bat => The Dark Knight Rises (2012) => Topic started by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 3 Jul 2010, 16:46

Title: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sat, 3 Jul 2010, 16:46
I am sure you have all seen the news about Williams openly campaigning for a role in the next Batman movie.


How do you guys feel about it?

I am all for..I think he would be excellent.  Infact I would rather see a Nolan/Williams Riddler in the next Batman than Catwoman.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: phantom stranger on Sat, 3 Jul 2010, 19:33
I thought he turned down the Riddler role in Batman Forever. That's what I've read.

I even remember years ago seeing Jim Carrey on Howard Stern's show. Howard referred to the Riddler role as "the part that Robin Williams turned down" and Jim didn't disagree with that comment.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 4 Jul 2010, 05:30
I am 100% all for it.

Robin Williams is brilliant at these roles.

"Insomnia", "One Hour Photo" and the Law and Order episode "Authority".

If not The Riddler, I want Williams in B3 doing his creepy stalker thing. Period.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Azrael on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 03:38
Well... is this a joke, or legit? "One Hour Photo", "Insomnia" and "The Final Cut" show that he can be a really creepy guy. Since he shows such desire for being in a Batman movie, then why not? I always thought that Nolan would pick someone in his 30s as the Riddler, but when so many actors paraded in those two movies in smaller or bigger supporting roles (including Rutger Hauer and E.R.), then why not Williams? :)
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 07:45
robin williams is awesome. i'd like him as the riddler.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: The Joker on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 13:21

I've always wondered how Robin Williams would be as the Riddler ever since walking out of the theater after seeing Burton's Batman back in 1989.

Wouldn't be opposed to see this finally realized ...
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: BatmAngelus on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 15:59
To me, Williams always has had a resemblance to how Edward Nigma was drawn in his first appearance by Dick Sprang, Win Mortimer, and Charles Paris:
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Silver Nemesis on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 16:24
I?ve never noticed that before. But yeah, the resemblance is pretty strong.

I suppose most of us have grown accustomed to the Gorshin-look Riddler that appeared from the 60s onwards. But the original Riddler looks strikingly like Williams.

I know he?s a big fan of the comics, so it?d be nice if he could finally have a shot at the character.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Catwoman on Sun, 18 Jul 2010, 20:07
Quote from: BatmAngelus on Sun, 18 Jul  2010, 15:59
To me, Williams always has had a resemblance to how Edward Nigma was drawn in his first appearance by Dick Sprang, Win Mortimer, and Charles Paris:

"i'll take a picture with my flash camera."

i love how in all of those old comics they had to have everything spelled out.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: GBglide on Tue, 20 Jul 2010, 02:47
Quote from: BatmAngelus on Sun, 18 Jul  2010, 15:59
To me, Williams always has had a resemblance to how Edward Nigma was drawn in his first appearance by Dick Sprang, Win Mortimer, and Charles Paris:

I had never seen that before, thanks for the little bit of Bat-history.  :)
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Catwoman on Tue, 20 Jul 2010, 03:16
not trying to start an ethnic war but would christopher nolan hire an american to be a major villain? i know he had aaron eckhart and morgan freeman is american but all the rest of the characters besides rachel dawes are played by people who aren't american but used an american accent.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: gordonblu on Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 19:26
Non-Americans tend to be better actors overall.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Catwoman on Wed, 21 Jul 2010, 22:00
Quote from: gordonblu on Wed, 21 Jul  2010, 19:26
Non-Americans tend to be better actors overall.

um, no. sorry, but no.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: The Dark Knight on Thu, 22 Jul 2010, 02:04
How about just hiring the best person for the job?

You ever thought about that?
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Catwoman on Thu, 22 Jul 2010, 03:36
suits me. i think it'd be robin williams.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: Tarzan1941 on Thu, 22 Jul 2010, 04:17
Quote from: gordonblu on Wed, 21 Jul  2010, 19:26
Non-Americans tend to be better actors overall.

As an American, I can agree with this.  Brits play Americans better than Americans can play Americans.  Americans playing Brits, well, that's just an embarrassment.

Example #1.  Brits playing Americans:  Kate Winslet in Titanic.  Kate Winslet in Little Children.  (Kate Winslet basically in anything.  ;D)  Emily Blunt in Sunshine Cleaning.  Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada.  Rebecca Hall in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.  Kate Beckinsale in The Last Days of Disco.  :)

Example #2.  Americans playing Brits:  Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta.  Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespear in Love.  Resse Whiterspoon in Vanity Fair.  Scarlett Johansson in The Prestige.  >:(

Sorry ladies, I am not buying your lousy acting school accent.  Perhaps you could learn how to think and feel like a tree before attempting to trick us into believing you are British.  And that's coming from an American!

Yes I used women for my examples.  Shall I continue?  Should I use men?  Should I bring in the Canadians?  I think I proved my point.

As far as Nolan goes in casting The Riddler or The Penguin or whomever, I really couldn't care where the actor came from, just as long as he has someone else cast the female lead (whatever that character maybe, I don't know) because I strongly feel his main weakness in his films is his casting choices for the female parts.  Now I have not seen Inception yet, so I cannot judge Ellen Page.  However I can judge Katie Holmes and Scarlett Johansoon.  I am still trying to figure out what in the Hell he was thinking when he made those decisions.  I hope I read a story somewhere later on, where he lets us in and reveals that there was gun pointed at his head and was threatened with death if he didn't cast them.  That's the only logical explanation I can think of.

I will give credit where credit is due:  I like Carrie Ann Moss in Memento and I liked Hilary Swank in Insomina.  At least I think I did, it's been forever since I have seen either movie.  I think Maggie Gyllenhaal was a far better choice for the role Rachael Dawes, but by the time she got to it, the damage had been done and I literally cheered when I saw that character meet her doom!  Good Riddance!

So with better casting and perhaps even better writting, Nolan will finally get that solid female role for a talented actress.
Title: Re: Robin Williams for Riddler.
Post by: johnnygobbs on Thu, 22 Jul 2010, 13:09
Without wanting to demonstrate any prejudices I must say that with precious few exceptions I do prefer it when actors play their own nationality.  American actors playing Brits, and British actors playing Americans tend to use very generic accents that betray their lack of experience and knowledge of different countries.  American actresses doing Brit accents, say Gwenyth Paltrow in Sliding Doors and Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta tend to speak in the same clipped, upper-middle class finishing school accent that nobody in Britain uses today (or probably ever used for that matter), and although my understanding of the contrary situation is much more limited being a Brit I do get the impression that a similar situation applies when Brit actors play Americans (i.e. they all seem to emply the same accents, irrespective of region or dialect etc).  Kate Winslet as great an actress as she is tends to use the same generic, non-specific American accent whether she's in Titanic or Little Children.

Having stated that, I would still prefer to see David Tennant play The Riddler over Robin Williams.  I like Williams and would like to see his movie career undergo a renaissance but I do think he's too old for the role, and that Tennant to give an example has the right demeanor for the part.