I think it's fake.
Hey Guys, is there more to this or just an inside joke? I don't see a picture or a link that will take me to a picture.
Yeah it doesn't seem to show up
The authenticity is dubious to me.
If it's real, it was obviously not from a professional photographer, not just due to the bad quality, but also due to the white background being skewed and that Cage's eyes are half-closed.
The glare off of the suit makes it look like a plastic action figure.
And what is up with the line around his neck?
As for the long hair...I know Superman has the long hair after being resurrected in the comics, but I don't think they were planning on carrying that over in the film. I could be wrong, though.
I also don't think the photo matches up to previous reports of Cage's costume test, but I'd have to dig them up to make sure. I'm pretty sure one described Cage as having the "traditional spit curl" which he certainly does not in the photo.
Thanks for the link. It wouldn't open in Firefox, but opened in Internet Explorer.
My five thoughts:
(1) He looks like he is on drugs.
(2) With his hair like that, he reminds me of a member of the KISS Army sans make -up.
(3) Speaking of KISS, he looks a lot like Nick Simmons, Gene's kid in this pic.
(4) The line around his neck looks like a cut line from an autopsy. However if this was a Michael Bay film, I am sure the line would be a necklace that Superman wears because instead of the crystals and the Fortress of Solitude, he could just rub his necklace and Jor-El would appear.
(5) The costume is God-Awful. Let's all thank everyone that this movie was never, ever, ever made if this is indeed a real photo. He looks like he was poured into the suit and I don't mean that in the silly, romantic kind of way either.
What tells me its a fake is
the blue blur around the neck
the single light source - don't photographers use several "defused" lamps
Cage's neck - too long
Cage's hairline
It's a run through at best. Or just a fake. I can't imagine Burton putting something like this out on his worst day.
If it's meant to be something for the make up or costume departments, a professional photographer wouldn't be involved. This is supposedly a costume test, not a publicity shot.
That doesn't make it legit, I'm just trying to bring some balance into this.
Good point.
Uh, ral, I think that's just a photo someone took AT the photo shoot for the test.
I'm still not convinced - i think it is a ploy to get the "real" photos released.
I remember seeing this "supposed" leaked photo of Cage as Supes on a website awhile back, and while the photo is hilarious, it also looks quite fake as well.
I think it's real. It's pretty much everything it was described as in the book Superman vs. Hollywood. I do remember it being described as "looking like a toy" and what does it look like?! ;D
The stuff nightmares are made of?
Oh Joker, LOL LOL, you crack me up, well...I guess that's your job.
(before you gas me!) ;D
The picture looks fake to me.
If you go here:
You will find Tim Burton's sketch of Superman. It's a Japanese site and I can't understand anything on there, but if you click around enough, you will find some fantastic stuff.
Supermanhomepage.com has been posting that guy's scoops for some time now. He's considered to be a reliable source of info for the Burton film.
Because of that site's reputation, I think it's real. However, I think it's important to remember a few things:
It was obviously not a promo pic. Just a pic some one took when Cage was doing a costume fitting or something like that.
The costume looks fake because it is fake. It's a shiny blue muscle suit, just like Keaton wore a dark muscle suit. For what it's worth, Routh had a padded suit as well.
Too bad it wasn't the actual screen test that leaked--then we'd know for sure.
Yeah, they do have a bunch of stuff of his. They have a YouTube channel that has most of his early film works.
Real or fake they look pretty cool.
um none of those links work, none of them do. so i dont know what you guys are even looking at.
Quote from: Redskull on Mon, 12 Oct 2009, 17:07
um none of those links work, none of them do. so i dont know what you guys are even looking at.
You know,
While I find the Cage casting dubious at best, the rest of the art department considerations, even the costume (which is a leap up from Routh's IMO), looks pretty interesting.
It's a shame Jon Peters screwed the whole damn thing up, there may have been an interesting (if not faithful) film adaptation in there somewhere.
I love the Burton-drawn concepts for Brainiac; very 50's sci-fi with the usual Burton flair. Not sure how rabid Superman fans would feel though.
As an actually articulate youtube poster in the comments pointed out, Brainiac's face looks a little like Davros from Dr. Who. Yet another reason for me to like it I guess.
If you look at page 227 of the book Superman vs. Hollywood, there is a passage that details that Cage took snap shots of himself in the prototype Superman suit so he could show it to his son. That's one of the snap shots, so it's real.
If that was a prototype, then more than likely the finished version would have looked 10 times better.
Mmm-hmm. That's the case. I also recall hearing that the prototype resembled a plastic figure and what does it look like? ;)
The prototype is kind of like a foreign bootleg of a Kenner action figure.
the final costume might have been somewhat like this...
Judging by the concept art, the alien side would have been really emphasied. I actually would have liked people to have referred to him only as Kal-El during the movie. I think the film would have had him odd in a way that a legitmiate visitor would be. I guess Superman started out in the 'traditional' suit with his long hair and drug hazed look - which he sees no problem with, and then evolved after his death. The new suit literally grows onto his dead body like a symbiote, rejuvinating him in the frozen wasteland that is the Fortress of Solitude. Hence his white skin. As life breathes back into his body, the symbiote strengthens into it's true form and colour, and Kal-El puts the cape on afterwards. Zombies and all that jazz is pure Burton material.
The only problem I have with that synopsis is that it sounds like a Bizarro/Venom hybrid. I also do not like Superman with long hair, it just doesn't seem right. The comics play up the boy scout angle (almost too much, admittedly),and turning him into a long-haired drug-hazed hippie would be really against type. Cage stated he wanted it to be a more classic Supes, and I think the only reason he had long hair in the pic is because he was doing Con Air at that time.
Cage had his hair long because it was his natural style at the time. They were just testing the costume, not the final look, which would come in later.
Some 'interesting' pics have surfaced.
Hmmmm. Very interesting. I like the more stylized S shield design, but I fear in total it would have been TOO far from the basic superman look.
Not a real trailer, but nicely done:
That photo of Cage in the suit has been confirmed as a fake by Steve Johnston. The only suit ever created was the "light up" one.
I knew it!
Sources, please? I've already stated my sources as to why I believe those first pics are real.
It was on his facebook page.
Looking... can't find it.
Maybe it was the only one HE worked on and didn't know about the previous attempts. Remember, Superman was going have a traditional suit at the beginning and he got the "electro man" suit when he came back.
look at the first reply on the second status update down
Quotestevejohnsonfx - Also wanted to mention that the Japan video that's been floating around for years is a total fake, this was the only suit ever created for the film.
Exactly right. It was the only suit created the film that was going to be used ON SCREEN. That first suit was a simply a prototype suit, to test and see what the material would look like. Having the Superman suit in molded plastic, like Batman, wasn't the way to go, so another angle must have been taken. It's like looking at Chris Reeve's Superman suit that he wore in his screen tests and saying that was going to be the actual screen used suit.
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Wed, 10 Nov 2010, 09:04
That photo of Cage in the suit has been confirmed as a fake by Steve Johnston. The only suit ever created was the "light up" one.
I knew it!
Just incase anyone cares these are the real photos of cage as the man of steel
Good to know you were right about something 8 years ago!