The Batcave => Batman Comics => Misc Comics => Topic started by: phantom stranger on Sat, 12 Jun 2010, 18:24

Question: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Option 1: Captain America votes: 2
Option 2: Daredevil votes: 4
Option 3: Iron Man votes: 3
Option 4: Moon Night votes: 0
Option 5: Spider-Man votes: 1
Option 6: Other votes: 3
Title: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: phantom stranger on Sat, 12 Jun 2010, 18:24
I remember back in the 90's when there was the DC Vs. Marvel mini-series. It was partly supposed to address those questions fans had been asking for decades (e.g., Hulk vs. Superman, Aquaman vs. Sub-Mariner, etc.).

Some of the battles were clearly easy to set up, others not so much. For example, Spider-Man vs. Superboy wasn't exactly something anyone was dying to see. Particularly since Superboy's popularity was nothing compared to Spider-Man.

Batman ended up fighting Captain America. It was a reasonable match-up: Both are examples of humans operating at peak performance. Bruce Wayne spent years studying martial arts and other combat techniques. Steve Rogers...took a special serum.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't the ideal match.

So it got me thinking:

Batman...vs. Daredevil: DD is a pretty popular character so it would certainly be a fight people would be interested in. They're both dark characters, prone to swinging from the roof-tops. And, yes, they both have pointy ears.

...vs. Iron Man: Billionaire Playboy Industrialist uses his tremendous resources to fight crime.  'nuff said.

...vs. Spider-Man: Along with Batman and Superman, he's one of the big three, in terms of global recognition. He's a superhero that identifies with a creature and swings throughout the city. He does have super strength, but not so much that it would be an uneven fight.

...vs. Moon Knight: Who?

In all seriousness, this character is often seen as Marvel's Batman. I don't know much about him though.  The wikipedia has a section on the likeness:

In the Amalgam spin-offs, a character by the name of Dark Claw was created as a combination of Batman and Wolverine. However, I never saw Wolverine as a counterpart to Batman.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Gotham Knight on Sat, 12 Jun 2010, 19:59
Really tough one here. If I had to say, it would be a cross between Tony Stark and Spidey. Literally, Tony and Bruce, Spider-man and Batman. I doubt either summation needs much explaining, the collective IQ round these parts is pretty damned high, thankfully, unlike some other places out there.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Catwoman on Sat, 12 Jun 2010, 22:46
never seen iron man but that seems like the perfect match to me.

what i'd like to see is catwoman kick the sh*t out of that black cat or whatever the hell her name is. damn lol.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: phantom stranger on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 00:05
In the mini-series, Catwoman actually fought Elektra. I think Elektra won.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: johnnygobbs on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 00:15
Quote from: Catwoman on Sat, 12 Jun  2010, 22:46
never seen iron man but that seems like the perfect match to me.

what i'd like to see is catwoman kick the sh*t out of that black cat or whatever the hell her name is. damn lol.


Yeah, that would make a great cross-over, and I agree that Selina Kyle would kick Felicia Hardy's spoiled ass.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: phantom stranger on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 00:30
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 01:27
I'd say a cross between Tony Stark and Frank Castle.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: GBglide on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 05:40
I voted other, because there is no direct correlation.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Paul (ral) on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 13:53
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 13 Jun  2010, 01:27
I'd say a cross between Tony Stark and Frank Castle.

I would probably lean more towards The Punisher.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 14:52

Stark has the playboy antics and constructs/ upgrades his own equipment.

Castle is the grim, highly trained vigilante seeking vengeance.

He's just more willing to kill in comparison to Batman.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: The Joker on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 16:26

Night Thrasher
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Gotham Knight on Sun, 13 Jun 2010, 21:02
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 13 Jun  2010, 14:52

Stark has the playboy antics and constructs/ upgrades his own equipment.

Castle is the grim, highly trained vigilante seeking vengeance.

He's just more willing to kill in comparison to Batman.

upon reflection of my original answer, i think i must agree with u both.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: phantom stranger on Mon, 14 Jun 2010, 00:12
I left out the Punisher just because he always seemed more like the polar opposite of Batman, rather than a counterpart.

Castle suffered a similar tragedy but he kills relentlessly, without remorse. Although the last Punisher movie was lacking in many ways, I liked how it brought up the ethical consequences associated with being a one-man killing machine.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: The Dark Knight on Mon, 14 Jun 2010, 01:22
I do think it is a cross between Stark and Castle. That's why I voted other.

I don't see how you can pick one Marvel character and say they are Batman's counterpart. No one character is going to satify the requirements. Retain the aspects similar to Batman and throw the rest out, and that's the closest you can get.

By the way, I hate The Punisher. No charm. No mystery. Nothing endearing. Just a stone faced killer wearing a skull singlet. But I lean closer to him in regards to this question.

Batman faced off against the guy in a comic series, and Batman gave him a thrashing.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Catwoman on Tue, 15 Jun 2010, 03:29
i think the marvel characters and other dc characters everyone else all know that you don't f*** with the batman. ever. lol.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: RaphaelTMNT on Fri, 18 Feb 2011, 04:07
I'd say Captain America; Daredevil would be the counterpart to Dick while Cap would be to Bruce.
Title: Re: Who is Batman's Marvel Counterpart?
Post by: Kingdjack4500 on Fri, 18 Feb 2011, 16:56
i actually say spider-man with the jokes and without the money