A new rumour seems to suggest that DC/WB will be going a Suicide Squad route in their upcoming DC film slate. This could very well be the case especially alluding to the after credit sequence in Justice League.
SPOILER ALERT - At the end of credits, we see Joe Manganiello' Deathstroke transported to a private yacht in a harbor where he comes face to face with Lex Luthor, who believes that they too must form a "league" of their own.
According the one of the latest rumours from El Fanboy "Legion of Doom is happening. Not an LOD movie, but building towards the team. Watch Manganiello. He has pretty much been blatant.” If this rumour proves true, then it appears the groundwork has already been laid for the formulation of the Legion of Doom. With the extensive Rogues gallery available from DC Comics, the possibilities are wide in relation to who will be a part of the team that will go up against the Justice League.
Sources contacted by El Fanboy "They’re working on something cool for SDCC [San Diego Comic Con] 18, related to LOD. They want to continue planting seeds and building momentum for the team. Things will be generally quiet on the DC front until Aquaman hype begins, but I can tell you that there will be another LOD tag at end of that." If this also proves true, fans should be in for a special surprise from DC, as to the future films, along with the expected marketing push for Aquaman, set to be released on December 21st of next year.
The possibility of the LOD also provides the possibility of new members joining the Justice League, as they face this new threat. We saw glimpses of the Green Lantern Corps (at least one member), from Justice League, with the potential of others joining the team in the Hall of Justice.
by Slash Man
by Silver Nemesis
by The Dark Knight
by Slash Man
by Slash Man
by The Joker
by Slash Man
by Gotham Knight
by Silver Nemesis
by The Joker